I'm a chef,and after i finish my current contract i will start a burger joint, It will cost around 100k/150k.
Is that a good idea or should i just kill myself
I'm a chef,and after i finish my current contract i will start a burger joint, It will cost around 100k/150k.
Is that a good idea or should i just kill myself
>Is that a good idea or should i just kill myself
If that's your current mental state, then you should probably get help
i bet your business plan is fire insurance and accidentally leaving the stove on
What's wrong with that?
no i don't want a therapist or a scam artist
i want to make big bucks by doing the thing i know the most.
Since you asked Veeky Forums Veeky Forums for advice, you probably shouldn't do it.
Where is it?
If it's US/UK then enjoy competing with 13424352346 pajeet/abdul-run kebab joints that operate at such low expenses that the only actaul meat they serve comes from the health inspectors.
>is so quick to jump to the idea of ending his life
I'd second the suggestion to get some mental help.
get out of here you scam artist therapist, i wont fall for your trickery into stealing my money while drugging me up.
it's a burger place not kebab, and either way why shouldn't i compete with them if i know my food is better and cleaner than theirs?
why not establish a brand first and prove your product is viable at its price point ya dickhead
sell from a van, sell from a stand, whatever
unless your location is your marketting tool, like youre mcdonalds and you open up on busy highways with lots of parking right near red lights
>starting a company in one of most competative industries out there
yeah nice one. If you dont know business and only worked as chef your entire life its gonna be one major uphill battle, just watch all the gordon ramsay's kitchen nightmares for just everything that can go wrong
Every kebab, chicken, fish, "oriental cuisine" joint in existence runs burgers, also customers won't care because usual fast food joint audience are mouthbreathers who don't care about food hygiene as long as they get to have a good fat bite of that burned cow flesh.
How are you going to sell those burgers and where? Why burgers when anyone can and because of that everyone sells burgers? Do you have any customer groups you could appeal to? Are you planning on any advertising campaign other than informing the local news that there's now a generic burger joint, right between Pajeet's Fried Chicken and Singh's Fried Chicken, ran by a severily autistic man? Have you spent some time researching potential customers in your area and whether it's actually burgers what they would want and not organic activated granola with triple nepalese dessicated semen yoghurt?
Good lord, never go into a food / beverage business. The failure stats are horrifying.
You should watch some of those bar / restaurant rescue shows to scare you straight. Just because you can cook does NOT mean you know how to run a food business.
Where are you that you can start a restaurant for 100k?
Are you buying/leasing a building that already has all the equipment?
I think you're significantly underestimating your start up costs
>Is that a good idea or should i just kill myself
If you're gonna act like that towards working towards your dreams maybe you should just stop
I think OP killed himself.
We did it, good work everyone.
Is OP dead or running a market disrupting burger chain that sells blockburgers to a decentralized franchise?
I support you to try. This board is full of lazy fucks like myself who will never start a business. They just want to make neet bucks shipping shit from alibaba for 50% margins amounting to 50 cents. Anything putting in a modicum amount of work or risk gets shit on - pretty much the antithesis of biz-ness.
Granted you'll be entering an extremely competitive market, I've learned that 95% of eateries are over priced shit. So if you're willing to make quality food at lower margins to establish market share, you'll do fine.
Could be worse. Your shring could be a litteral faggot and not give u meds like mine...
So find a manager that does while u cook?
>Every kebab, chicken, fish, "oriental cuisine" joint in existence runs burgers, also customers won't care because usual fast food joint audience are mouthbreathers who don't care about food hygiene as long as they get to have a good fat bite of that burned cow flesh.
cities in the UK have plenty of "gourmet" burger joints. there are plenty of places which trade off of the more niche US brands like 5 guys or whatever it is, but a gourmet burger with meme-meats and meme-toppings can work in one of the major cities.
OP needs to research these gourmet burger places, get the lowdown on the meme-toppings: bullshit cheese (smoked, chilli flicked etc) and source the meat so it isn't from the run-of-the-mill meat packers. OP shouldn't be looking to sell to everyone, but those that can spend £12 on a burger and fries and not have to worry about it.
>Where are you that you can start a restaurant for 100k?
>I think you're significantly underestimating your start up costs
this. don't forget your business rates need to be added to your expenses calculations, these might fuck you hard depending on your city.