League of Legends General - /lolg/

Sandcastles edition!


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xth for yurifags and homos are delusional

Does your main have a good playlist?

I want to have a huge gay wedding with my husband, Kled!

Alright ladies, out of the list of possibilities who do you want to see next get put under the knife?

>Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter
>The Cha Cha Slide - Dj Casper
>Nine Inch Nails - Hurt
>James Blunt - You're Beautiful

Even mood.gg can't even Urgot

>Dead or alive - You spin me round

pantheon desu

>Sonic Adventure - City Escape

I main Kayle, but honestly I want to see that Duo update go through.
Both her gameplay and Morgana's is way too boring for today's standards. Their models and animations are terrible. Morgana doesn't even have a Taunt or a Joke animation, and Kayle is smaller than a yordle, and there's nothing about them that points out that they're both from the same alternate dimension.

yaaaasss slayyy
i was worried because i got kpop shit at first :3c

Why the fuck does Shaco need a rework? They're going to ruin him

Kayle and Morgana

gonna respond

Volibear. I need another juggernaut.

>it's just shitty metal or rock meme music with Wolf or Jungle puns in the song titles

>alternate dimension.
Nigger, you know they're going to drop that shit hard. Odds are they'll just be made vastrayan bird people to fit with the NEW LORE DIRECTION

Just right

why female yordles skin blue but males hair

>mid laner start bm'ing me telling me to afk
>go afk
>begs me to come back
>we lose

>pick Sona
>first song is a DJ Sona song

because yordles were made to please men and heteros love shortstacks while gays love furries

it makes yordle sex better, they are highly advanced

>straightfags say ez/lux, while yurifags say lux/jinx
>they don't realize that in the star guardian universe, lux and jinx are together while in the valoran universe lux and ez are together and they can both be right


>Pick my boy Darius
>Disturbed Vengeful One

Like my mains?

Yeah, I know they no longer will be from another world since only The Void is allowed to be a different dimension now, but I think they will make them some sort of subjective concept like Kindred and Tahm Kench, maybe something like guardians of the afterlife.

>Rainbow - Stone Cold
>John Cena's theme song
>Queen - We Will Rock You
>Electric Light Orchestra - Turn To Stone

I'm ok with this

>Beethoven's 5th
>Hatsune Miku Polkka
Just keeps getting worse

Lulu is the spookiest! THE SPOOKIEST!

I'm scared for a Shaco rework because his playstyle as is is pretty good, he just does no fucking damage. Otherwise, Morde or Volibear.
>needing a rework

I picked Sona and got The Sound of Silence

Do you have a boyfriend, little girl?

are you fucking retarded?


Swain or Shaco.

I really, really like this site.

Now THAT scares me. They'll probably turn him into a skillshots only and his ult is a giant bird nuke.

Honestly I admit his gameplay is a little braindead for the MASTER TACTICIAN, but I like how he works as an effective sustain caster option other than Vladimir.

That would require them to think user.

Best girl.
Best plushies.
Best wife.

>youtube.com/watch?v=3YxaaGgTQYM is not the first song

>tfw you haven't found a main

>check Illaoi in mood.gg
>Carl Orff - O Fortuna ~ Carmina Burana

I got Rhinestone Eyes by the Gorillaz, which was also appropriate

>Avril Lavigne's "I don't like your girlfriend"

This offends me.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

>>Carl Orff - O Fortuna ~ Carmina Burana
that's actually pretty good

Syndra, best girl

wtf why

>red army choir

I love Lissandra!
indeed, it is spooky how ugly lulu is!

>be pedo loser virgin
>post about it

>implying buying plushies from rito will make her yours

I got a bridge to sell to you mate.

Lulu is mine and always will be.

How do you make pics like that?

Meh honestly.

Lulu is my wife and I'll lose my virginity with her so how about you use your fuckin' bridge and GET OVER IT

Literal autism.


>pick Tahm Kench
>get this youtube.com/watch?v=2kQSFyq6mac
Hot damn, never heard this before but this is catchy as fuck and works with him


That's more like a Jhin music than anything desuu

ten out of ten

Woah, didn't mean to step into your pedospace. Sorry.

The Tahm Kench playlist is amazing

sorry dude

You'll lose your virginity with my fist if you don't back the heck off!


The best about League is definitely YURI SHIPS!

>Eminem-Without Me

close enough i guess


>ALESTORM - Shipwrecked
this site is really good

I really really really want a Kayle update. I love her theme so much. I hope they make her look like the angels from diablo III

>Look up Nunu
>It's nothing but memes

>check Illaoi
>get Blue Swede - Hooked on a Feeling



GP playlist is probably 70% alestorm

>Within Temptation - Stand My Ground
Sounds about right.

>check Nasus
>it's a mixture of undertale music and the Jeopardy theme
>check Blitzcrank
>some shitty fan song
>rapping over the instrumental of youtube.com/watch?v=TlZgiK6FiO0
this is surreal

Post yfw this guy goes to jail and loses his virginity to 24" horsecocks

So Illaoi is confirmed for the S tier playlist?

If they had a relationship I'd always imagine it more as a make shift mother daughter relationship rather than romantic/sexual for some reason.

Worse. You're a kraut.

>duel of the fates

Not bad desu

no lol

>Look at Leona
>Blinded By The Light
>Look at Diana
>Take Me To Church

This shit is very fitting.

I guess it's because Sona is pretty 'motherly' if you catch my drift. My drift is that she has big boobs

really really good

youre so stupid


wrong guy, that's the FAKE Lulufag (the mexican).

I'mma go to sleep now and cuddle with my Lulu, good night!

>play adc
>didn't play like shit but feel like I got carried by rest of team
Anyone else know this feel?

>Tunak Tunak Tun

>Little Einstein's "My Favorite Rocketship" Remix

holy shit I literally laughed out loud.

I'm not a spic either, ahmed

gute nacht kevin und schlaf schön!

>check yasuo
>keep running away
>try next song
>in all the wrong places

T-there's a Malphite main besides me in these threads?

>what makes you beatiful

These are mine!

Heeey, that's pretty good.

Hell no, son.