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/poeg/ - Path of Exile general
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First for (you)'s are a right, not a privilige.
There is a "cloak" slot now? Nice
Always good to see a beta having new content and new item slots
st for cuck janitor deleting posts
How do i get a stable income of red maps? I keep getting thrown back into yellow even if i run only suicide-tier reds. Am i supposed to be buying them?
havoc is a washed up shitter now
havoc pushing perandus ladder was the best poe stream experience you could get after kripp days
prove me wrong
Is this thread free?
Freeshitter, can you also reply to every ebin "no reply" post and ask them who are they quoting?
I am the "no reply"
>yfw we are closer to 2030 than to 2004
desu this no reply meme feels like reddit
I wouldn't know
never been
Does the no reply meme really confuse people? If you have 2 brain cells to rub together it's pretty obvious. Is this why they don't like it? Are they unironically retarded?
No, it's just reddit tier memeing.
I've been thinking lately: you can't truly find yourself if you are never lost
>reddit tier memeing
It's the plebbitors that get mad from the lack of an upboat system.
Veeky Forums would benefit from a upvote system honestly
fuck off
fuck off
fuck off
More boards could benefit from an ID thing like /soc/ so I know what shitters to avoid. But I honestly don't care about it at all.
Can someone link me a good shadow build? I have never played before and don't really know how I should skill.
POEG is so dead. I'm heading to reddit.
Look for budget/league starter builds.
Can someone link me a good scion build? I have played for 4k hours and don't really know how I should skill.
Can someone link me a good Templar build? I have played for 234 hours and don't really know how I should skill.
just wait for 3.0 if you really want to play that bitch
New trading system by March 2014? What's that about? Only ethical replies
why can't i hold all these You's
Can someone tell me a good traditional summoner build for template. I have played 0.1 hours and don't really know anything.
i can't believe 2014 was 3 years ago, this is literally surreal
imagine never playing any build that someone hasn't already made for you
as an experienced MOBA player, is there any skill that will allow me to be successful in PoE?
imagine being unable to grasp who people are replying to without seeing direct quotes on their posts, pretty fucking pathetic huh?
What if they scrambled the tree in every new league and hid all the descriptions, so everything is in a new place and you don't know where.
You'd then have to discover where everything is based on just testing it. The community would work together to "research" the tree and publish their finding and people would be able to make better and better builds over time.
imagine all the people
living in peace
wohoo wooohoooo
What if poe was real?
it would be over in a few days desu
Also you can charge $5 for a random node being revealed automatically on each league.
reply to this post or 3.0 will die in your sleep
Trading system in 2014?
Based Freeposter!
Also can mods delete my depression?
What if every zone contained 20 invasion bosses, 20 rogue exiles, 10 breaches and had beyond
and BLAMT active
What if Breaches spawned Rogue Exiles instead of normal mobs instead.
but I don't want to make a new account...
Why does CW want everyone to make new accounts?
they want you to buy stash tabs on the second account aswell
fuck off retard.
no YOU fuck off
people who would buy tabs on new account have bought beta already
can anyone please explain how this game holds up against diablo 3's necromancer? thanks
>waiting for 3.0
you go?
my face when freeposter does it for free
Talk about poe.
ah I've actually had my posts when talking about poe deleted and was even put on a temporary block list.
don't feel comfortable doing that right now
We have no replies in /eog/ and it super makes people mad. Loving it.
Any janitors here to pathetically attempt to weed out people's behavior they have a personal problem with? Hello?
Is it safe to talk about PoE and GGG or will I get a ban again?
I'd play it safe and just post depressed anime girls
what genre is this?
Asuka a shit
dumb anime retard cuck faggots
I tried to watch anime once. I could barely keep up, there was not a single pause between any of the dialogue and the editing was way too fast
>Janitor goes rogue
>Starts doing it for hot pockets
>Thread goes up in flames
I love this general, and each and every one of you
except catshitter, fuck that gay ass faggot
people who watch anime are fags who crave dick and probably play nothing but scion
it is known
*respectfully disagrees with your opinion*
from my point of view, catposter is a valuable member of this general
I didnt even know catposter existed
There's plenty of slow titles mushishi, ergo proxy, texhnolyze