Anyone know any shift boots like this bride but without all the stupid words all over it...

Anyone know any shift boots like this bride but without all the stupid words all over it? The material seems comfy and won’t show dust like leather.

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Yes we call that "cloth"

>garbage tier stitching falling apart at the top
>cable tile holding it
this is why people laugh at tuners

yeah literally just get some cloth and stitch it to fit on the shifter

Is there a specific name for this type of cloth?



Is Joann Fabrics not a national chain?

Just make one with whatever clothy material you want.

dishcloth by the looks of it


he makes them out of seat cloth

I would go for thick jersey style mesh fabric personally

Alcantara is best shift boot

>Look how clean and practical it is on laptops, let's put them on shiftboots

i dont get why people obcess with changing the aesthetics of the car instead of focusing on the actual mechanics and things they can improve or maintain in their own car, i see people putting all kinds of shit on their car while they can't even change the oil or change the wheel for that matter

>synthetic cloth that gets dirty and is hard to clean
please explain how it is better than leather


Wash your hands nigger. People don't fondle their shift boots either, so I don't know how it can get as dirty as a laptop.

>using a material that's objectively worse than leather in every way

daily reminder that my penis is soft and small

why not both? I do all my own work on both my cars but it's still fun to take a break occasionally and think of ways to make it look better
