League of Legends general - /lolg/

unreleased champions edition

old: eyosongive.us

Other urls found in this thread:


Most alpha champ.

Wasted and depressed edition

Second for female yordles

>Been gone since Warwick rework
>Coming back for SHOTGUN KNEES
I love urgot, but I love the look of newgot

Draw Ivern and Zyra's with their lovechild, Gavid.

spiky groot

comfy bfs~

I want to aggressively impregnate this bird.


>Hiding in a bush as a fed Talon
>Enemy Fiora walks just a little bit too close

new girl yordle when?????????????????

Hopefully never as anyone who likes female yordles have been insufferable.

Can she be brown pls?

anyone bought a fresh lvl 30 account before and if so from where?

Just have Gavid instead

his new ult seems kinda bad,
it looks like it does literally no damage, and the fear can't really be that great,

idk user, i really wish they kept the whole undead zombie theme with him still, he just looks like some obese fat guy with some mechanical legs, other than that he's basically 10/10 with his looks.

He rocks!
Best guy!

idk what colour as long as its a yordle girl

preferable a jungling fighter/assassin girl who is too cute, so nobody takes her seriously much to her dismay even though she's trying to be edgy maybe a bit too much like veigar

Would be a nice change of pace from the blue/purple yordles we have now.

What if Sona was brown?

i see youre taking some liberties at drawing cancelled champs

if you could take a look at ceecee braum for me...

Would be cool desu

she would be a worse waifu

It kills anyone below 25% of health.
Thats it. It just kills them.

Could THE MEAT GRINDER kill Trynd through undying rage?

>sona standing and not hovering

its hatsune miku

No. Riot said it can go through shields apparently.

Debatable. Some say it wouldn't because it "respects the normal rules of the game" but others say it does "Pure Damage" which is the same damage the fountain does, and he can't ignore fountain damage.
In other words I am waiting for pbe

Someday, user. Someday...

That would actually be nice.

name one thing that can other than the fountain?

seriously that the stupidest question
>hey can kayns ult kill someone whos invincible?
>hey can garens execute kill someone in tarics ult?

why would you think that it works that way when NOTHING else in the game does?


It would be nice, especially if riot implemented like axes dunk in dota works. can't respawn either if you are zac or aatrox. but riot will never allow a hard counter like that

Because it does not deal damage but instead instantly kills them.

>Hatsune Miku with big tits
Why would you do something like that

what is the appeal that furries have? I swear I see the dumb costumes and it doesn't remotely look attractive. And larping as a 2d drawing online is as gay as the people who larp as champions in this thread. Is it all erp?

league of legends

>what is the appeal that furries have?
None, but to them its a variety of things from "I want to fuck an animal" to character designs

>I swear I see the dumb costumes and it doesn't remotely look attractive.
Not to many it doesn't

And larping as a 2d drawing online is as gay as the people who larp as champions in this thread. Is it all erp?

If you're complaining about Kledfag get in line


well some furrys like the suits
some furrys like things like lamb
other furrys like things like ahri
and a lot of furys like things like nasus

what is it about black guys that gets you off? cant really question other peoples fetishes when a lot of people cant understand yours

retard detected

It's the absolute lowest point that you can sink to after being subjected to bullying. Your escapism transcends just consuming anime and video games and you have to pretend you're an anthropomorphic animal and use emoticons and emotes just to feel alive.


I chose the image because lucian is giving a stinkeye, really looking like he has disdain for you

thats right fox tails and ears are something all women have not animals
I messed up there

Why does this guy's torso look so strange? Like it's really elongated.

>make a tp play that gets enemy jungler supp and adc killed
>take dragon and tower
>"lol keep roaming swain nasus only gonna get bigger ;)"
>we win while nasus sits top

el oh fucking el

>mute whole team at start of game
>they all feed their lanes anyways even without me calling them bad

ahri is bipedal, furless and has nearly all human features you stupid idiot

she is not an anthropomorphic animal

>people thinking Nasus is going to become some late game monster
Always gets me.

Tally, skinny and wearing a baggy shirt.

I've tried her as a top laner before when I got autofilled and Shyvana got banned. You can literally win the game by simply not dying, but she'd be better off in mid laner if she's going to solo lane, just make sure to bring Exhaust with her or Barrier to avoid being bursted.

In Mid your favored matches post-3 are Zed, Fizz, Talon, and to a certain extent Katarina, and LeBlanc. Ekko can shit on you because his Blink will still have the damage go through if you try to rapple in time to cancel it, and Kass will be a bitch. Outside of that, her rapple cancels Fizz and Zed's ults from 100-0ing you for being dumb enough to bring Elise mid, and you can just dodge Kat's ult by Rappling and waiting it out or going to a unit outside of her ult. LeBlanc you just have to dodge her tether and you're golden.

As for support, she does fine if you abuse your Rapples bonus damage and secure kills. Your spider bomb also zones very well.

>this is what closet furries actually believe to justify themselves

youre just like futafags who swear it isnt gay

>Mute stream at the start of an lcs game
>Can still hear COCCKOON in my mind every time he opens his mouth

"bit of more than they can chew"

should really be in there, all the casters say this waay too much

>Time to try Yasuo
>he's fun as fuck, just as i expected him to be
>Take him to normal Draft to practice him a bit
>not banned, cool
>Team is really giving me shit for some reason
>Realize he's harder than i expected
>get assraped in lane
>team flames me a lot

I don't really mind the flaming, didn't expect Yasuo to be this... complex. I was expecting a Yi - ish or Riven- ish experience

>crabgot goes from some ugly meme skin to a pacific rim kaiju looking motherfucker

my body is ready

im sorry you got flamed in normals user, it shouldnt be that way but people who mostly play norms really want to take it seriously because they cant actually win in ranked so they use their "normals mmr I GET PAIRED WITH DIAMONDS!!" thing as a justification for them being stuck

>People who have a bad lane and just sit there and complain about how they're going to lose and don't fucking group up and just stay in the bad lane that makes them tilt more

People that do this shit are legitimately the worst people to play with in the game. I would rather have a fucking dead body sitting in base than listen to someone whine and expect everyone else to put up with it.

Kled is the cutest! And also my boyfriend!


Hey guy have some concept art of the Battlecast Urgot skin :^)

>fagposters jumping from champ to champ
>fagposting about whatever is currently fotm

At least waifu shitters stay true to their "waifus".

this is a bad thing how

i'll just grind normals with Yasuo until i either get good or finally kill myself

i'm bad tho so suicide is a pretty strong chance

try not to feel to jealous when my problems are over :^)

>not liking kemohomo

>Winning a game
>Jungle and ADC attempt to 2v5
>They die
>Enemy team instantly goes for Baron
>"wow they're too strong lol"
>We lose

furry is too far
im good

>winning a game
>take mid inhib
>ping baron
>anivia decides to recall while our adc insists on doing scuttle beforehand
>baron is at 2k when they collapse
>we barely lose the fight but 4 of them live on low hp
>anivia decides to go bot instead
>"nice call"

thanks but i've been posting about Kled since his release and i don't plan to ever stop even if they gut him to shit tier

>tfw Battlecast skin is now Urgots worst by far
It's so fucking boring

Ive stuck to my waifu(male) and his husbando since I started shitposting

I really doubt fags swap out their husbandos based on whats op in the current patch, lotta waifufags are unfaithful tho

How would Lulu and Kled interact, assuming she's not tresspassing?

>something similar happens
>support calling gg
>flash into pit
>steal baron and get a triple
>nearly a quadra
>die because didn't see Vel'koz Q split
>mid cleans them up and team pushes to end

Somewhat thrilling.

they'd chill and smoke weed

Hey Im faithful

But is he? Is he really?


ahri and soraka players are the biggest shit talkers, every damn time

>mfw mid zilean 25 mejai stacks

Yes he's perfect

>Have dark seal at 10 stacks
>Doing pretty well
>0 deaths
>Upgrade to magis
>Die next fight

Every goddamn time.

What are some lol kinos?

>use da google
>TSM legends is actually a thing
>multiple seasons
what is this

liquid has something similar :^)

pure kino

Branding, creating a story, building fandom.

TSM is a corporation.

Shame they can't build a team that wins worlds.

Why do people rage in blind pick?
Also, are you still told if a person you report is punished?

It's because people self insert as the girl, either they self insert as the futa because they don't have the imagination to not have a benis or more commonly they want to be a cute girl and get fucked but they don't want it to be by a man because that would be gay even though the desire is gay in the first place.

I'm just curious as to how she isn't falling over in those heals. They look uncomfortable.

Can NuGot use Manamune?
How long will shitters keep using it "DUDE ITS CORE" like they did with Poppy + TF (Seriously, I saw poppy rushing Cinderhulk+Trinity for WEEKS after her rework.)


>Leveling smurf
>Level 17
>Other than myself and our mid laner everyone on our team is actually new to the game
>Ahri won't fucking stop bming these people who are learning the game
>Call him out and he immediately stops typing
>After game ends ask him to add me on main acc and ask what his is
>"Wow dude why do you care so much I was just joking around god"
>Leaves lobby

What a fucking coward

I'm actually pissed off right now

The trick to Yasuo is that you have to have no desire whatsoever to kill the enemy laner. You will literally kill them naturally just doing what Yasuo does. You have a lot of spells but only use them when you need them.

>gnar comes out
>people build him like jax for literally no reason whatsoever
>ask for buffs because they're fucking retarded

>sion and nidalee didn't place a single ward


yeah it does

Sjokz is gonna carry my baby and get almost cartoonishly big

starts off a fetish and develops into a form of escapism and autism

I jerk it to furshit all the time but I find the whole fursuit thing absolutely appalling and disgusting from a social unawareness/mental problems point.

It was me and you're a fucking loser, who gives a shit dude, stomping noobs is fun