Love Live! School Idol Festival General - /llsifg/ #1276: Pyon! Edition

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First for Philippines.

>steals honoka's food
>Wow, this girl is so fucking mature
>pushes kotori down because she likes what she likes
>She's 17 and looks 12, but inside she's gotta be at least 30
>makes a pot of curry
>See? Mature!

why are nicopedos so desperate to feel like they don't like an overaged child

I love you Yohane!!!!!!!!!!

Nico-chan a cute.

>tfw Suwawa puts her all into Kanan and has been improving
>gets bullied all the time
I honestly don't think her voice is that bad either. It's cute just like Kanan.

Kiss Umi

Lol no....

Kanan is just kanannt sing

Get it get it?

kys flip

cute gays.

She looks more like Nozomi. You need glasses.

>early thread
piece of shit chuunigger

Sure, when I hear something from her, LIVE without her usual auto tune, I will stop bullying her.

>he didn't hear her at AX

Kanan is still much better than Nozoshit and Nico.

>Kanan is still much better than Nozoshit and Nico.
delusional kemenshitter

I did and I still think she sucks at singing.

>asking who's the best singer if yoshiko doesn't exist
>still blaming the girl



Nozomi doesn't sound good in anything. At least Kanan sounds good in recording.

Chika/Ruby Pajama Set when?

but she does sound better in live, a lot better

Kananfags are so sensitive, I like it.

Sorry your hearing is fucked. My condolences.

Maybe this only sounds good if you want to hold hands with Nozomi, tell her you love her and talk about nothing all night long

Her voice is bad but it's better than the dogslut's since it's improving.

>kenanshitter is mad

Not the same user but is this the first live?
Otherwise we should wait for the next one to compare since sww has been (slowly) improving.

This is why /llsifg/ won't stop shitting on you kenmenfags.
You're just too easily to rile up. Grow some thick skin.

Shiitake-chans birthday is August 3! Be there or be gay!

>last thread
>740 replies

Kananhaters filtered

fuuuuaaarrk finally. Last 25 lp of the day too
Onto the navigators which is harder TT

actual new thread

filter this, kunbonshitter

You are aware that the copies of the µs lives we have are ones with post-processing applied, right? They don't actually sound that good.

>high score is 200k higher
doesn't count. i dub thee lamespam.

Congrats! Now post it on reddit to get more self-satisfaction!

Not him but It's from dream sensation. It's the satellite version so it isn't edited.

Holding hands with Riko

fuck off rinboitard

>µs lives we have are ones with post-processing applied
This isn't edited, retard. It's from the satellite rip.

>Tfw your fav points don't reflect your best girls at all

Less than a month away for best girls birthday!

It's from the satellite rip retard. The Blurays are the ones with post-processing.

>way too early thread
>OP not updated
Kill yourself

What a tool

If this thread ends up getting deleted again we know who to blame

what do you expect from the raibu with the worst fanbase?

Nope Us sucks as much as aqours
LL has always been this bad
Yes there is an excuse for aqours sounding awful
Nothing has gotten worse
Remember junai lens
K-kanan is good compared to nozomi
Aqours is okay


piece of shit yoshitkoturds are behind this mess

>he doesn't know that video is from the satellite rip

Fuck off, Yoshiko is a good girl so everyone loves her.

>not liking all 18 girls plus the rival bands

Cute Canon!

That masterpiece is from the satellite rip.
kenbenshitter btfo

Leave her alone!

it's from the satellite rip you floptard

>Rintard went autistic and made 9 hagfag threads

Some people don't have enough love in their lives.

jesus christ


I don't like Honk.

>rewatched this episode earlier
>RubyMaru was really cute
Why do people hate it again?

Because it's crack.

Flips are just bitter because their garbage chuuni has no canon ship

>hagfags unironically think nozoshit is a better singer than kanan

Deaf or delusional? Maybe both.

Because most people don't like Ruby.


Piece of shit YoshiMaru flips cant accept their ship is crack

kumonshitter btfo with facts

>kemanfag unironically thinking kaman is better than anyone in the franchise
Deaf or delusional? Maybe both.


compare last minute of to this

But some flips also like rubymaru

Can you guys stop spamming new threads? Thanks

>13 threads already
Holy shit calm down rintard

>this is the average hagfag

Suwawa was just unprepared! It's her first live!
S-she's a good singer!!

It's one guy.

>17 now
It's literally just one retarded shitposter.

Being back seiyuu posters!

Nice flaseflag, but Suwawa has really improved since then. She sounded good at AX.

I said YoshiMaru flips. I'm sure there are some RubyMaru flips too

Well since it's obvious that Aqours will never make it to Tokyo Dome now, what will they do instead?

I feel really bad for them. They're really talented, I just feel that the team behind the scenes fucked it all up.

If it isn't rintard it's probably some butthurt seiyuushitter

Anyone can sound good if they're carried by better singers, delusional fuck.

Bang dream general is making fun of us again.

>trying to say Aqours sounds bad when they are above Nana
Nanafags BTFO

>They're really talented

Not my fault klab kept giving me good maki cards

>resident shitposter sabotaging /llsifg/
No shit

>going there in the first place

I love my goddess!

Nana is like 70 years old and she released like 1 album that year.

Is this type of autism normal for your general?

Kananfags are autistic, and yes.

>they're talented


It's normal for the faggots that left for bang dream because they couldn't compete on SIF

You haven't seen the seiyuushitters and Kemenfags on mental breakdown

except she did a tokyo dome concert last year with those numbers

On some days, yes.