Guild Wars 2 - /gw2g/

>What is Guild Wars 2?
Guild Wars 2 is an active free-to-play MMORPG from ArenaNet, the sequel to Guild Wars 1, with events taking place 250 years after its timeline.

This thread may have botspam, use "gw2" as your name so we can pick your posts apart, or join a guild!

Last updated: 6/28/2017

Other urls found in this thread:

first for humanity

is it safe now?


Won't the bot just come over here when the other one dies?

It took 10 mins or so to kick in last time.

Someone has to manually do it?

It's happening lads

I don't know, maybe it's scanning the archive sites and they don't show up instantly there.

well everyone here hang out if you can. maybe if we report it as it starts the mods can get a jump on it

I feel so lonely in this game. Nobody ever talks

I just hit 38 and it's so boring. What am I doing wrong?

the commander requires 30 crystals to work.

so does anyone know who/why the bot exists?

it's being tested by CNN and other (((corporations))) to bring chaos upon Veeky Forums, they are currently testing it on dead generals here on Veeky Forums, they are tweaking it right now, this is only the beginning




The Genesis has 32x and CD FTW. The SNES is the first nintendcuck machine where they just kept coming out with Mario sequels.

I would have loved forever backwards compatibility, but then how would they ever re-sell us select games for the second to fifth time.


What did he mean by this?


looks like something from the bottom of the ocean fused with a mushroom

Just play Catalysm: Dark Days Ahead

The spiral of pain begins again

Holy fuck it's doing it in two threads at once

What about me? I'm somewhere between esports blowhard and shitter.

dont you dare start stealing posts from rlg

I can and do, honestly think they're on average better now than ever.

Beyond Oasis is one of my favorite games of the whole 16 bit era


>The Death of Emulation
Are you retarded? Nintendo sent C&D only because they were releasing that SNES mini shit.
Just grab it of sites that don't give a shit about them.

Oh wise and powerful robot, what hath mere gw2g done to enrage thee?

So you get obsessed? calling it Tetris effect is a bit stupid it should just be called for what it is an obsession.

I don't know user, every single roguelike ever invented?

wild has netdeckers too

You're replying to a bot retard

go the fuck back to Veeky Forums with your gambler simulator

but that's F. Nen


There's a summary of what's been happening on the discord, but I'll also post some of the key points from it here.

This has been ongoing for a few months, the original /gw2g/ers reported it and directly addressed mods. The site just can't deal with ban evasion, there are other generals and boards with regular spammers, some of which includes their own variants of "repost" spam. Conclusively, reporting it wouldn't do much when the bot gets a new IP every 2-3 posts, but using a name is a decent system for now, otherwise I'd redirect people to the guilds and their discords, where most of the original gw2gers and newer members have been going. I've seen thousands of IPs get deleted, and the fact you can pay companies to solve captchas for you from remote locations in this age hints at there being a ton more that could be used, aside from public caches. Sorry, but I'd just take it easy and just carry on about the game.

It took 10 mins or so to kick in last time.

Why? It just released

If you don't want trash in your recommended views, turn that ad tracking shit off on your gmail account.

I was a megadrive kid so naturally I thought it looked like shit.

its an FFXIV bot that targets popular MMOs to try to shut down their generals and make people go play XIV

The issue isn't GPU fidelity but rather CPU threading.
FO4 doesn't utilize your CPU worth a shit so those mods will always run poorly.


Anyone know how big the Saiyan Zenkai boost is?

Does it work like -20% health, +20% basic punch damage
Or does it work like @ 20% health you get a static buff, like +115% damage?

>works fine

Thank you for replying and for telling me about this glitch
I'll fix it right away!

the only thing it may be somewhat stronger is shmups. the rest nope

2Ead you're not 9s

I want to fuck a tit pussy.

What glitch?

Christmas in July!

0/9 I'm lvl 101
Naxxramas i was a 13 year old scrub and uld

That's 美乳, also pronounced binyuu, not 微乳. Fucking japs.

Try 貧乳, that's the hinyuu I was thinking of, it's also an adjective and therefore the actual antonym of kyonyuu. 微乳 is more of a noun I guess.

>Terra "press x, go and make lunch, then come back in time to do the next part of the combo"

It can affect multiple threads, and uses a search query to pick up on any gw2 related threads, the spammer probably manually searches for those before adding them to the search. We've had some vaguely related threads like "charr general" stay up for a while before targeted. Then afterwards, it gets targeted much faster. Just my guess, but it's happened often.

Your pinky getting chopped off

how do you guys feel about unusual taunts? crafted this one yesterday w/ unusualifier, not the effect i wanted but happy anyway since i was just celebrating a getting a new job.

also pls r8/h8

Yeah I love MM&B's art style

actually I did it, 100%'d the game and got all 48 parts:

VB Wario Land, Wario Land 3 and 4 are my favorites

Why was Shake It so barren and boring?


>greatest evil is sealed away instead of destroyed

How anime can you get?

Implementing VR would be a right move

Stop being dead

AGDQ this year

So, like Kingdom Come: Deliverance then?

Not after what she did to A2.

Whichever you personally prefer. There's no wrong answer with collecting. Get the SNES, SNES Jr, Super Famicon or whichever.


that's crazy, the mods really can't do anything about this? maybe someday this guy gets bored and decides to turn the bot on some huge general

Is this a tamer or a DK?

It's certainly a stretch to say it's a good game.


Look at that trinitron, too bad about the owner though

I looked up Binyuu and got a vndb result for this I wanted small breasts, user.

I like it. Maybe I can do that someday when I get more space.

>this johanna


There's a mod on the inside that's on our side.

7:30 pm gook time tomorrow

and those people are idiots

What is the current level cap in GW2?


Cute Honk

For what purpose

This is the ideal Castlevania. You may not like it, but this is what peak game design looks like.

>he didn't have his cheat sheet with him

Another shitty korean mmo which I dedicated hours to. Was p cool. Had my own 4ch guild for awhile until I disbanded it out of the blue

>It's a "I played Oblivion, then Skyrim, then read about Morrowind on UESP" opinion

>Tfw getting this combo cost 36,750 gold

No. Go play dark souls.

this is a better s4s than s4s

this is nice thread

Gravity Rush 2 has good graphics. Uncharted 4 tries to be realistic, therefore is imperfect and ugly.

What's this from? Love it, reminds me of Grim Fandango rendering.


I believe top speed is somewhere around 3000kph if you second/third stage Virtue Quickboost while using vanguard OB on a sobrero frame.

Someone should test this.



You will love it. It is my Favorite Final Fantasy and one of my favorite games of all time.