Fighting Games General /fgg/
Friendly reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
Friendly reminder that SFV and T7 are identically bad. Both have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, and sparse on features. They even share artificial load times. If you promote either of these games you're a fighting game community killing scrub equal to a Smash kiddie.
Friendly reminder that if the your game doesn't have keepaway, it's not a game worth playing.
Oh, I made a new thread but was too late, oh well
post hitboxes
have you contributed yet?
Weren't the USF4 character all sorts of fucked up hitbox-wise
Ultra was a mistake. The only characters that didn't feel busted were poison and hugo.
Poison had lots of weird stuff
Hugo too but more on the opposite end of the spectrum, because he was so big.
Can I play it on console?
How I talk to people online and online friends about games;
>Dude! That new DBZ game! It's made by ArcSys, oh my goodiness, think of all the depth! The cross up mix ups, unblockables, frame punishes, guard breaks! Dude!
How I talk to my brother or other normies about video games;
>Nigga, it's made by the GuiltyGear niggas.
I'm I living two different lives?
I meant more so how they played. Like how rolento isn't playing SF and decapre is somehow more brainless than blanka.
>Heart ahoge
>Rabbit ear ahoge
There is a point where we need to stop and we've clearly passed it.
I don't think there's anything wrong with any of the USF4 characters concept wise, it's just that they had fucked hitboxes and weird stuff like Poison's wonky anti airs.
and elena's fadc teleport
We can go further and I support that we do.
How to spot a sub 1k pp shitter
How to spot a decapre player who thought they were good.
this webm and the sfv caption will never cease to make me laugh
i am unsure if this is a statement of enb's mental health, but now i want to feed a pig a cookie
t. sub 1kpp shitter
t. decapre player
At least deny it guys
you're anons, what have you got to lose
>fgg thinks karin combos are hard
lmao jivers
>D rank scrub mad he never figured out how to block
Protip: its hold back ;)
Play kusoge
But then you're on the back foot. Why would I give up Veeky Forums frame advantage.
>2~k pp decapre player who couldn't get there with any honest character
I'm sure the character "just clicked" with you buddy.
wud play
I would have if they had offered a lilica statue.
sf4 isn't coo-soggy
Why does Alice have her beast mode look it does? Isn't cool like Yugo, Stun, or Gado, while also isn't cute like Jenny or Uriko.
>sub 1kp shitter cant block
>pick Balrog
>outbullshit the bullshit
>bullshit opponent gets disgusted
complete garbage
I guess theres only so much you can do with a rabbit
juri stinks for beginners desu
/fgg/ how do we fix claw
we have known for several years
Juri is old news..
Juri belongs in the trash with other trash characters
I hate how this artist's tastes coincide with mine so much because his art disgusts me.
friendly reminder that the eyes on her '''face''' arent her real eyes
that only makes my boner stronger
Friendly reminder the something or other (You) arent real.
Where exactly is Juri hiding her "real" eyes
Wow thanks for this new information from 1998, any other breaking scoops
Kill yourself.
In a jar or something. It was stabbed out as a kid
Did you know morrigan was supposed to a vampire? Shocking, I know.
That makes her cuter
what part of the word "reminder" made you think this was new information you idiot?
Did you know that her family name of "Aensland" isn't an actual name and that her name is derived from an Irish goddess despite her nationality being listed as Scotland? Also she is adopted.
Did you know Felicia doesn't wear clothes? She walks around naked all the time!
I would a vampire
Reminder that water is wet
holy SHIT
Yes they are, she has 4 eyes, 2 compound eyes and 2 ocelli.
Stop trying to spread this shitty meme
our two resident assholes being assholes to each other
What did he mean by this?
stop playing that low iq gorilla
It's not a meme when it's from official material
I'm gone for a week and this place seems to have gotten quite shittier.
Lili is neither low iq nor a gorilla.
biology is a meme
Its not from official material, its from some random wiki
If you knew how to play Tekken you would know that Lili is high IQ.
Get a room fags.
I've been doing some quite intensive research (and it's quite a scandal I'm breaking), I've discovered that Violet from Tekken is actually just Lee Chaolan in disguise
every time you post that image I get reminded of ff8
lili defense squad leave
leave now
fuck your polturd buttbuddy "rass" icant wait to catch that nigga offline and well see if he still calls me a nigger
we get it you are gay chariot jesus
Well, quistis is a top 3 ff girl.
shut up you dumb faggot, you got BTFO now fuck off
it's both quistis and the color composition of the ballroom scene
fuck off you failed clown
Yeah, I know. Quistis in dissidia when? Already got lightning and tifa. Just need quistis to complete the trinity.
blown the fuck OUT
>Has a single pair of wings instead of two overlapping pairs of wings
More like Fly Mother.
wow this combo is creative, sick, and OD. it really lets me express myself.
you look so goddamn insecure, fuck off with this passive aggressive shit, it's not even funny
>You will never be as satisfied from a cookie as this porker.
stop this or he'll post gay pictures again to show how confident he is about being a fucking faggot
this thread sucks more than usual lately
honestly I usually just look at images but not much has been posted here.
SFV being ass
take your pick man.
Don't worry it will only get worse with EVO.
Do we have to meme UNI up?
Yeah, it really succs right now.
>literally says simple eye aka ocelli
Fucking retard
You can read squiggles? What does all the stuff say?
>Using "Succ" to describe any predatory monster, regardless of their diet, behavior, or nature.
>Americans that can't grasp the concept of banter butting in on me and alcatraz
Kill yourself faggot.
She succs blood.
thats some good banter