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>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Azura a shit.
Tharja is my wife
Who is that girl with Genny?
What is this picture attempting to convey?
Breed Tiki!
This is my girlfriend
Me on the left
Here come the Redooters...
Reposting from last thread:
878 KB
Can anybody explain to me some of the blatant contradictions between Shadow Dragon and New Mystery's ingame maps/locations? It's for something important.
For example, I believe that Shadow Dragon says that passing through Lefcandith Valley into Port Warren is officially stepping foot into Archanean territory, which aligns with Kaga's notes that say both are a part of Archanea, but this doesn't match with New Mystery. It also seems odd that they wouldn't consider Marth to have entered Archanea previously when he went to Samsooth (which Kaga also said was Archanean territory while Shadow Dragon says it was long ruled by bandits and New Mystery lists as part of Aurelis for some reason, even though it's stated that they have to pass through the mountains to enter Aurelis territory.)
Basically, it's contradiction on top of contradiction and I was wondering if someone more knowledgeable on Archanea might be able say why or help determine which is the most accurate. The Wiki also states that there are only the five named marches in the entire kingdom, which seems inaccurate given the vast amount of land in the southeast and west that goes nameless, unless it's stated elsewhere that it really is just those five and nothing else.
Don't meme with me, /feg/. Is Sigurd really on the next banner?
dragon nursing handjobs
Why do you always spam this for Delthea and never Mae or Mathilda? Show some consistency at least.
>878 KB
lol whoops
He is. It was datamined from the 1.5.1 update.
Kill yourself awakeningbaby.
Obviously no way of knowing since summer sluts are here for a month and we havn't been able to peek at banners early for a while
Cuan was also datamined
Because basically no-one posts Mae or Mathilda. Redoot is posted every thread.
No. The next banner is Lana, Larcei, Patty and Tinny.
>Wanting more Jugdral.
No thanks.
It was a -Atk/+Def Takumi
Delthea is the most popular one and has dootfags cutepost occasionally, so they trigger the resident shitposters (mainly the spic and his bf)
This. Only shit waifus need to be constantly posted so the waifufags feel justified liking shit.
All 3 get posted a lot.
Are you blind?
good job user.
make the strongest Sophia!
Should I count Tobin out?
Klein's wife when
I'm not seeing the contradiction in the maps
Here you go, they just released the trailer. I'll try to find the datamine thread in the meantime:
He's a slightly better Selena. You do you.
Clarine is already in the game.
I hope Allen's wife, who you posted, gets in soon though.
Patty is useless!
Tempest trials is just draining as hell. Its not fun, the rewards are shit for the effort and it feels like you cant do anything else but tempest for the two weeks that its around.
It must be confirmation bias or whatever it's called if you don't see how much more Redoot is posted. You might get a slew of Mae posts every few threads and you'll (rarely) get Matilda posting, but Delthea is posted multiple times every thread, someome also avatarfags with some pictures of Redoot in various state of emotion.
You must be confused. This is Allen's wife.
Look at the spots in the top map, which match the locations on the bottom- all four of those are listed as being a part of the Kingdom of Archanea, while in New Mystery not a single one of them correlates with the map that shows the borders of Archanea.
Stop playing on lunatic
Or stop playing Heroes
There's nothing else to do to be fair, and you get alot of orbs for doing them. I am only casually doing them and already at 8k points today. Damn it is draining doing same shit over and over though.
>benching your christmas knights ever
So +spd/-def Eldigan still works fine with QR as his B skill right? Was thinking about giving him Renewal or a Breaker otherwise.
>starting cav in a game where paladins are amazing is bench material
Shanna is already in the game. She is Desperation fodder.
Tate isn't that bad, c'mon.
Spotted the FE shitter
Why does Caeda even exist?
My only regrets are ignoring Katarina's banner so no owl tome and so far I have nothing to show for Frederick's banner despite the orbs I've saved up.
Was thinking of giving Seal Atk/Spd to somebod because hotdamn that's good.
Show me you know what Tempest is really to be used for, /feg/. Save now, save in two weeks. Compare your HM. Let me see the units you use!
Heroes Shanna looks way too much like her sister. She's supposed to be Est but blue.
Sure, with fury it's still 37 defense (43 with cav buff). He's still going to be tanky.
You'll get the owl time eventually, just wait, Kat is 4*
Don't give her seal, she wants QR2 or vantage if you can't afford it
>Est but blue
Come now, Thanny has much better hair and hair-style, not to mention her version of hairband is rather unique to her.
Every single one of my red christmas cavs turns out like trash. I don't know how it happens.
someone please tell me the secret to getting memu to work
>Kat is 4*
Oh you poor young child.
Kat isn't 4*
>Kat is 4*
You are incorrect my friend
I ran QR on my Eldie even before I merged into a not -def one. He's tanky enough so it works. QR and Renewal are both solid picks, too.
How's it going /feg/? I think it's safe to post now that the "sweetie" faggot is gone.
What's your favorite FE class?
>Kat is 4*
I'm sorry user
Anything that rides a dragon and can use lances.
Mage/Flier especially Kinshi Knight
>he thinks a unit is bad just because it can't ORKO 75% of the metagame
I hate this meme
*Swordbreaker, sorry.
[B]egasus Knight
The sweetie class. (^:
Why I feel that this tempest got a bit rushed, I mean, Tobin don't feel like a proper reward and the the rest of them are just orbs, sure better than crap like crystals, but feels a bit like padding the month.
Feels like it going have a massive orb drought.
Strictly speaking, which units in Heroes are so irredeemably bad that you can't even have a niche build for them?
What are her IVs?
Sully, Odin, and Gordin I guess? And even then they are very much usable.
Saizo and Jakob
>2 daily orbs
>tempest trials orbs
>alm & celica orbs
>new game modes orbs
>10 orbs on 07/13 to compensate for a bug
Can you blame them if they stop handing out orbs like this?
Realistically, I'd say Tobin right now. I don't even know what to do with him.
Henry, Odin, Sophia, Caeda
Not many of them. Odin and Henry can work if you really want to use them.
Fir has always been bad and gets completely invalidated by Lloyd but she can still function as a Res tank and Glacies bomb even if a free unit could do it better.
There are some that are just completely outclassed, like Alfonse by Chrom
But most units can have a nice niche
Maybe some of the shitter bow and dagger users like Rebecca and whoever.
And units with very poorly distributed stats. Henry would be nice, but none of his stats are notable, if he were defense heavy, he'd be better.
But overall, I'd say there's not a single bad unit with SI.
Um try again sweetie
How can the sheep be so much cuter than every other character?
Gordin used to be on my main team and is now on my B team. Got a few arena defenses with him too. He didn't have a special skill inherited yet. Dunno how that works.
+Atk, but -Spd
might want to wait for a better Cecilia
Myrmidon or Dark Mage
There was an user running an explosive Saizo build that basically made everything take damage along with another who did super-tanky one with CC, so nah you can make gimmicky Saizo builds.
>alfonse is completely outclassed by chrom, a character that is outclassed by almost every other sword
makes u think
We need more excuses for daily orbs, more bugs to get fixed, more trial maps and bond battles.
The typical TA/Raven tome Sophia and Henry check colorless units almost entirely. Taking little to no damage with neutral IVs from current meta brave bow builds even with specials.
Umm... honey
Henry is pretty defensive man. 32/35 defense + TA will let you block off all physical greens and archers, Fury and +res lets you block off green mages.