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Tougou, Tama, Sekka, Anzu and time limited Gin SSR
/yyy/ - Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru - Hanayui no Kirameki General #14
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Trading for a fgo account
Alright /yyy/. You've been given the role of deciding which one person from S1 gets killed off in S2. Who do you pick and how do they die?
Head eaten by a vertex.
Fuu, in a battle after the graduation ceremony of middle school.
>which one person from S1 gets killed off in S2
Itsuki's music teacher from EP4.
Oh you.
Anyone have tips on how to approach E6-5H?
So far I've just been using a dark friend togo, sending C-Shadow to the middle and having Sonochi stand behind her to kill any stragglers. When the boss comes out is where I'm stumped.
How can DarkGlasses be so smug?
For a new player it is always best to keep rerolling until you get 3 SSR, right?
Because it's been 56 rerolls already and I'm feeling I won't get (if I ever make it in time) any of the banner SSR when I finally get a roll with 3.
how many rolls can you do per reroll now?
3SSRs seems possible since the new banner is 6% right now,
back when that guide was made, it was 7% and it was 14-20+ rolls I think? it peaked at 30 iirc
I'm still inexperienced and didn't go further into the guides in case I'm missing something, so all I'm doing is taking the free blessings from the mail and using a 10-roll once plus 1-roll twice.
You get 12 rolls without doing anything right now, I spent about 5 hours rerolling, I was aiming for any two of the three featured SSRs. Ended up rolling Gin and Fuu with the 10 roll and Anzu with a single. 3 SSR is ideal of course, but getting two of the featured is good enough, I would have stopped there.
>but getting two of the featured is good enough, I would have stopped there.
Didn't happen to me yet, but I'll stop if I get at least two of them.
By the way, would getting only 2 of the featured be a better result than 2 olds + 1 featured? I hope it ends soon because I really want to start playing and getting myself better informed.
When the game started you could do almost 3*10 rolls at 7%. Most people started with 4 o 5 SSR, but if now you can just do 1*10 roll then I think you should aim for 2 good SSR and maybe a Sekka SR
I recommend Gin SSR + any 1-2 SSRs,
Gin's skills are insane.
The boy at one of the elementary schools who escaped being culled off from birth. How dare he try corrupting Yuuna, and even looking in her general direction. Unforgivable.
I regret not starting earlier even though I was around since it released, oh well.
I'll keep trying anyway.
Got it, thanks.
>no previous thread
It's actually one of the more useful things to have in the OP since often I'll want to go reference a lineup or piece of information someone posted in the last thread and the fastest way to do that is to just click on the link at the top.
>Tfw 3*d everything, but ShiUYu HM and realize my free blessing gain will slow to a crawl
I hope SSR Sumi doesn't come too soon and I have time to save. The Shinjew might get me otherwise.
Wait, you 3*ed S2-5N? Post your party.
I feel you user. I have everything but S2-5 Hard Mode 3-starred and I'm struggling to get skill udon to level up the hissatsu of new SSRs I got from the new banner. Hoping that Expert Mode comes next week.
Same except I also haven't 3-starred S2-5N and H5-5H and I want SSR Chikage.
I have 2400 blessings saved up but that's not nearly enough to compensate for my luck now that my previous pulls drained it.
My Shiratori can actually survive on her own and abuse her episode skill due to +4. She literally solo'd just about the entirety of ShiUYu, save the bosses. I brought a friend Takashima SSR with level 20 special to nuke the boss HP bars.
Stage was laughably easy, and I'm pretty sure HM won't be too difficulty, but the timer will likely kill my 3*s, as Shiratori has a shit special.
Any tips on E6-5H? Fuck man, the swarm is so fucking gay. I'm kinda regretting not rolling in the Sonoko's banner now.
>Enjoying SSR Gin's voicelines where she's giving Sumi and Sonoko instruction on how to cook and talking about taking care of Sonoko
>Suddenly desperate mid-battle voicelines where she yells about protecting those she cares about
F-Fuck, I didn't ask for these feelings.
I want those feelings.
I'm gonna blow all my savings rolling for Gin tomorrow.
Even with Sonoko I can't do anything about the swarm.
Her banner vanishes at like, 8:00AM PST tomorrow. Now's the time to roll for her like a madman. You don't want to let Gin vanish without a trace, do you?
Really depends on your roster. I had no troubles 3-starring the event but I have mulitple 4 flowered SSRs.
Free crystals and Virgos soon
I did it with swimsuit Chikage/SSR Wakaba as my leader for the episode skill, friend Sonokos make up for me not pulling one myself.
Any chance we can get any translations on Gin's lines there? I'm real curious about the cooking ones. Because I'm a glutton for pain and like to imagine what could have been
The invasion event? I've missed all of them so far because of traveling.
I know exactly when It's ending.
Nothing will prevent from acquiring my cute manly daughter.
10 minutes
I recon you can spam the ougis to clear mobs and damage cut certainly will help the Yuushas to stay a bit longer. A solid frontliner too to hold on her own without sending range ones backing her up.
Is it even worth farming the invasion event now I've got my 15 yellow Yuunas and 3*ed everything? I feel it's a waste of stamina, I might just ignore it.
Today's your last chance. The event starts in a few minutes and lasts for 2 hours, then another one will start 8 hours from now and again last 2 hours.
I wonder who's behind this Gin disappearance
It gives you absolute fuckloads of exp and coins, tier 3 crystals (including unfarmable yellow ones) and lots of more or less useful standard drops. I'd say it's worth it unless you don't need the crystals from the other event more.
So, do we know how many missions you got to do before you can reuse a friend? I just got a whale on my friends list recently and I'm pretty sure I can 3* 3-4 in the invasion event, but I just recently used them to do another hard stage.
Honestly, I don't see the point in doing the invasion event at all if you acquire a single copy of Yuuna.
Extra copies of her are useless since she's absolutely worthless, I'd much rather use my Botamochi farming for crystals.
How many hours until this gacha ends?
>Throwing a ton of Udon at Gin for levels
>Older Sonoko shows up and gets a great success
>There's even a unique exchange for the two
Cute. It's the little things I love about this.
Think I should send Sonoko out front instead of C-Shadow then?
>invasion kamikaze Vertex have enough HP to survive their own explosion
You know you get lots of useful fairies from her, right?
Why not both? Chikage attack range is great and if she's got many plusses. She'll easily clear the mob too.
Free SR fairies from dupes and getting her +15
Yes, but I'd still rather get more crystals.
>Finally 3* IE3-4 and thus the entire invasion event
>Get x3 yellow and red d8s
Nice. I don't want to do that again anytime soon, but I liked the change in dynamic in being survival focused, rather than pure offense. If they could just not give the boss a shield for his entire last 3 HP bars, that'd be perfect.
SSR Sekka's active reduces enemy push/weight/straddle/stability/root/bulk, which makes it easier for you to crit them. Enemies with low push/weight/straddle/stability/root/bulk are also easier to knockback and stun, and these mostly happens on crits. Does this means that bosses will be easier to stun after eating a Hokkaido spear?
If that's the case and the difference is significant, this might be the hidden gem of the trio.
Mine's only +10 and she'll only start clearing shit when she ranks up. 'Til then, I have to baby her and if I'm lucky, she won't get run into by a tadpole.
You forgot "planting" and "knockback resistance". Maybe we should just use romaji and call it "funbari".
I've reached a point where I have enough crystals of every color to max flower two new SSRs if I ever got any. What I really need at this point are coins and levels for my yuushas, and the Virgo event gives me more progress in that regard in 2 hours than regular stages in a whole day.
Base reward for today's D3-5 is 91k. Drop 100 blessings and you'll should be able to almost cover 1 SSR.
Why waste blessings on the daily if you can get 25-30k from the Virgo event, though?
He'll probably argue that farming the daily is better than farming Virgo.
Which is true, but daily doesn't use stamina. If you're at the point where you don't need crystals then spending stamina on Virgo seems like the better choice right now.
Spending botamochi to actively farm Virgo though, I don't know.
Is there any case where the boss really got stunned(didn't use its skill) rather than just stopped moving. Also, if the boss got knocked out of border just makes it harder to aim. Especially if its knocked to the sides rather to the backs
Virgo also gets you crystals though, sometimes even two in one run, so it's not like it's just pure cash and exp. Also, every third or fourth run will make you rank up, which means full stamina restoration that will let you do two more Virgo runs for free (which in turn get you close to rank up again).
Is there a way to tone down the battle effects?
All the numbers just blow up my phone and make sliding unresponsive.
How do you guys tackle those preboss in IE3-4?
So, about the +%crit to a color skills, like Sonoko and Anzu. Is it a flat +30% crit chance, or is it +30% of the character's crit? Cause, I've ran double Sonoko leader skills, and I don't see anywhere near as many crits as I should with 60% crit chance. Where's I ran Gin's leader skill and it was literally almost 24/7 crits with x2 of em. Done this a few times and it's been consistent.
Skills, lined up with the boss so you hit both if possible.
*I mean preboss in IE3-3
look at the letter ranks in the docs.
gin's leader skill adds a flat 150
whereas sonoko's leader skill adds a % of the char's crit stat.
(w/c really makes Gin's skills insane)
Then, Gin has basically one of the best, if not the best, leader skill in the entire fucking game? +15% Attack Speed AND literally doubles or more a character's crit till B- rank.
Truly, the best girl.
*I mean IE 3-3 not 3-4
I cannot do anything to the boss, once those preboss vertex appear, all my yuushas would be repeatedly dieing without even a chance to use those hissatsu to try to fight them, and then all those stardust would kill the shinju before I have a chance to kill them.
Devs really need to figure out how to fix some of these bugs like the game crashing if you finish off a health while the boss does a skill. Had it crash twice already while farming Virgo
So Gin falls off when you're using S- crit characters then?
Anyone have a tips for E6-5?
yea it does.
Sonoko works great with Sekka and you don't have to have Sekka on the front lines.
Whereas Gin works well with the likes of Chikage(front lines, attack all lanes simultaneously, fast atkspd)
No, not till S rank, and even then, it's debatable. 30% of the lowest and highest S- values are 134&157. Meaning that using Gin over +30% crit boost is generally going to be better. I don't think we even HAVE any S crit characters. Plus, Gin has the +15% attack speed boost, which easily edges out the insignificant amount of crit gained at the highest ranks, outside of maybe S+.
This is, of course, assuming you're talking front line only fighters. If you're using ranged, like Sekka, Sonoko's would obviously be better, as they'll not be anywhere near the front.
percentage boost also applies to CRT added from other sources such as skill and fairies.
>as they'll not be anywhere near the front.
Speak for yourself, I always play Sekka on the 2nd line to get her HP low enough for the passive to activate.
Spicy takes time: I don't like +CRT or ATKSPD leadership skills. Reason being that both are cheap stat for boost with sub-party members, skills, and Fairies. Almost every color has a fairy that gives very good CRT boost with easy to reach conditions, and similarly for ATKSPD. On the other hand, pure attack boost is much more expensive percentage-wise. ATK also factors into skills whereas ATKSPD and CRT doesn't. Whenever possible, I would prefer a +20% ATK leader over +20% ATKSPD or +30% CRT.
Greetings fellow addicts. I hope you're all remembering to get in your nutrition in between vertex genocides.
Curious, are sticking chopsticks into a bowl like that considered rude in Japan? I'm from a Chinese family and they're quick to berate me whenever I do that.
Cannot comprehend how to fight IE 3-3
10 hours till Gin's banner ends. Did you guys roll who you wanted?
Holy shit, I just barely managed to 3* everything with 2 minutes to spare.
Not really.
>invasion Yuuna +58
>passive still just level 17
Did Tougou use her html magic to sabotage my game or something?
I don't know why i did it, but here it is
Around the same stats as a 4* +1 SSR but with the cost of a SR and leas crit
Holy shit. You farm 3-4 for that? How many botamochi/blessings did it take?
Well, it takes 40 stamina each so around 1600 stamina. I leveled up every 3-4 tries so it didnt take that much botamochi
>Not linking previous thread
What was your comp? I can clear 3-4 somewhat consistently, but it's just such a goddamn chore to do.
>Not reading the thread
>15 yellow crystals and 1 million coins from two hours of Virgo
Because who needs the yellow/coin daily anyways, right?
If they announce more dates for Virgo Invasion and keep the rewards the same (stages don't reset and you still get the same SR yellow Yuuna) then I'm going to feel real silly for stressing so much about needing to farm for Yuuna.
I can take out an entire boss hp bar with each karin hissatau so it wasnt that bad
There are some really cute lines I hope get translated. SSR Wakaba has one where she thanks Hinata for always watching her. However each character (at least the SSRs I've checked) have like 8 unique lines and a goodnight message. It would be a lot to translate.
They said they would do that in the initial announcement...
Thanks for making me do that last panic roll. I couldn't have asked for more, even the R Tougou and Fuu are good ones.
I have Gin now, so I'll see if I can get all her lines together. I've been writing down translations for character lines here and there, but it's so hard to make a complete list when some lines depend on the time.
Not a big deal, they're all in the voice line/SFX rip someone here linked, so you don't even need to obtain them all.
Also it's not just goodnight, they have greeting for every time of the day, morning/afternoon/evening/night
Gin just come already, please. And bring someone with you.
It's too late to naturally turn off my desire sensor now.
Here you go, from thread #8.
Gin's SSR-exclusive lines (first 3 are pre-henshin, last 3 are post-henshin, the same pattern stands for all other SSRs)
>A...a bride? For me, something like that'd...
>No way I'll become Sonoko's bride! I'd rather take her in myself!
>Sumi, take care of this, please. Sonoko, you too. It's an easy one, so just be careful.
>I'll defeat everyone who tries to hurt others! Because I'm a hero!
>We won't know until we try! That's why I'll do it!
>That's why we've got to get along better. Don't worry.
And Sekka's lines because I translated these along the way anyway.
>If I said I don't want to protect the city and the people, I'd be lying, but...
>Well, what now? There's only so much I alone can do...
>*as if answering the others* Yes. I see. Don't worry, leave it to me.
>I'll protect as best as I can. Sorry if some slip through.
>They keep going "O hero!" I guess I'll answer their call, give-and-take.
>If I don't refine the plan, it will only get worse. Gotta use my head.
Congratulations on your new Gin, treat her well, she's top-tier.