Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Who the fuck is this?



would main her

Why isn't fgg playing SF5 right now?

cuz im playing crash bandicoot

where can I find guilty gear combos?


sf2 is better

Stop it fchamp.

I'm playing tekken.

tekken trash 2

aris is trash

That's pretty gay...

Just started playing Uniel, is the netcode garbage or is my internet garbage?

>is my internet garbage?

Tekken and 3d fighters are so bellow 2d fighters in term of skill it's not even funny lol


I just moved into this place for the summer, I do hate to sound all "DURR HURR THE NETCODE SUCKS THAT'S WHY I DIDN'T BLOCK THAT MIXUP", but a few games have been laggy with friends (Mainly SFV) but GG worked fine

Your net.

How do you figure that?

Too slow and the 3d actually makes it more stale because no projectiles.

it's okay

Slow = no skill?

LOL 2D fighters became obsolete the moment VF3 introduced the third dimension back in 1996.

Ever wondered why 2D fighter have always outnumbered 3D? Because they're way easier to conceive and produce.

Is tekken easy for beginners?

There are easier but it's pretty friendly, just don't play Jin

8way movement is skill based.

Why don't 3D games have puppet characters?

poison will save sfv

No its terrible.


why is korean backdashing still a thing jesus christ

SFV is too simple desu. 3D makes it more interesting.

Kazumi has a tiger no?

Shut the fuck up Harada.

It's easy to get into thanks to its mash-friendly system. Short and intuitive inputs, almost no just-frames moves and no confusing bars/gauges all over the screen. Some char have relatively short move lists to help beginners.

Mastering it tho, well that's another story.

not a puppet

that's a projectile, not a puppet

Who will you main in the new RWBY fighting game?

I mean isn't Eddy a projectile

Is there anything that can save SF5?


Hah, good one, you're a funny guy.

Its a summon, same shit.


puppets are much more sophisticated

But its confirmed.

Why is this allowed?

any SFV news or announcements since Ed? havnt heard anything. A new character reveal soon right?

t. harada

i wish i was that loli...

super sf5 in 2018

I know, but why in gods name would I play a RWBY fighter?

play pokken

Nope. Like seriously.


Don't we all

You can make ONE announcement during EVO that will save SFV. What will it be?


Where is the announcement?

Well shit I would have asked for Dudley but I'm fine with Gay Dictator, I guess I'll just ask for less input lag

It's cancelled.


literally who

its being developed by examu now

relaunch the game desu

more footsies


less footsies


play six stars!!!!!!

akuma no dykes fighting game > rwby fighting game

story behind this?

Announce popular legacy characters, and fix the damage. Change CC mechanics.

blonde oppai chink

Justin is a pedo.

When will he join the SFV cast?


Why does she have an Asian name when she is the least Asian looking?

I'm hoping for SSFV, but what could they do that fixes it? Is it even possible? What are some realistic things they could change that would actually make the FGC like SF again?

could he go to jail for that in the states?

me on the left

Pokken is fun desu

what do to get good with baiken's dust bnb

>inb4 goober

No. Look at the expression on her face - she's horny, which makes it consensual and okay.

But she ded

more brown

lmao goober


Less brown, more blonde.

Practice brah. If you're loosing motivation, just take some personal time with her tits, and you'll be all right again

Pick another char.

everyone ded

But SFV is literally Blonde Fighter.

thanks user ;_;

f-fug you! ;_;

MrWizard cancelled the SNK panel at EVO. What does this mean?

Got you covered senpai