Oldschool Runescape / OSRS General - rs07g osg

Traps are GAY Edition

>Membership sale notice
You can currently buy 3 months of membership for the price of 2. This can also be done via in-game bonds.

>Latest news
- Fishing guild expansion and Minnows
- DMM seasonal #6 has begun
- Midsummer daily event and Void mage buff
- Australian servers added for roo riders
- Mining Guild expansion/rework, new minable mineral introduced
- Click-box improvements and ::displayfps
- The Inferno, new fight caves for the melee BIS Infernal Cape

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Clan Chat: OSG
Website: oldschool.runescape.com/oldschool_index
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>Prices & money making

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bondie pride worldwide

what was the most valuable item in that drop party

abyssal whip and saradomin sword

nth for qt girls

>made friends with an iron grill
feels good lads


looks like a girl to me

You've not seen many girls, have you user?

the artisan skill should of been in osrs

who got the whip

>should of

i dont think anyone told who got the whip, i know who the saradomin sword i think

That's a boy.

I never want another black demon task ever again


Havent played in years (like 10). Just started an ironman. Looking to do the wintertodt thing to get some money. How can I make the jump from steel axe to mith/addy/rune axe while still at 10hp?

How does he get away with this?

oops forgot the video

Buy his guide and find out. :^)

Have there been a lot of bans over ahk ever since the ban?


How can jagex even tell if your using ahk? Can they even detect stuff like epicbot and powerbot? Or what bots do people use nowadays

>can't alch ana in a barrel
nice game

>Havent played in years (like 10).
>Just started an ironman.
Those two things don't go well together. You should probably de-iron and play the game normally to learn what you're doing. You can't get higher axes without killing something or smithing them yourself. Someone probably told you that doing wintertodt at 10 hp is the most efficient way to do it which is true and good to do on a new account you plan on leveling high, but if you're really new to the game you probably shouldn't limit yourself like that just to do the boss unless you really want to. There are a lot funner things to do than that.

lol no Jagex didn't actually change their bot detection or anything, if you were using ahk a certain way before the update without issue you can use it the exact same way after

it's easiest to tell through mouse movements, but wmk allows very similar mouse movements with the right settings and so long as you limit ahk to behave like wmk (just more convenient) I'm not sure they can even tell the difference

You have stubble bro

Don't listen to this user, play the game how you want and remember to have fun

I don't play Ironman but I think agility pyramid is something they do for early cash, or blackjacking.

We pay, no gay.

The only interest I have in runescape is trying to play as close to single player as possible. Since I dont know how to set up my own private server, ironman is the closest thing.

Do I need a certain fletching level for bruma kindling?

who knows

are you that user who kept asking about how to make a private server offline in his own house lol
there is no fletching level req I think but fletch xp you get from it is based on your level like pretty much everything else for the boss


you'd think having a b.s. in comp sci woulda given me the knowledge to make my own private server. guess i shouldnt have cheated

>Those two things don't go well together. You should probably de-iron and play the game normally to learn what you're doing. You can't get higher axes without killing something or smithing them yourself. Someone probably told you that doing wintertodt at 10 hp is the most efficient way to do it which is true and good to do on a new account you plan on leveling high, but if you're really new to the game you probably shouldn't limit yourself like that just to do the boss unless you really want to. There are a lot funner things to do than that.
fuck no, if you want to get back into the game, ironman is WAY more interesting

why gay

papa mia a cute

>it's cheaper to buy bonds than it is to buy membership
wew lads

how does the membership sale work with bonds



-------------------------Cool Kids Line-----------------------

Milk me mommy


>passionate kiss from two people obviously in love with each other
>even put down their hobby to give each other their undivided attention

>lifeless sex for the sake of just having sex, not even paying attention to each other
>literally more interested in playing games

gee i wonder which one i would choose

bonds last 14 days

I need 500k to buy a bond. Am currently f2p. What can I do to make that 500k quickly and easily?

try alching nature runes, its a good 4-500k p/hr


It's still cheaper to buy 2 bonds mate

who the fuck are you calling mate?


you mate

Buy Gold Bars and Sapphires, make Sapphire Rings. Alternatively, buy Gold Bars and Emeralds, make and string Emerald Amulets.
I've been doing this up and through a million cash stack from scratch, and I'm now ready to either buy membership or kill myself.

get mad you shitter, you'll never know what love is.

tele grab wine
sell shit at the rouges general store that will net you 200gp

How long will 99 hunter take?

idk 200 hours?


Hunters faster than you'd think, it's around 120 iirc

Depends on what methods you use. Also it's hard to say because the XP rate varies so much depending on level. I get 90k hunting red chins at level 75, but I've heard of people getting over 150k at higher levels.

I'd say over 100 hours is a fair estimate.

>tfw you lose a bet and are forced to suck off everyone on the first page of the hunter hiscores

this is why runescape needs an ERP private server this is not a problem with warcraft except on private servers

there is one it's called RS3

thats because in wow no matter what you will always look ugly and unappealing

xDDDD op its so funny u put the knight head on the irrelevant image

its better than a literal offtopic op with a 3d transvestite

>if i chose to do 99 hunter instead of fishing id be done by now
fuggg, well only 5m xp to go till 99 lads no worries hehehe

pretty sure 99 hunter is still faster than 5m fishing xp

>99 fishing

i know, this will take about 200 hours at this rate

because its afk lol and i didnt think it would be this slow

Woodcutting is just as afkable and pretty sure it's way way faster than fishing

Do you just want a 99 or what

yes i know but i didnt know what redwoods were until recently
and yes i do just want a 99

just do cooking then? it takes you like a week

Just do this: pastebin.com/u5engCfu

Gives you a good idea of what you should be completing. But prioritize having fun.


new midsummer riddle:
"undermining we hear flames in a circle we can recoil."

what is the answer?

sapphire ring


i will with the fishes i caught doing 99 fishing :)

>tfw misslicc and smacc the gnome a 18

why do i want to quit this game every time i play it

>log in just to collect battlestaves daily for the past 2 months


you are the kind of guy who made rs3 filled with distraction and diversion cancer to keep you coming back


noob here

what kind of stuff should i do in f2p before getting membership?

i don't want to waste membership time doing stuff i could have done as a free player

playin some mgs5

low level cooking/fishing/woodcutting/mining

membership really isn't that expensive and being a member saves a fuckton of time in game with access to member quests for their rewards, get members asap if you really want to use your time best
just look up some "beginning quest efficiency guide"

shit game u dweeb
mgs 3 is best mgs followed by pw

>not mgs2
shit taste

mgs3 is infact the best. But I'm enjoying mgs5 so far. nerd

first 2 are dated as fuck

>Mgs2 is dated

i enjoyed it too until i put in 15 hours and never looked back again
it just feels so repetetive
i expected way more from all the hype it was getting

Most disappointed I think I've ever been with a game. Empty open maps, shit story, shit twist, Big Boss has 2 lines, 95% of the equipment is lethal, ect.

>most disappointed
same here user


should i join gayretards
i heard their the next rot

Noone cares you pathetic cunt
Posting this shit will not suddenly make you not a who now fuck outta here back to /pol/
No underage allowed here


this isn't osrs

i fucked yo bitch nigga, i sucked her dick nigga

>le "make your game shittier to increase microtransactions" meme

One by one, slowly at first, but surely now, this shit is killing literally every video game in existence. There will be no fun vidya left by the year 2020, screencap this extremely accurate doomsday post.