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>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Katarina probably isn't popular enough to get an alt
tharja is SHIT
just imagine her laying that egg, how much did her butt stretch?
Does anybody else get a weird Incest-y vibe from the twins?
How do I make Palla good?
I want to FUCK Katarina and Celica at the same time!
>says to ignore early threads
>first post in it anyways
fucking hypocrite
She scored above Ceada so trying to predict alts is pointless
kill all tripfaggots
>Katarina suffers a face worse than death, friend-zoned by the man she loves
Wo Dao
Darting blow
Quickened pulse
The rest of a flying team
Help me /feg/ Heroes is making me like all the thots I hated
Wait she did? I do not remember that, kind of surprising actually, I thought she wasn't super popular.
But then again Caeda getting a bride alt makes a lot of sense, I can't see Katarina getting one. Maybe she can get one alongside Kris.
take this [B]otion
>Shitty early thread
>See Katarina art
you are ok in my book
thanks gramps
>red unit beats the most powerful blue unit in the game
really what an incredible game, weapon triangle means literally fucking nothing
I kinda like Camilla now.
>Katarina will do anything for me
>She believes I'm Kris
>She is one of my best units in Heroes and does shit I never expect her to pull off
Save me, she's going to take me away.
You don't, you wait for red sword pegasus knight Kliff
Have you tried hitting it with a lance?
>4 star hana with -res/+atk is better then a 5star hawk eye with -res/+hp
What gives? Should I wait until I get a 4star alfonse/klien or kill this guy?
>tfw you like Camilla and Lucina more than you used to because of heroes
It's a strange feel.
>This is the level of intelligence of your average nuReinhardt fags.
Even if you reject her she's happy and willing to be a cuck. It's incredible.
>O-oh you already have a girl you like?
>It's alright, I can stay and watch.
>I can watch, right?
>Please say yes...
>Looking through the CYL results again
>Micaiah only beat Nephenee by 13 fucking votes. The closest margin on the entire top 20
What is it that makes people like Nephenee so much?
>Reinhardtfags mad as fuck when most of the time they laugh at how they can just send thundercock out to kill everything regardless of triangle and were also excited for the tempest after seeing what the final map would be
Pretty funny desu
Do not bully the katarina she comes mind-broken from factory
Cute village girl done right
Also RD's generous Wrath skill.
>Replaying Fates
>Reclass Camilla to Wyvern Lord on a whim for more Lance users
>She looks cool as fuck in full armor
Honestly, I actually like it more than the sex armor.
Does your Reinhardt have autism? Mine has no problem killing Celica
That's under a hone too. Fuck this bitch is strong
I am not fan of the blue, wish armors fit the characters better like how they do in Echoes and not like in Awakening/Fates. Ah well, what can you do when one game is a passion project, one is just a mash of as much random shit until it hopefully sticks, and the third one being a rushed cash in on the previous mashed pile.
You don't need savage blow when she kills everything!
>people don't believe that Reinhardt is incapable of killing Celica
>Kickass tomboy wife
>Ruined by godawful supports and stupid armor
Awakening needs to be remade sometime with Echoes writing and based Hidari doing the designs.
There is no way Sully isn't a grunter.
Quiet is far too out of character for her.
>He kept rising thunder
>Can't even meme right
Hector is fucking Lyn's bestie
The armor I agree with, but what exactly was bad about her supports?
>there are people that don't use Celica to kill Celica
To this day I still wonder what the fuck they were thinking with Awakening's armor design.
>One of the few playable soldiers
>Good unit
>Wrath+Vantage memes
>Halberdier armor looks good on her
>Pretty hair
What's not to love?
user I will bite again, I have tinyhands too, he's in my main team with Katarina and others, I'm too poor to run a proper horse emblem. Reinhardt does most of the cleaning prior to the final map but I use Katarina as the Celica bully because she can both damage her and tank her. I see from the picture that tinycock doesn't have the special ready. Just charge it on the previous map and stop killing with him to release it on Celica. Looking at those numbers he can actually kill her if he gets that boost. My Katarina can't kill Celica without the special. My other units are either at color disadvantage, don't hit hard enough either, or would die the turn immediately after getting the job done.
Have you seen her Robin support? The last part is literally about shit
Weirdly enough, the generics have cool as fuck armor, especially stuff like Dark Flier.
>didn't believe it at first
>looked it up
>She actually finds out
That is incredibly endearing.
a better question is why does anyone like Micaiah
>Est scored hilariously low in every single game she appeared in
Why do they hate her so much?
>Good unit
Mid tier at best.
I want Soren already!
Because Nino is the best est
Some of the generics look alright I guess, the Fates generics were overall better.
>bad in every game she appears in
>the whole Abel situation
>Maybe she can get one alongside Kris
>Bride Katarina, friendzoned by Kris
>Bride Kris (male), friendzoned by Marth
>Bride Caeda, successful
People actually use malig knight camilla? the magic is useless
Oh yeah. The seaweed stuff. At least her supports with Stahl, Virion, Chrom and Donnel were decent
Probably because she looks cute and nothing else.
bolt axe, son
Therja looks good with inverted nipples!
Yeah, I meant her Robin support.
>Mfw actually like Chrom/ Sully but can't bring myself to ever do it in-game because of Pro MLG eSports Galeforce shenanigans
Because either IS is using the Japanese poll as a base or they are smart enough to know to ignore the fans.
Think about, user Kris-mas
gayforce is unnecessary (and a chore to get) if you're just playing through the game and not doing apotheosis and crap
>Doot was the third highest ranked Gaiden character before SoV was even a thing
>Sigurd, Arya, and Arden all scored higher than Smeliph. Infact, Sigurd is the third most popular mounted unit behind Xander and Leo
>Wrys is the 7th most popular character in all of Arcaneah
>Masked Marth still scored higher than most Awakening characters
>Hinoka is the absolute least popular Fates royal
They should really do another one of these polls soon
Goad or Hone Cav on best imouto?
My juice on her tummy
Send that piece of shit home 3
how new are you? alfonse, sharena and anna can't be summoned nor can they be sent home
But Hinoka is shit in every single way
Forehead kisses
When's Dorcas?
>Hinoka is the absolute least popular Fates royal
Poor Hinoka, I guess the Fire Emblem fanbase wasn't ready for tomboys.
the bonus unit system is so fucking stupid, having to fight 3v4 against +9 gaylords is retarded
Inverted has always been the superior taste.
Healslut Alm is pretty decent. Slap Fury 3 with the healing too, he regenerates what he losses and also gains 20 HP every time a new map begins.
>Hinoka is the absolute least popular Fates royal
Funny thing is that's the least surprising one. As much as I'm starting to like her recently for some reason, she might as well not even exist at all and the plot wouldn't change one bit.
i meant in the arena, though i hate it in TT too, i'm not going to roll for horrible units to get an extra 20%
To be fair, all the female royals are sort of like that.
Lunatic 7 Celica
63/58/43/27/28 (With Ragnarok at 100% HP)
63/??/??/33/34 Def/Res with Distant Def 3
Ragnarok, -, Blazing Light
Distant Def 3, Desperation 3, Spur Res 3
As long as you have 39 Spd, you won't get doubled by her at 100% HP, 34 at < 99%.
You need 48 Spd to double her with Ragnarok, 43 without.
58 Atk with Weapon Type Advantage (WTA) is 69 Atk, 47 Atk with Weapon Type Disadvantage (WTD). 81 Atk with Triangle Adept 3 (TA3) WTA, 35 Atk with TA3 WTD.
53 Atk with WTA is 63 Atk, 43 Atk with WTD. 74 Atk with TA3 WTA, 32 Atk with TA3 WTD.
You need 90 Atk to OHKO her with a physical melee weapon (72 Atk with a blue lance), 96 Atk to OHKO her with a physical ranged weapon (i.e. colorless).
If you double her, you need 59 Atk to ORKO her with a physical melee weapon (48 Atk with a blue lance), 65 Atk to ORKO her with a physical ranged weapon (i.e. colorless).
You need 91 Atk to OHKO her with a magical melee weapon (73 Atk with a blue dragonstone), 97 to OHKO her with a magical ranged weapon (78 Atk with a blue tome).
If you double her, you need 60 Atk to ORKO her with a magical melee weapon (48 Atk with a blue dragonstone), 66 Atk to ORKO her with a magical ranged weapon (53 Atk with a blue tome).
+Atk Reinhardt (35) + Dire Thunder (9) + Death Blow 3 (6) + Hone Cavalry (6) + Attack +1 Sacred Seal (1) = 57 Atk > 53 Atk = lethal
Even =Atk Reinhardt can do it (32 = 54). Quickened Pulse Moonbow = 33 * 0.3 = 9 Atk as well, reducing the threshold to 44 Atk (which is already reached by +Atk Reinhardt without any buffs).
If Thundercock can't do it, have you tried Abel (Brave Lance+)? +Atk with Hone Atk 3 /or/ =Atk with Hone Cavalry and Attack +1 Sacred Seal can reach 48 Atk. I'm sure Flier Emblem Hinoka or Cordelia can do it too, and I've had success with Azura tanking her for no damage on a defense tile.
Hell, =Atk 3* Donnel (31 Atk + 5 via Brave Lance) = 36 * 1.2 (WTA) = 43 Atk can do it with a Dancer (double Drag Back).
>+9 gaylords
My bad
She really isn't.
Her only personality trait is neglectful warrior princess.
She does nothing else.
Does anybody even want Gronnowl+? If not i'll just give my Celica renewal 3.
I was in need of fury so I decided to roll the fury banner for the first time. Got more than I expected on the first try.
>300 orbs after I'm done with the chain challenges and tempest trial
Mama mia
True, but she's not memorable at all when compared to the other sisters. Is tomboy really all her character is, cause I don't remember anything about her at all.
Xander hitting thin air would have just as much impact as Xander killing Elise!
>Tfw have one Hinata
>Can't decide who to sac him to
S Frobin
I Trust your judgment /feg/
She never shows anything pertaining her to be a tomboy.
It's all about being a warrior and neglecting Takumi and Sakura.
She is quite the horrible sister really.
>only 185 after I finish tempest, chain challenge, and the remaining arena quests and monthly quests
I miss seeing large numbers in the top right all the time.
Oh, it seems I made a miscalculation.
>Quickened Pulse Moonbow = 33 * 0.3 = 9 Atk as well, reducing the threshold to 44 Atk (which is already reached by +Atk Reinhardt without any buffs).
It reduces the threshold to 49 Atk, which is still obtainable.
IVs on Azura? She seems like the best candidate imo, and you don't want Fury Eirika my man, give her Death Blow
Do you have a cav meme team? Go for Camus if so.
>mfw some guy on my friends list owns this.