League of Legends General - /lolg/

Soraka is the most fun champion in the game. Thresh is for pussies. Goatposting edition.


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I love my (not a hobo) wife!

Best ship

Xth for having to be alive is this shitty world

Kinda late but posting anyways

xth for Syndra


What am I in for?

its highly adviced you mute champion voices while playing her

Newspaper tell a different story!

sub-xth for Syndra's feet

can't wait to play Kayn on live desu
had fun with him on the PBE
Kayn theme song:

go away

Fuck you, RivRiv's mine, faggot.

did they add missions just to fuck with us?
why didn't they just implement daily missions?

Underrated skin

that'd be so cool

Why didn't you do this yet RIOT!?

>still no news from friend
>tilt my Elise win rate again to 56%
>my Pharmacist for the day has yet to show up since we always start work at 7 to get the Pyxis filled and the returns and orders out of the way.
>Only running on 5 hours of sleep

Kill me, /lolg/.

they're going to use them again when they do events for icons and stuff so people don't have to wait days to receive them which is what the system was initially for
probably just too jewish to give us missions for ip like Heroes of the Storm

Versus event was only a test so far.


Stop calling her that.

Jinx is cute and cuddly and best 2x4

So honor level 3 is just a ruse?

Even in OCE where the system is 2 weeks older nobody has it yet

They implied it could take months

>faker reveals he's never had a gf
>says he's ready for one
>SKT get btfo by Chinamen
>Faker feeding his ass off

Is the urge to procreate holding you back?

riven is FAT

Intended to be rarer than ribbons were.
If you don't get multiple honors every game you'll never get above 2.

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

I doubt that, since you need honor level 3 to get the season rewards

>teammates pick meta shit
>lose to niche picks because they dont know how to play the role or why the champ they picked is even good

it wouldn't need to be ip specifically, maybe make up a new currency and call it good boy points which you can exchange so you only get matched with people who won last 3 ranked matches or something
what? im sorry, i haven't played since late april so i'm pretty confused with all of this

You cant make me!,

>play bot games
>get atleast 2 honor every game
what the fuck

Lucky days

Will kkoma ever smile from the heart again!?

xth for Urgot


How cuddly?

I bet they gut his passive vs monsters just to keep him out of the jungle

I hate it when they shoehorn champions

>have an OTP account
>want to play ARAM
>have only a 1/28 chance of getting the only champion I want to have a mastery with

extreme gimmicky garbage that will either have fat numbers to just roll people or be worthless
basically he'll either be able to 3 shot you or be useless as he tries to run around you

also the ult isn't that great, despite how cool it is


Who here really charmed their way into their wallets?

they need to gut gragas 2bqhfamily


all they ever do is try to invent new gimmicks
for what purpose
if the game is healthy why would u either ruin it by making op hero or ruin a champion completely
urgot is fine as it is but i main him so i may be baised
i miss the time when they just gave everyone a simple dash and 3 hit passives

Whats yoyr secret to achieve such a level of softness?

is there a discord or something

i think so too, also the ult should have been either a homing missile or able to be controlled while rooting yourself like junkrat ult


this is true, but Champino is far and away her best skin

Uh oh. Sidenote, is there a VG going on NA?

Just play poroking insteas!

I can't help but feel like 100% of the work in this exchange is from Ahri.

Secrets upon secrets and also good hygiene and exercise

Isnt it ironscale?



*insert lux support meme*

And this will never change.


>the fucking SKT skins are $9 a piece
>there's SIX OF THEM
What the fuck? And theyre legacy, only on during eSports shit and not part of Early sale, right?

Championship > Ironscale > Classic > Darkflame > Boneclaw > Ice Drake > Super Galaxy

more like punt. lulu posters are the worst. take your shit waifu to where she belongs


Boneclaw has the best splash, championship is best in game.


You gonna spend the rest of your life in a jail cell for that

>it's not like he can get pushed out early either
what?His manacosts are huge and his soldiers attack slow as shit early.He can easily pushed out early.

I dont understand these former mid-now supports.
Or is support still less played that mid-laners go to fill up and end in sup?

Why do people do this? Rhetorical question, I know the answer is "because they're fucking retarded", but why don't these people ever pick something like Brand or Zyra support? You don't need gold to 100-0 the enemy carry on those supports, unlike Lux.

>on those supports

Brand and Zyra actually ARE best played support and don't do that well mid.

Lux, on the other hand, has zero reason to be taken outside of midlane.

post unmistakable cancer that it just wouldn't be league without

>ribbon maynes
>i will change ur experience of yasuo
>bot lane feeding

Mid babs queue up as Mid/Fill because they dont have a champion pool to play in Top or know how to jungle besides pick Yi and farm for 20 minutes and then do nothing, so they autofill to Support a lot.

Lux has a shield, and is a cute girl unlike those.

>So you want them to just buff a character from ancient times, so that they will gut him/her again because their kit has huge cancer potential
>Assume that they are trying to cover up the health of the game by introducing something new, and unique to the character
>"Urgot is fine as is"

I sure am glad they don't listen to /lolg/. Having the game change from time to time would be nice.

>gave everyone a simple dash and 3 hit passives

Shit was boring as fuck

Its like they go to botlane and expect that they can sit back and do nothing while the adc is full build at level 1 and can 1v2 right from the get go. Contrary to popular belief support does have to do something in lane.

How do you make Amumu not be completely useless in the first 15 minutes?

>Plant Dragon
>Not a cute girl

All dragon girls are cute user.

Because Bard and to some extend Zyra arnt that easy as Lux.
And Bard is an aggressive sup, he cant kill with 3 spells.
Zyra is aggressive but cant steal or kill with her spells.
And former mid like Lux mid, so they will take her, because secret mid-sup.

Nerf this nigger again
Holy shit

Xth for based Rumblefag

they could come up with something better than making everything of his a short range ability and giving him a short dash on E to compensate
he will run around chasing people and they wont give a fuck
he still does that and he has one the most range in the game with E Q and ult on 16 lvl
he cant even trigger his new ult if team doesnt take it down in health or if it wasnt low already

>Zyra is aggressive but cant steal or kill with her spells.
>When you're level 3 in lane and Zyra suddenly wakes up 2 plants next to you while rooting you

I mean, I don't understand it either
I think Urgot is fine from a gameplay standpoint and have no clue why he's so underplayed
perhaps he could use some slight number increases and at most I'd change his W and passive.
his abilities aren't outdated like Galio's were, and aren't just cancer like Yorick's ghouls were
Perhaps it's just that he's a ugly fat sack of shit in a chair which turns people away? But then again Pudge is one of the most played heroes in Dota. I'm almost certain the stigma of Urgot just being trash and a troll champ is also keeping him back a lot.

The problem with this rework is it's going to be he has high numbers and doesn't have to interact with his knee minigame, or he doesn't and it's going to be a gimmick of 'don't let Urgot walk around you in a circle" where as Urgot now serves as a really nice anti carry and a ranged bruiser role
just seems a tad uninspired

Funny, i select Sup and Mid as second choice, because than i surely will get Sup.
Besides jungle everyother role i could play, but dont have the last hit gen or dont like toplane meta enemies.

>jhin sup
>yasuo jungle

>Nerf Zyra and make her deliberately awkward so she can't be played in a solo lane anymore
>Zyra OTPs have to go to support to player her at all
>people complain her players are still playing carry instead of supporting

>pick Kog vs a tanky team
>strong enough to melt them if they just peel me
>annie and kennen instead decide to attempt a counterdive which has been unsuccesful the last 14 times
>malphite and jayce 1 shot me as they can freely ignore my team

When exactly do people learn the value of peeling
And why do I continue to pick team reliant carries?
Find out in the next episode.

his range and ability to cs under tower are good enough to farm it out, and spamming only w isn't too rough, but it's true you do have to be conservative with q, your main poke
using dash early levels will insta lose you the lane too lol

Actually, if you take the Expose Weakness mastery point, your ADC will be snowballing in no time.

Plus if you take the 1% increased damage per kill mastery, you get to vomit out damage as well since some times your turret plants will secure the kills your ADC can't due to distance.

Still you need the enemy to be nearer than a minion. Than you have to mark the champ by hiting them.
And i meant her ulti, stun and slow can deal better damage and reach farther than zyras thorns or even the long range vines.

did you guys frug


>Zyra cant steal or kill with her spells
Oh boy, if you only knew.

>le turret man of eternal aids and free barons
kill yourself

>buy vladfag a statue
>use my natural charm and good looks to bed her
>take pics
>post on lolg

Are you complaining about kogmaw? what are you bronzegay??

so cancerous it brings down the rest into absolute nothing. I cannot respect a heim player for they're subhuman degeneracy.

Hiemerdinger you dense turd

>he'll either be good or bad

>turret man
oh boy, kog sure has a lot of turrets!