Britfag here
A obviously has priority here, but who goes second, B or C?
Context: I was A and C decided to just fucking pull out infront of me, but should he have also been waiting for B?
T Junction
C should yield to B and A
ok so he was being a double cunt, nice
Probably an immigrant
B has priority
C's road comes to a stop sign i would assume.
B is on the larger road that doesn't have a stop sign.
i hate it when im C and B wants to give way to me, like just go..
>I was A and C decided to just fucking pull out infront of me
You should have been well within your rights to T-bone his driver's side door, then strangle him to death while pinned in the wreckage.
Burn your license and never drive again
I was about to say because you must give way to the car on your right but then I realized that this is a britfag thread.
Nvm go on then mate
both at same time. but watch out
C is joining the road so must give way to A and B. B should let A go, leave the road, which leaves it free for C to join.
B goes second because it C stops moving to give way to A
Left goes before right. Straight traffic goes before turning traffic.
Here, you have B wanting to turn. But you have A being straight traffic. So B has to wait for A, obviously. But C comes from the left, meaning A has to wait for C first. Of course, C SHOULD wait for B, right? But as soon as C sees that B is standing still and waiting, he can drive.
Hello fellow Floridian
Do the UK have a mirrored version of "right before left"? If so, then it's a simple game of looking to your left. By that rule B goes first, then C, then A. It doesn't matter if A wants to go straight, there's someone to their left, so they have to yield. If the horizontal road were a main road it would be A, then B, then C, but apparently it's not, so it's B, then C, then A.
Hello fellow Floridian
>but apparently it's not
it's unbroken with no change to the central lines, it is a main road. A B C is the order.
Lines alone aren't enough as far as I'm aware. You also need signage.
there would be in reality, this is a very rushed picture.
A is on an unchanging lane in the correct direction, B wishes to cross an oncoming lane to continue its journey, C is at a yield line and must wait for both to move. there are no t junctions in the UK that don't have signs either upright or painted on the road.
But C is turning and also joining a major road so unless there's a right of way sign C should yield for A.
So A goes first, then B, then C.
So it's A B C. Please provide all necessary information in the picture in the future.
i didn't draw the picture, but being a bong & op saying it's bongland i already knew it'd have signs etc.
sry m8
........ In America you're still wrong. You give way to the person on your right at a 4 way stop. At a t junction there will be a stop sign for C. Burn your licence.
>not using filter in turn
If there’s no stop signs on the straight road, then A is able to go straight, then B is turning off of a main road and lastly C can turn off of the side street.
I feel like this is a start of a high quality meme
hahahaahaha geeeet fuckedddd
Why are retardmerican's so fucking stupid???
It's pretty clear from the picture that it's a road adjoining on the left, which would in any country have a give way or stop sign.
that is entirely wrong. C gives way to A and B, and B gives way to A. A has the right of way to both B and C
>T-bone his driver's side door
How exactly would he go about that?
because you're fucking retarded. they're driving on the left. the driver is on the right hand side of the C car. A is coming from the right.
use you're fucking brain.
Uh no your the fucking retard? The driver door is on the fucking left did tou fail school you retard faggot???
>Britfag here