/smgen/ - Smite General

The late night edition

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I accidentally posted the old op. Here's the updated OP for this week if anyone cares.

>enter a casual gamemode
>full of "4ARG" clan tags on my team
>they're subhumans
>South-American subhumans
>they don't know how to play

Fun and interactive

Smite is such a good concept, but Hirez can't seem to execute anything very well. This game has a lot of potential to be a big moba, but Hirez is indirectly killing it because of their incompetence.

The history of Smite in one post. Hirez doesn't really care as much since they're all about creating new IPs now.

I started playing way back during the Freya update of beta, haven't played the game in months, and haven't visited /smgen/ in what feels like well over a year, used to be a regular maybe two+ years ago.

UE3 isn't aging well. Nox's tit shake is gone. All of the personalities I enjoyed to be around or watch (Bart, Kelly, Drybear, GamerPon, PenguinOfDeath, Schileru, Allied, more) are gone.

Conquest stopped being fun for multiple reasons and there's not much to strive for after your nth diamond. I don't care that most cosmetics are behind a paywall, but I think they're too expensive especially when pricey events are taken into account, and since games like Overwatch and HotS have developed loot systems that actually reward you for playing more, Smite really pales in comparison on that front. So when I do come back every once and a while, I never play much unless it's an event.

I came here to ask why Osiris is suddenly supposedly meta but now I'm just sad.

What are the hunter builds now? I think I saw one for crit, one for shifter's, and one for trans.

dead thread dead game


Hide in the jungle and pin the adc under your tower.

So mods ban some guro but not this? Are they retarded?

>be SMITE player
>get banned

>OP still not banned
Mods are officially retarded

Guardian gods are usually melee ranged and utilize magical Power to boost the strength of their basic attacks and abilities. Their damage output tends to be low, but they usually have high crowd control and are capable of withstanding more damage than other classes, allowing them to protect their more vulnerable allies or setting up combinations and creating favorable opportunities for them.

How do I do better end game? I can usually win lane easy at the start, but then when it comes to teamfight stage I tend to just do shit, maybe my builds are just retarded

Which one boys?

Bacchus Xing and Cabrakan don't really count as guardians but Hi Rez calls them that because melee magic attacks

Holy shit this game is so dead.

Hey, if you guys like shitty old games made by hillbilly Jews, then you should try whittling yourselves a dreidel.

Wow, Smitefags sure seem to like large, red, cock-like objects slapping up against their faces!

>Smite is the 3rd biggest MO-

Smite doesn't cater to fart fetishi-

How the fuck can a player only own 12 Gods but own 520 Skins.

>smite is finally dying
>/smg/ is dead
>told my abusive bf to never speak to me again for good this time
>passed all my finals
>stopped masturbating uncontrolably
>spend quality time with family and let go of the grudge
>restoring relationship with dad
>started to take driving lessons
>quit weed for three month
>go out more
>play real vidya with real progression and talented devs
>do other hobby too
>don't get mad over little shit
>have a summer job
>set tinder to females only

this is it, this year is the year I let go of all that is keeping me down, no more a self destructive depressed sad boy with hindered potential time to become a magnificent adult.Do the same, let go of that sickness called smite and move past your insecurity


Well at least it isn't maxresdefault

stop bumping, retard.





We need more artemis porn

>hard carry a team
>legit 2x the player damage, only one not negative, 23/1 fenrir
>pretty much just solo-annihilating the other team
>teammates spam in VGS and chat telling me what to do
>tell them to stfu I'm obviously better at the game so you should let me do my thing and support me so we can win
>win the game
>get a warning from hirez that if I get reported for harassment I'll get punished
>all the while the 16k player damage adv that never helped anyone else and is 3-7-10 spent the last 10min of the game flaming me
Carrying toxic silver players is so bad, wish there wasn't a punishment for Afking if you decide not to carry baddies

>get to hydra
>2nd phase
>our cern dies like an idiot
>me (aphro) and erlang keep going at it
>cern keeps spamming vva
>finally DCs since we're playing extra careful not to die
>we finish up the hydra without him

I hope that bitch doesn't get shit from it

Rumor has it Artemis' ass is so tight she shits diamonds.

>Be me
>Queue Conquest
>Call Solo a frame too slowly
>Someone beat me to it
>He hard locks Sol
>Oh Hell No.jpeg
>Lock in Tyr
>Tell him to either go mid or that lane will be undefended
>Stay in solo with him for the laning phase
>Team telling ME to go mid not Sol
>Tyr is not a midlaner
>Mid tower falls in 4 minutes because it was undefended
>We have less gold and experience during teamfights as a result
>We lose, surrender at 14
>I end match 1-2, Sol its 0-3 (lol)
>Teammates tell enemies to report ME for going an actual solo god and attempting to salvage a trainwreck

Nike is so shit omg Hirex bugg her!.

Buff ullr too

So I found the guy who made this pic. He wants $80 for a commission.

Sent :)

>Not just lying to Ashur to draw you something for playing a game with him and then just never do it


does any god play like Thanatos? I like his percentage based attacks and his ability to chase low health targets.

Ao sort of does the same thing, but you can't really build him tanky like Thana

>hurriwind and khaos both have fairly nice looking girlfriends

no idea how that shit happens

I like using athena to bait his ult while under tower, then dashing the escape and using taunt to kill him

Prolapse Pete still owes me a picture of Kali.

>tfw you go 8/2 but the entire rest of your team is busy feeding their ass off

Listen hirez, the one man carry shouldn't be something you try and build into your fucking matchmaking

owo what's this?

>just posting best girl

>You can't build Ao tanky
Most retarded statement 2017

I thought this was how you dodge medusa ult?

You got out-called, stop being a faggot who polices other people's casual picks

Latency + your spin was too slow

Paragon thread?

go back to the smiggen discord you nigger

SO annoying

Kill yourself, reddit faggot.

So why is Smite dying? Esports drying up and Hirez being a retard as usual?

>taking the side that isn't mine

Smite isn't dying, but the game just seems more like that because Conquest is a gated community which keeps a lot of casuals out.

I pick meme gods like Nemesis solo and carry shitters like you

Sure you doooooo....

Alright so last time I played this game was around the time Camazots came out, what have I missed since and anything worth reinstalling for?

I literally can't even open Smite on Steam the game won't even launch. What the fuck is this bullshit I was just playing yesterday.

You should try the new adventure mode.

He Bo or Scylla which to buy next?

Scylla is good, Hebo is a trash pubstomper god


you know this general is truly dead when this is still up while not being a spoiler

Also all the t5 hunter skins look like shit. Ullr is the only decent concept.

Enjoy it while it lasts friendo, the mods are coming


I'm just saying they are coming for me sooner or later, they aren't gonna just ignore that, right?

Scylla is cancer, buy He Bo so you can say you liked him before he was cool when they inevitably gut and rework his kit.

Real talk though He Bo is pretty fun just for the sensation of being a walking cannon, just be aware you have to know about some positioning since your only escape tool is a carpet that lets you walk somewhat faster.

His carpet is OP as balls literally Sprint + beads on a 12 second cooldown

>posted 3 hours 24 minutes ago
wew lad

How hard is it to git gud as susano? People keep banning bellona and i need another hard carry.

what did I miss ?

Is it worth it to buy the summer split pass? Looks like that shit tourney is almost over


You are a fucking retard if you think the carpet can save you from bad positioning.

that's fine i'll just use my nuke ult that is also aegis and a dash

>Completely missing the point
If you have to use your dash defensively without doing damage you are being fucking useless

The difference between an effective Hebo and a useless Hebo is the direction he ends up ulting in fights. As a team if we're up against a He Bo and I see the He Bo ulting to save himself most of the time I am happy because that means that my team is doing the right thing and pressuring him out

that's fine i'll just use my first ability that does ult damage and is on a 2 second cooldown

Okay, so here's what happens to Hebo when his ult is down:

>Hebo gets dove again
>Actives get forced
>If nobody is there to peel for you, you will probably die
>If no actives are up Hebo just dies

And rinse repeat. The god has never been in a weaker state than the one he is in now, it's so damn easy to dive a Hebo it's not even funny.

I mainly do 3v3, but the MM system is balls.
I'm playing casual so non ranked. Nevermind the ragey retards.
As an unqualified rank why is it my team are Silver or unqualified but my opponents are a pre-made duo of Plat ranked players, playing their mastered or almost mastered Gods.
And then beating them easily with 12/4, my team win the game with only one of our players not getting his KDA high, why don't I get bonus rewards!
And being put against a pre-made three when your team are all solo randoms and even then winning. Bonuses! Please!
Their only there to beat randoms/lowbies, the team with that huge disadvantage should get something for how heavily stack it is.

Medusa and Ullr are okay, Jing's is awful

Jing Wei is very strong, especially in queue matches and you're retarded if you think otherwise.

3v3 matchmaking is beyond horrible. Play with a 3 stack or die

It is horrible.But I win most of the time.
I've found atm AD Caster Neith in 3v3 really throws people of their game.
Other Hunters diving in to duel and all I do is combo every ability, flipping away to finish with the ult. As long as you can aim: Spirit Arrow followed by Unravel, dropping the PLAT meta Hou Yi to 40% HP to be finished by the Mage or Warrior is pretty neat.
Pretty much 1 shot ult with 707 AD.

beating plats is not impressive

>dropping the PLAT meta Hou Yi to 40% HP.
This is early game, levels 6+. Face planting Spirit Arrow later in the game almost always triggered him to sky jump away.

Maybe not. But it is notable. For an unranked in a team comprised of solo randoms that squabbled over who plays Mage to the point they both locked in as Mages anyway.
Against a Plat pre-made, feels pretty good.