League of Legends General - /lolg/


OLD THREAD: Alpha emperor edition

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=Kayle master yi top

NuUrgot is going to be ________


comfy bfs~

More banned than Kayne if his numbers are functional, and played as a jungler.



Nth for Swain did nothing wrong.

I'm gonna make sjokz heavy with child and we're gonna go to a club because even though she's the size of a house she can still throw it back


me on the phone

Jinx is cuddly and cute


Gonna make a new account to learn mid, want to mainly play syndra. What name should I choose?

have they reworked fiora's face yet

that sounds cute

As I lift more at the gym I get worse at league, anyone else know this feel? Help please

Should I start playing gym based champions?

>I'm gonna
>I'm gonna do x with my waifu
>I'm gonna fuck x
>I'm gonna impregnate someone
>I'm gonna fuck someone
Why are basement keks so cringingly pathetic? I wanna go back to highschool and double bully the shit out of them

>Crabgot with the blue burners is now actually his best skin

Playing with my balls


>karma/garen vs singed/taric botlane
yooooo i forgot that there was a time without ''''''''''eurolane''''''''''

>is now actually
Crabgot was always his best skin you pleb

xth for breast metal waifu


here, maybe this isn't a bad thing after all.

>bot feeds
>mid feeds
>top feeds
>support feeds
>cant jungle and now im feeding
>6 matches of this shit

How is Rengar these days?




tfw only pandas


what a qt

why doesnt it have a hand

how does it throw you back

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

Wft is this?

a lot of loyalty for a knee gun


Pretty much these, but a part of me wanted the butcher skin to look better mostly because i love the 2 original chainsaw massacre movies

>expecting normalfags to be able to access this

>tfw no idea that this skin even existed

Its finally here. Urgot is finally here.

xth for Urgot

There are a few people between the Urgot club, here, and lereddit who don't like nUrgot. I cant tell people how to feel, but did they really expect riot to keep his Blitz-pull ranged point and click ult? Did they think that they would let him keep 15% damage reduction, plus the DR from his ult? They can't buff/keep that shit. Thats partially why he got gutted the first time.

is it a good hentai


>Nasus is some uguu kawaii anime girl instead of a female dog

>they still cant get past the panda in 2017
>despite it taking less than 10 minutes
don't even have time for this retardation

best day of my life

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

don't you mean with???

do you like league of legends?

Cute monsters!

Can I get a quick rundown on this meme?


Lulu is for Veigar!

Yea dude, I've just started watching pre-rework champ gameplay videos now.
The nostalgia.


>fiora mains

I thought this game was rated Teen.

Lulu is for prolonged abuse

How do I use the filter?
do I type "lulu" and that's it? t. newfag

Coolest guy!
wow i can't wait for a flood of nu-rgots and him being pick or ban for months until riot guts him into the trash can!

youtube.com/results?search_query=Kayle master yi top

Well guys, i'm gonna sit here and wait until almost naked Eve comes out

Here's a tip and a spear behind it there's a very small difference between exhentai and e-hentai

does femgar mean female rengar or female veigar?

sadly those are all fake

Y'all never gonna guess this one.


it's ok

female (male) veigar/rengar

nips aren't human lol
japan challenger is Korean gold lel
dont think highly of yourself

femgar is female rengar
veigarette is female veigar


Don't take you abuse out on Lulu just because EU is getting destroyed.

>Evelynn with tentacles

we /d/ now?

>I HATE those guys



time to make an account i guess

im NA silver sir

dude he's hardstuck 600 games silver he just changed the language on his client

t. NA bronze/silver burger non-human

How old is the average lolbab again?

To all those still doubting my Xin Zhao top w/ red smite meme here's a tip: AND A SPEAR BEHIND IT

Even your runes and masteries are bad. They're not "your playstyle", they're literally not as efficient as a proper setup.


>pick up Gnar
>feed my ass off every game

This champ is so much fun though

luluthreads deleted never forget


Name an ultimate that is more brutal than this

You can't

My bad, I accidentally clicked it. It's still in my download folder for some reason.

Anyone got source for this? Reverse search and tineye etc don't find shit

>Play league of legends.
>Pick anything that isn't an ADC.
>Don't get to play league of legends because a permanently shielded 2 shotting drain tank moving past the sound barrier with decent self peel is playing league of legends instead.

I'm starting to think I should try other games.

maybe for you, but the masteries are fine for me

the one where your mom passes by your room and gives you a look that is as condescending as worrying


does panteom gives u trouble? how does that match up go down?

im banning him every game
i dont want to risk my waifu being eviscerated by that monster

Swain is such bullshit

who do i pick to beat him in lane

bard ult

you pick executioners calling

you pick executioners calling

>that top team comp
Those shitters deserve to lose and pay for it with their bodies

classic forums poster
