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Helden sterben NIE edition

>Doomfist now on PTR

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Previous thread:

post yfw
>teammate eliminated
>teammate eliminated
>last hero standing


>enemy picks pharmacy
>pick soldier to stop them
>it never works
>pick genji
>it works like a charm

Soldier can't counter two heroes alone, unless he's an absolute god. Genji has deflect, free 50 damage on hit, spammable projectiles and vertical mobility.

Doomfist is trash


Is Marina available yet in the PTR?

What's your fav Doomfist skin ? His war monk legendary skin is the best. Successor and Scourge skins are cool but they don't even have extra voicelines, that's disappointing

Here comes T.Racer!


inside T.Racer

>Abathur-like hero
>Noncombat, sits in spawn or nearby, completely invisible
>Summons little drones that harass and annoy the enemy but also lead towards his position
>Has Starcraft-like (or Doomfist-ult-like) vertical view of the entire map

>pick zenyatta because he's fun
>retard gets on mic
>'hurr what the fuck are you doing you're a tracer main. Play tracer'
Faggot just because I have slightly more play time on her this competitive season doesn't mean I 'main' her. What the fuck is wrong with people. I can't even pick what I want. If I pick tracer it's 'oh blah blah blah we don't need tracer' if I don't I get some mouth breather pestering me to play her because 'hurr she's your main'
Why can't I just have fun and play what I want. Why won't people just shut their mouths. Like holy shit.

>Jeff engineered the meta to be dive because it is more exciting
>Buffed winston even though he was already the top pick with pros, but lowest pick in the regular game.
>Nerfed Roadhog because he sort of stops divecomp
>nerfed reinhardt
>make new maps (Lunar shit map) open as fuck for divecomp

great game

He also isn't hard countered by defense matrix like soldier is

>nerfed reinhardt

we need more zerg references on OW

imagine aba-chan would work well as a symetra clone with moving sentries

He can't groundslam airborne targets anymore. Meaning he has a hard time stopping a Genji Blade. Used to be the counter vs Genji blade.

I want mecha Doomfist!

Every Tracer main including myself plays Zenyatta too for some reason, it's an eternal cycle of one-clipping and getting one-clipped

hes more like bugged af

noone would pick him in the current meta because dive hardcounters him, just not as much as orisa and everything he has is on a 1 second delay

>akande ogundimu is a pun with akane gundam
yes, i also want it

>Be Jeff
>Be assblasted by symmetra and torb
>Unironically think they're op
>Buff Winston to absurd levels
>Literally artificially engineer the dive comp meta and nerf the other comps
>Go on to tell the community that the meta develops on its own
>Literally lie and say 'oh Winston went from least played to most played with no changes. Meta develops on its own based on perception I swear
How does he have the audacity to just lie through his teeth like that? Does he honestly believe we don't notice the buffs and nerfs that took place to create the current meta?

His delays were fixed, weren't they?

That's because we Tracer mains just want to get there fast and then take it slow with zenyatta. He's great

>Buff Winston to absurd levels
what did he got outside of the shield change ?
I missed a lot of patches, why is dive a thing ?
Winston buffs + rein being bugged + ana nerfs meaning 3 tanks isn't good anymore ?

Would you come in T.Racer?


Reduced his headshot hitbox and buffed his shield. Also, nerfing Roadhog made him way too good.

>strapless panties.

Winston and D.va are hard to kill in KoTH maps, if the enemy team is running Pharah it's hard to pull Reaper off on them

Roadhog wasn't played before anyway

Would be great so that I don't have to play as a huge scary black dude.

When you nerf certain characters other characters get indirect buffs. Rein was nerfed, which was an inderect and quite significant buff to genji. The shield buff, while it seems minor is actually a significant change that made Winston extremely powerful.
Pharah was buffed and while she isn't picked too often in pro play. She shows up enough to essentially delete junkrat from any tier above platinum. So genji and tracer have free reign to move as they please. All these tiny changes have huge impacts. People just don't see it at first.
But it's like when you throw a pebble in a lake. The pebble may be small but it makes huge reverberations

>"Look at these heroes that gets specifically picked in the right situation. Isn't it fucking absurd how high winrate they have? This must mean they are the most OP character in the game."

It's official. Overwatch devs are actually fucking retarded.

she's got one of these on

That's literally not what Jeff was saying, he was using it as a point to show that statistics aren't everything.

>shield buff, while it seems minor
It's on average a 2-4 sec reduced CD on his shield, that's a lot

>Specific pick

Good goyim...

No, Jeff LITERALLY said that he was worried about symmetra coming back into the meta because he honest to God thinks she's imbalanced

And yet he was nerfed.

Really makes you think...

They claimed a patch about 2 months ago would fix it, but the problems are still there. At the moment, they're not even responding to it on the official forums.

You're literally just repeating what you heard here as an excuse to act outraged.

Did you even listen to what he said? He talked about how he was afraid to buff Symmetra because he thinks she is going to be out of control. Instead he buffs Winston, who was 90%+ pick in tournaments and now winston is fucking everywhere.

He is an idiot.

Wew what's up with his belly button? Looks unhealthy.

thats fucking disgusting, did they get the crypt keeper to model those?

No. Go read the forum post. Read it very carefully. He thinks that symmetra is imbalanced and expressed his worry about seeing her back in the meta which is why he doesn't want to buff her

Symmetra should have become top pick once she got the warframe skin.

How reliant is McCree on having a good healer and tank? It feels like no matter how good my aim is and how safely I try to position I'm usually just better off picking someone else if I'm not getting healed or protected

>teammate eliminated
>teammate eliminated
>teammate eliminated
>teammate eliminated


D.Va is cute.

>Rocket hammer has been bugged since anniversary event, no posts from developers
>Charge feels clumsy, earth shatter gets nerfed
>Doomfist get released
>Rocket fist wins againts charge
>Another counter to barrier

>Blizzard said they were going to retire characters
>Reinhardt is the oldest

I think it is time to say goodbye to our chivalrous german crushing machine.

Welfare Dragonblade should be fixed, Genji should be like Zarya when she only gets Graviton Surge if he pulls her bubbles right

>I have spotted the grin- I mean the enemy
Should have been a line

>Let's make him a tortured Japanese wandering samurai type so every 13 year old flocks to play him
>What if they don't like him
>Make his brother a tortured Japanese wandering cyborg ninja, they'll like one of them
>Cool. I'll add dragons just in case.

>He talked about how he was afraid to buff Symmetra because he thinks she is going to be out of control.
>why he doesn't want to buff her
That's not the same as saying she's OP you dumb cunt, it means exactly what he said, she doesn't need a buff. How did you manage to invent an issue out of something you fucking agree with?

>group with someone
>10% accuracy mccree
>bastion on attack
>orisa against dive
>'I'm in gold because of muh team'

>tfw cant get decent fps even with these settings and resolution
how am i supposed to get GM


>Genji runs in 1v6


Not exclusive to Genji's they're just the worst. Why the fuck do people see that their team has died, see nobody else around them, and insist on rushing onto the point by themselve? Why? Why do they do it? Do they actually think they'll accomplish something with such a huge disadvantage? Do they think they're that good? Are these the people that then post about "teammates holding me back"?

He literally said he doesnt want her to be meta because he thinks she's imbalanced

That's the thing, when I was still playing I played a lot of support and when ever I had a pretty good McCree in my team always had to keep an eye on him. He lack the mobility that Genji or Tracer have as well as the self-sustain that Soldier has. If you have a friend that plays healer queue up with them but if you are the only DPS or can't rely on your team mates you are usually better of picking a different DPS.

>Genji runs in 1v6
>complains his team isn't doing and he can't carry us all

Well obviously they're killing themselves so they can rejoin the team instead.of spawn stagger. Tho, usually when pros do it they go off a cliff to avoid feeding ult charge

>1 / 4 of Top 500 are Mercy mains
>1 / 3 of GM are Mercy mains
>every secound Master is a Mercy main
>85 % of them are girls
>i always lose 400 SR when i main Mercy
>and i am already in silver

It's not fair!
Why do they level up so fast and easy while i am a shitter with every hero i play?

Are you playing on an Ipod Touch?

post your warmup routine

>Bronze players genuinely think Doomfist can charge into the enemy team and 1v6 them
He's going to get gutted because of these idiots.

>But this is why we don’t balance on statistics alone. I don’t sense a great community uproar over the fact that Torb and Symmetra are “overpowered” right now (at least, statistically).

>As I said last week, the perception of balance is more powerful than balance itself.

u r retarded

This isn't people who are survivors in a lost teamfight getting themselves killed, they're people in safe positions who instead of going back to the spawn and grouping up decide to take on the entire enemy team solo

>start comp
>play shit
>blame teammates
I don't know why I'm not top 500 yet.

Lol I fell from Diamond and climbed back using based Mercy in a few games, all counts when you don't want to be Plat

I start by playing a differnt game

He has no mobility to get to health packs or recover from being jumped/positioning mistakes

He moves slowly, has a large hitbox and only 200 health

He has no sustain to heal himself and can't rely on healthpacks because see above

He is easily the most reliant dps on healers and tanks, especially healers.

there are two options when it comes to gaming, get good or give up.

are you willing to spend the time to get good? if not, you should give up.

Mercy is mostly positioning (like 90% positioning and 10% skill) and that's a trait acquired by playing frequently, so don't sweat it if you suck now. Just keep at it and develop gamesense and you will get better mate.

push ups and squats

I did this a lot on the first month after release, used to think that since playing Tracer was so demanding, she should be able to be a 1v6 hero



>Got into Overwatch because of Rein
>Been playing him since the start till last season

I think if he retires, I might retire just as well from Overwatch, since I'll never get the kind of fun I had with him again.

~Repost this if you are a strong, beautiful Overwatch hero that dom't need no Vertical Mobility~

>mfw all of doomfists skins are puns based on his name
>pirate skin named boomfist
>superhero skin named zoomfist

Why doesn't doomfist melee with his gauntlet?


Then you'd complain about his gauntlet melee having the same damage as everyone else.


You don't appreciate the irony of it

>hacker skin named boopfist
>supervillain skin named doctorfist
>superhero named doompunch

You guys ready for all the doomfist montages and jokes based around One Punch Man?

>not having him flicker with his gauntlet as a quick melee
its like you guys dont even watch anime

>emo skin named gloomfist.
>a skin based on old disney cartoons called toonfist.
>a really racist skin called coonfist.
>a tuxedo skin called groomfist.

they've already started user.

>a gene simmons skin named doomkiss
>a ghost skin named doommist
>a middle eastern skin named doom-on-the-no-fly-list

>a middle eastern skin named doom-on-the-no-fly-list

>Pick Junkrat on defense
>Place trap+mine right in front of enemy spawn
>Enemy gets stuck on it and subsequently blown up
>This somehow works every single time

I don't get how someone always falls for it but it's fucking hilarious.

so is there no good spectate mode for the same reason you cant see players stats after each match?

blizzard doesn't want shit players having their feelings hurt?

Why the fuck does a high mobility hero have access to so many stuns

because his hitbox is huge and he needs to be inside the enemy team to do dick

hes not that mobile

his E wont give him a small jump up after uppercutting and everything he has is on a 6 second delay




Hes already nerfed so worry not, you wont see him much on live servers after a week or two

because QP is no limits on the PTR.

even when you type in chat
"junk trap outside, plz clear first"
some dumb fuck just zooms right out the door into it.