Winter wonder edition!
Winter wonder edition!
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Think I'm done watching dunkey's videos
Steadily grown to become completely reddit
lulu won
ily kevin
Why is Sona such a superior waifu?
She's not
Dunkey's videos have been garbage for a very long time, how did you watch his videos until now?
Best girl.
Best body.
Best wife.
She is!
Hey guys, how you doin
>prefection fox right next to her
i dont think you're helping your argument
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I don't know really I haven't liked them for a while
why is that emiru in the middle
xth for Syndra
his E3-wrapups do a pretty good job of cutting out the advertising nonsense and giving you a proper TLDR desu
Do you mean "with"?
Crowbcat videos do it a million times better
>highest vision score in game of 71
>still a+
Back the HECK off!
xth for breast metal waifu
i got from bronze 2 to gold 5 in a month
omega squad when
Mummy champion when?
>the same nigger from years ago, i posted ahri cropped from that with a filename insulting sona is still here
>im still here
pool party when?
What is Amumu?
European here. What are the top 10 painless suicide methods?
Do you guys ever regret the number of hours you've spent playing this game?
why doesn't amumu count
>americucks are still delusional
>I'm still here giving advice to Golds trying to climb like I was in Season 3
shit son
braum or tahm kench?
No, I've been having fun
Has there been a pure mech champ? I'm not talking about skins or anything.
"breast waifu" is more than 3 years old now
it's a mad world my dude
>start watching trap porn thanks to Veeky Forums
>find it hot as fuck but feel disgusted after I cum because I'm not gay
>start watching girls (female) getting fucked in the ass instead
>find it even hotter and still feel pretty good after cumming
wew I dodged a bullet lads
league of legends
I heard getting beheaded by a Muslim is pretty popular in EU nowadays
>Good support that is fun and powerful
>Bad support that is a boring one-note character after they gutted his ability to do any damage whatsoever
blitzcrank, orianna
Those are humans turned into robots. I'm talking pure crafted robots for the purpose of being the MC.
that's about how long i've been posting too. what a coincidence :^)
>because im not gay
>I'm still here
>Raffs is not
are you retarded
>Blitzcrank turned into a robot
>Orianna turned into a robot
VIKTOR was turned into a robot.
Blitz and Ori were built.
No you're gay
What? No they aren't.
Orianna was made in the image of a human, but she's a robot
Blitzcrank is obviously a robot
So NA > EU?
Without the memes, and with serious talk, why EU can produce decent-low tier junglers, godlike mid laners and absolute shit top/bot players?
fucking loser lol
Cause EU is shit
EU produced 3 good mids and they're all NA
Analyze this image, what does it tell you other that corki made 73k damage to champions
>Missing an abrasive attention whore
why did they put skulls on everything
wrong, its getting run over by a truck of peace thats all the rage this season
cool, everyone's already seen them. go away
because they didn't know that spooky skeletons are illegal in china.
is kench at least fun in normals?
>less than 10% of europeans are non-white
This guy is right. Braum does no damage and your only real choice is Tahm.
Get the fuck out of my chatroom.
He can't solo lane and supporting with him amounts to maybe occasionally stunning someone with Q and just Wing your teammates constantly.
Is Sven the best jungler on NA?
Play league against NA
Why is tahm so fair?
No and it's not close
>t. trapfags
nope, the best jungle and the best Lee Sin are now Micheal "MikeYeung" Yeung, jungler for Phoenix1 gaming.
>he'll never feel a thin yet flexible and enthusiastic boy squirm beneath him
I feel bad for you, desu
i main braum and tahm and honestly find them equally fun
in lane they can both be really strong
braum feels better in teamfights though because his passive is op
I loved this item but its only useful the first time you use because once the enemy team knows you have it its dead
>losing nonstop 2 days in a row playing nothing but supp
how do i end my suffering?
Just got demonted from gold 5 to silver 1. I suck ass at everything i do and in the games i start doing good my teammates start playing badly.
I need a character to climb and fix my mmr. I would even become a meta slut if that is what it takes to fix my mmr.
Please /lolg/ help me i dont know what to do
>forgot about the passive which allows you to mask the item icon as something else
>Sven gets Lee
>steals the baron
>goes out
>and gets a kill on back
Explain how is he isn't the best. To do this, you have to be perfect.
He was playing against EU
Not as impressive as it seems
>explain how he isn't the best, he can even do this play that every other lee sin in competitive does because lee's kit is overloaded!
He's not the best because MikeYeung is better. Better invades, better ganks, better farming, higher average KDA and KP. Sven gets carried by his time more often than not.
I heard you need to drop to silver 5 elo before you can drop out of gold 5. How did you manage that?
>pick one champ
>play only that champ
you will lose a lot at the beginning but around 50 games you should get a positive winrate and start climbing, don't give up and just focus on yourself
Minuteman is so fucking underrated
I feel like i'm playing diana wrong can someone help? my farm feels so low and i feel like I have no sustain
get good. No really, like actually review why you lost every game WITHOUT ever looking at what your team did. Look solely at what you did. Did you die in lane? Learn the matchup and dont make the same mistake. Did you die to a gank? Learn how people posture in response to jungler being ready to gank. Its blatantly obvious in low when enemy jungler is about to gank because the enemy laner will randomly walk into the creep wave to start dealing damage
Because he has clearly defined weaknesses. If you let Tahm gapclose and triple-stack you, you deserve to get FROGGED.
If you want to bumfuck Tahm and don't want to put in any kind of effort, just pick the one champion that has even less mobility and even more brute fatness. Illaoi.
TSM MY when?
Do you think brother ape will pull out the wallet for him?
>tfw no Syndra to step on my face
Jogging in a forest and seeing a waterfall after that is a really breathtaking
good that I didnt play league when this item existed
Who even builds this shit?
what can i do if i dont trust team to go in when i go in?
i do
In order of quality:
Toy Soldier
Prove me wrong.
play her more, try to understand certain matchups, look at youtube for help if you can't figure out what to do, passion it is
>build it if the enemy team has cassiopeia: the item