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>Doomfist now on PTR

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Here comes T.Racer!

More like Gaycer

btfo yet again

Cutest and best pairing



c a s s e r o l e

>enemy team has PharMercy duo
>they are destroying us 0:2

Such is life in silver.

It's fine, she got better!

>poo witch
Ships are shit but junkrat's are on a whole new tier of shit

With the amount of bugs being found, I have serious doubts about Doomfist coming out next week. Probably a similar amount of time to Orisa's extended stay on PTR.

do you guys think they will nerf defense matrix?

Loli Zarya skin when

why not just go bastion and melt them?

Consumerism at its finest when you crave more new content just as new content was just dropped.


How is everyone doing ? Playing a lot of tracre lately, she's so fun

Forcing myself to play competetive with this shitty meta, because I need golden fist for my new main.

So what Doomskins are you hoping for, user?

>tfw still no casual skin for Bloo

I doubt he was ever scheduled to come out sooner than the 25th.

why the fuck would you main doomfist ? Do you hate yourself ?

preferably one that makes him look not stupid. Anything without the "africa" look. Like any kind of cyborg or modern nigerian will wear anything like that.

Usually when a new hero hits we get a comic. Maybe we'll get one later this month?

Kind of hoping for a fiddler crab skin due to the fact they both have one big arm.

Hopefully. After that I can finally stop playing the game, because my waifu will be completely useless.

Doomfist is fun.

Because it's fun to punch people.

Minotaur helmet

Doomkid. Make his gauntlet arm into a giant cast and make him look like a stretched out version of the reveal trailer kid.

junker skin is a must

he might not be meta changing but hes genji 2.0

she'll still be good for a pump and dump

That'll probably just be a spray.


>Junker Doomfist
One step closer to the full Junkteam. We'd have then what, one Offense, one Defense, two Tanks, one Support? Am I forgetting anyone?

So many shitters today.

if anything dva might get a long range option. not to end her DM but to make her viable in barrierwatch.

i wont be surprised if it were designed to let her finish enemies, so its like a explosive round or maybe a missile

G-Virus Birkin
Captain Falcon
Edward Elric

My nigga Kingler KILLING IT

He's discount Genji.

Only reason they haven't released the other skins is because the legendaries are the other two Doomfists, leaker user who got everything Blizzard did over the past month, even D.va statue and that Doomfist would have small red "motifs" on his basic skin right said so.

>be me
>be literal crippled retard
>800 SR

feels bad man
i wish i would have a normal brain and body
but instead i am human trash

kill me!

just play symmetra

He's Genji if you exchange a bit of effectiveness for a lot more fun.

Plus, they fill different niches. Doomfist is better in Triple Tank, Genji is better in Dive.

or just play mercy

>Doomfist is now a defence/support and grants a shield to his nearby allies when he use his abilities
Is he fixed now?

Tracer has 150HP, because of her limited horizontal mobility and an ability that heals 100HP at best on an 11 second cooldown

Genji has 200HP, infinite vertical mobility, two abilities that deal damage or disengage with low cooldowns, no need for aim to achieve eliminations, an M1 and M2 option, and a high impact ultimate which can be charged playing passively


if anything it needs the cooldown lowered.

4 seconds of DM and 10 seconds to recharge is kinda bullshit

Fuck off. Fuck. Off. Blizzard already is ruining aesthetics of their game well enough, stop giving them more ideas.


I need healing

I meant discount Genji in terms of mobility. All his movements are pretty fucking linear. For the record I actually have fun with both Doomfist and Genji.

hes better that genji on his own niche scenario

hes like symetra, in the situations where hes defending or where the enemy team needs to move towards him, he almost always wins.

doesnt help that his hard counters seems to be bastion and pharah.


Heal me


I feel like they would make it that you would have to hit your allies to give them shields. I mean, it isn't the first there was friendly fire in this game.

>hes better that genji on his own niche scenario
Sounds like Orisa.

>doesnt help that his hard counters seems to be bastion and pharah.
Tracer and Genji can deal with him not as hard counters but they either run circles or outrange him respectively.

every single dps in the game counter him one way or another and can 1v1 him extremely easily

People actually think Orisa counters Doomfist just because of their lore...

>We need someone to take care of x!

orisa is a failure because she cant work with dive meta. shes a okay secondary tank and thats it.

MFDF can end a dive comp advantage with a poorly aimed right click, and being vulnerable to tracer genji was never specific to him.

keeping range on most of the maps is quite difficult, like i said, if he has the point advantage hes likely to win

>Doomfist is a strong situational character
>Very strong against certain heroes and in certain comps
>Has some very hard counters that encourage hero switching both to deal with him on the enemy team, and to switch off of him after being countered
>Ult is strong when combo'd with his team, but average alone

Is Doomfist the best designed hero in the game?

orisa doesnt "counter" anything because she has no niche

MEDIC oh wait

I'm still a bit surprised that DF wasn't a tank, especially with how the animation just had him a hulking guy that stood there shrugging off damage. and I know a melee focused tank would be a kick in the dick to Rein because thats his thing, but blizzard works in weird ways so it wouldn't have been that surprising if they pulled that stunt.

Blizzard actually did design Orisa with the intent of being a hard Doomfist counter. When they had their little internal event they showed content creators the new hero and said exactly this.

There's nothing wrong with generalists like soldier or Reinhart being good and I'd say both of them are really well designed

That's a good idea too

>i'm a sym main

The fact she doesn't actually counter him even though they intended her to just goes to show they can't balance anything and just throwing shit until it sticks.

Generalists being so reliable goes against the core game design, though. Blizzard wanted hero swapping to counter your enemies to be an integral mechanic. Name one situation where S76 ever has to switch off to counter an enemy pick.

She isn't a hard counter to him, but DF can't do anything against her

>orisa is a failure because she cant work with dive meta. shes a okay secondary tank and thats it.
That's what "niche" means. For the record Doomfist doesn't work well with dive either.

>keeping range on most of the maps is quite difficult
Not if you're creative with the maps' layouts.

You can easily see the intent, though. Fortify to fuck with his abilities, and Halt to pull him out of all his movement shit.

She just happens to be super bad.

Actually, she counters herself pretty well

>make fuck off huge character with huge hitbox
>"anchor tank"
>only 400 health
>mediocre at best damage went down to pitiful
Its actually pretty sad, you only need to shoot in her general direction even with bad aim and bam, you'll still hit her and she lost a big chunk of her health already from it.

Tier Doomfist on current impressions so far

I feel like Blizz doesn't really consider how heroes interact with and against themselves, though. That's what got us 2winston2lucio back on launch: they didn't think about how well Lucio and Winston could synergize with themselves.

This, his big hitbox also made him easier for her to shoot at

Certainly on my S-tier, along with Ana and Pharah

Looking at a tier 3-4, honestly. Possibly on the lower end of 2.

Two words for you:
Double genji

>pseudo-shotgun vs the worlds largest hitbox
clearly it can only go well

He has three movement abilities Vs her one halt! on an 8sec cooldown she ain't hitting shit


thats not a tier list its usage rates in an arbitrary cross section of pro play

Doomfist's hitbox is large enough that it shows up on google maps. Orisa should be able to hit him.

They wanted her to be an anchor tank like Reinhardt and completely missed the point why Reinhardt filled that role.

tbqh he ahd at least 2 previous interaction

if he had his punches stopped by shields maybe this would happen, i dunno.

In all seriousness Orisa does have tools to seriously frustrate orisa but she needs more fucking DAMAGE, that nerf was utterly asinine

>Can control his movement when all of his damage is dependent on movement abilities
>can no-sell his punch
>Pretty sure a shotgun is going to suffer more than other weapons against super armor

McCree is objectively better against flankers and Reaper is (at least now) better against multiple tanks, especially if it's raw killing them and not just shooting barriers

this game was very close to having a pick/ban drafting stage and unable to switch heroes mid-game.

Orisa is trash but still miles better than doomfist

The size of her pellets and the size of his hitbox kind of makes the movement moot.

>to frustrate Orisa

I'm not sure how I feel about that.

I'm glad it didn't get one


It is a tier lol, and all the tier summaries have correlation but here's your reddit upvote