.tv/gamesdonequick (embed)
/srg/ speedrunning
dist a good boi
he dindu nuffin
>feels good man
get this literal nazi out of here
Why do you guys all hate Bubbles?
In for cat cucking stories
why do they speedrun the easiest shit possible
where is cosmo and windwaker?
well at least they didn't accept the botw run in the end to rub salt into the wound
Cosmo is dead.
user i have some bad news about Cosmo, maybe it's better if you sit down
The war against the "the SJWs just silenced another runner" crowd vs the actual GDQ SJW staff and supporters. The event is dead, 90% of the runs are shit, the keynote run is a race that fucking ends 12 minutes in and becomes a mediocre solo speed run. The event has fallen so far that people would rather argue about if something was a joke or not or if the staff at GDQ is or isn't nazi's. It's all propped up by sponsors, winners of prizes never show off their swag because nobody actually wins anything, it's literally NASCAR.
can we just have thread series about the jk2 run where we can talk about all the great moments such was the buh huh huhs and the bah hah hahs and talk about stuff like optimal drug regimens for speedrunning
cosmo is on the couch for BoTW
using speedrunning as a stepping stone to epic twitch celebrity e-fame and the 6 digit income that comes with it
>Fatties and normal dudes
Do you perhaps mean Narcissa you transphobe :^)
this speedrunner has no personality, thank god for bubbles
Wright came out as a transgender woman in November 2015 and began to transition, changing her name to Narcissa. On April 7, 2016, she temporarily deleted her Twitch account, citing abuse and online criticism, though it spontaneously reappeared April 10.
Cosmo is literally the beginning of the tumblr, "WE HATE CIS PEOPLE NOW" culture that is GDQ.
>no comment
>anonymous $500 donation with no comment
>woo, good donation
>Anonymous $500 donation
Wow, anonyman really wanted people to look at dat dog! Good way to spend $1000!
>This guy with his constant sarcastic remarks
Please stop.
>can donate (((anonymously)))
>get $1.2m
>cant donate bits (((anonymously)))
>get 1.4m bits($14k)
hmmm....really....makes u think....huh
The majora incentive is just for the fight or the whole game?
waiting for the twitter fallout for them using the word "spook"
And always on the last day.
>called Gwyndolin a he
I missed out on Bubbles shitting on the HGSS run, what did he say?
28k to go to surpass last year's total. Surely user can help us reach this goal?
The thing that confuses is me is that, if these were real donations, why wouldn't they just donate the minimum to get put into the drawing for all of the prizes? Why is it always anonymous $500 and $1000 donations?
Banned from /v/ so now I have to come here. How is everyone doing?
Nah see rich selfless people collectively decide to become kind simultaneously! You're just being paranoid!
>getting banned from the worst board on Veeky Forums
blessing in disguise
We're complaining about trannies and corruption in gdq.
If you want to talk about video games go elsewhere.
will Bubbles choke in the DS1 run?
can you choke when you're already terrible at something?
Why did you get banned
He's from /v/, what makes you think he wants to discuss games?
There are very few decent speedrunning games
Because some people like supporting charity.
People thinking GDQ is money laundering and not tax evasion
i mean theres tons of those donations they just dont get shouted out in favor of the fake donations
But do the majority of them do it on the last day of the event every time?
People thinking GDQ is Games Done Quick
>That HG/SS run lmao
you deserved it
>anonymous has deep pockets
You don't like being comfortable?
haha i know that meme :)
I meme as old as mankind itself!
this is the highest grossing SGDQ now. it feels like one of the lowest quality ones.
>current "speedrunner" not anywhere to be seen
Where did they find this guy?
He's doing a decent job as an entertainer to casual watchers though
with all the latest updates to the tranny roster i also agree with it being the highest grossing
dist was originally going to run but pulled out when the staff backtracked on their promise to let him run dlc2 because it was "too new"
>tfw you will continue to be an embarassment to your family and not having thousands of dollars to give away for shits and giggles
His "humour" is very Reddit-tier
Have you heard the attendees and donors?
So gdq attendees?
>casual watchers
>Reddit humor
Checks out if you ask me
literally my way or no way, what a manchild
seeding rng lmao
>that hg/ss run lmao
GDQ staff shouldn't have back tracked
Is not using teardrop a personal preference, this way is faster or was it fixed and is unusable in Ariandel+ runs?
theres no event without runners as evidenced from this year
I think this is a no teardrop run
>worst board on Veeky Forums
>not /pol/
>Paying to attend an event after they treat you like shit
>inb4 someone calls you a cuck
You go to /pol/ at least people are talking about politics
/v/ is just the shitposting toilet for about 6 different boards. phoneposting should be banned desu
considering most of the "runs" are actually just lets plays it seems like everythings in sync
Chuckled IRL
Like clockwork xD
Fixed in this patch afaik
>they hurt my feefees so im not going to run the game at the event!
l m a o
>talking shit about other boards when you are on Veeky Forums
>tfw phone posting and /pol/ killed Veeky Forums
/b/ has porn
/pol/ is always right
so /v/ is the worst
ayy poyo
SHAREBLUE shill cuck redditor KEK praise KEK shadilay BTFO'd u redditor get cucked XDDDD normies normie reeee MEMES LOL
Is this fucking runner even in the leaderboards for his run or am I being memed?
I am glad I joined Veeky Forums in 2014, the Veeky Forums golden age.
>Literally paying to get cucked
good bait
This is an accurate description of my /pol/ experiences.
Haha very funny user.
I miss /news/
user you need to learn to be more inclusive.
Every good poster abandondend Veeky Forums for smaller uncucked unredditified imageboards. I'm only here for /srg/.
GDQ staff is not in any kind od position of power
well i guess he cracked top 15 on the leaderboards with that run so that makes it worthy of the event compared to some other runs that will remain nameless
He could have had 170k people watch him run ds3 and get thousands of new followers but instead he chose not to because muh feelings