>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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kill all tripfaggots
Tiki is shit.
This is my wife.
/feg/ a best! I love /feg/! I love (You)!
You can't marry a corpse.
Have you ever seen a 5* Raigh?
Can you not?
Azura a best!
Where does the busty Sakura meme come from?
Opinions on notFE?
This is my wife.
My wife
I was never early enough to say it, but thanks for this!
Rude, I want to breed with Tiki without her consent!!!
This is mine.
Why is the Valentia tempest so trash? The best non orb rewards is a fucking resistance +1 seal
Reminder that Silque does NOT have a fat butt.
TRS is legit a better successor to Gaiden. Anyone who hasn't played it yet, I strongly suggest you do. Great game, great pixel art. The Black Knight in that game is way better than Zelgius, too.
Very fun game for fans of FE1-5.
I need a good archer, but I don't have BCordelia.
Instead, I have Klein. How do I make him quad?
>Silque sits down on Jesse's lap
>it's too much ass for him to handle
Mother of all new dragons.
Naga is going to watch me breed her daughter!
I would post the porn but I'm on mobile right now and don't have it
Why does resistance +1 exist when hp + 3 exists?
Fury banner's ending soon, but did we ever actually datamine another banner after that
It's probably just disappointment for the rest of the week
Boris is /ourguy/
Actually, I have.
Fuck off already, you're becoming annoying as shit.
Glacies I guess.
When did Tikifaggots get so cancerous?
This is your FE Switch Lord for 2018.
Not even just FE1-5.
There'll be nothing
Then the Alm and Celica Banner (bit of a misnomer as it's only Lukas, Clair, and Genny) will leave
Then we'll be stuck with the Tempest Trials and the Summer Banners, then
Probably to make your autistic self cry
Hnng Doot in Heroes when?
>unrionically being a cuck
I should really get around to trying it out at the very least.
I actually like Boris.
Hardcore with Summer Tiki when?
>Awakening waifu
Hmmmm...I wonder..............
Of course, I just said that because they are Kaga's games, I'd recommend it to everyone who really enjoys FE and wants more.
But if you desperately want more of that unique Kaga spice, TRS is even better.
This is my squid.
I loathe raigh the imp boy
The loli tiki fags didn't do enough to stop them. They grew lazy and complacent, not recognizing the threat that summer Tiki presented.
Delthea: Magical Prodigy
Red Tome, Infantry
35 HP / 36 Atk / 33 Spd / 19 Def / 25 Res
Fire -> Elfire -> Raourblade -> Raourblade+
Learns Swap, Res +3, and Hone Spd.
But maybe he's now a kid?
Redoot is recoot! I love this Reddit girl!
I'm thinking about giving Kagero Poison Strike 3 and Savage Blow 3, is this stupid, Y/N?
I think you mean
>Learns Wings of Mercy 3 at 4*
Because of her warp shenanigans.
desu i wanted to stop but seeing your posts wont let me stop
>3 blue tomes on cavalry
>1 of each for red and green.
Haha *autistic screeching* to you too bro! No girls popular with flebbit are allowed in our secret club
It's a decent build. Helps her chip away at non-infantry in arena
when's mommy banner
Rate my B O O K W O R M
Still needs Fury 3 and Threaten Def 3 though
I'd take 5 points from def and put them in res since she has very good res in Echoes, 2nd highest base behind Zeke's waifu.
Looks like my Tharja replacement. Her chibi better have the fang though
Raudr is spelled with a D not a O
What's wrong fellow Redooter? I was just expressing my lot for Redoot. Why are you upset?
They were literally always cancerous since 1990.
Do any other fanbases besides Delthea get so mad when their waifu is popular with reddit? If not, why? Is it true that the "next tharjafags" memeing was actually true? Gosh, it looks like it.
Because no duplicates.
why does mae get away with being reddit's favorite?
Build him like this:
>Brave Bow+
>Ardent Sacrifice (for Desperation trigger)
>Life and Death
>Threaten Spd
Throw on a +Spd or +Atk seal if you've got them too and you're good to go.
You there. What are you doing?
if only I got Robin instead of Tiki
Nice, same build that I'm going for. Already have td3 on her but still deciding whether I want vantage or renewal 3 on her.
what do they see in al that appeals to them over the big dicks of pent and zealot?
Why are you still shitposting, drill?
It's fun. Maps are along the lines of FE3 and FE5, although not quite as good, and gameplay is FE with some unique flavor. Unfortunately it's very easy.
Reddit doesn't feel the need to spam her in our threads for some reason.
Rauðr is spelled with a ð not a D
Not charging into Alm's entire army alone and then having a mental breakdown when I lose. You?
Why does Delthea trigger Drill so much?
Maybe they just really want to make fun of him. That's what I do all the time.
I don't even know why she became a target when Nino has always been reddits girl.
Thanks, does it work with neutral speed, or should I wait for a boon?
>Drill immediately trying to deflect shitposting away from him by accusing himself of making higher quality posts (even though he incorrectly calls them shitposts)
Not going to work
Same here. I'm glad we share the same sentiment fellow Delthea fan
Watch me sluice right in.
(lol these are literally the mental gymnastics I'd expect from drill when he gets called out.
Armor memes soon
don't post that doot pic where she has like stars in her eyes; it creeps me out for some reason.
>Thunder hands.jpg
She became a target because the low quality posts from her fanbase indicated newness and that dumb quirky nickname seemed especially indicative of reddit, and then some poll surfaced which confirmed it and they freaked out over being revealed, and so people taunt them over it now.
Should I invest skills into my +Def - HP Sanaki?
I gave this bitch a Brave Axe with her Reposition, it's not +.
Bitches love Brave Axes.
...I still think I like her default axe for defense reasons, though.
what would her brother think about doot not wearing underwear?
His sword needs to come with distant counter, fuck rolling another hector.
What is version 2.0 going to look like?
What's better? +Spd or +Atk Kagero?
For a +Atk is LaD better or Deathblow?
This is some intense reality distortion you have, Drill.
God's work, kind user.