/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Old Thread Game released with Prologue (Fuyuki) and Chapters 1 (Orléans) and 2 (Septem)

>[Mega Pastebin]


>[Master Recruitment Campaign]
Campaign Period: June 26, 2017 (Mon) 9:00 PM ~ July 31, 2017 (Mon) 23:59 UTC
If you create an account during this period, you receive the following rewards:
4* CE: Beginning of the Journey
4* Servant: Saber Lily
6,000 FP, 10x 4* All EXP, 5x 3* All HP Fou, 5x 3* All ATK Fou and 30x Saint Quartz

>[66,666 Facebook likes, Gilgamesh rate up]
Rate up period: July 06, 2017 (Thu) 7:00 AM ~ July 20, 2017 (Thu) 03:59 UTC
5* Gilgamesh - [Limited]
4*s Lancelot and Atalante
3*s Cú Chulainn (Prototype) and Medea

- The welfare 4* Servant is now available in the Shop, exchange the voucher you get in your giftbox for it.
- First Order Bluray Release Celebration Quest - July 06~13th.
- The Half-AP cost Campaign is in effect until July 20th.
- An important announcement will be revealed on July 11th.

>[Master Mission]
Complete Mission objectives each week to gain Saint Quartz fragments

>[Daily Quest]
Drop rates (click on the NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread.



that feelio when most americans have gone to sleep and stopped posting

>can't even get the previous thread right

At least there's no (embed)s


>Lily Medea's interlude quest is titled Pancake of Happiness

Truly, this is the face of innocence.

>83 rolls later
>No alter

what is the correct course of action now


I'm still here user, and my ap is still charging :^)

>no Gil in the OP

So how your preparations for Nerofest are going everyone?


You must be new here.

I'd like to punch Jason in the face for treating her so poorly.

Made a good thread so your shit ones can be ignored?

Is Caesar actually good?

I think the other user was so triggered by the Gilgamesh OP that it had to make another thread, kek. Too bad both threads will stay for most of the day given the Americans are sleeping now.

Finish Fuyuki first fuckdammit.
If you did finish it, watch Sparks Liner High for a catalyst.
She uses a Demon Pillar as an ingredient though.

>spent 200k FP today
>no fucking Cu

>rolling for alter without clearing fuyuki
user if i didn't have to clear fuyuki id still be at it

hopefully 10 accounts from day1 with all login and weekly quartz will be enough to roll her during rateup


He's at the very least way better than Saber Lily, though since he's a fat fuck I personally didn't throw my pieces at him unlike that user.

I like your lancelot user

Is she next month or later?

Lolis are the BEST

>Got friend requests from some people with higher level than me
>They haven't set their supports at all

Rider Washington when?

A Saber-face Washington is fine too

I'm actually kind of laid-back about the whole thing. Whatever will be, will be, or something.

I think he's the only non-limited ST Saber until Rama (which is America?). Although when Camelot drops, I think Bedivere has him beat as far as silvers go.

Should I focus on leveling master level or farming mats for upcoming servants?

So who are you feeding all your Fou's to /fgoalter/?

Newfag here. Reposting for proper thread. Rolled a Vlad while trying to get a Gilgamesh. I'm running Heracles/Altera right now, should I slot Vlad in? Would double Berserker or double 5* be better?

If you're willing to accept an account without a perfect login streak, I have a saber alter account from my rerolls that's gathering dust
also has vlad, L/OZ, and the 4* sakura CE
email me proof you're not a random account seller and I can send code

pretty good just need those snake eyes and horseshoes

Blackbeard. It seemed like a funny joke at the time.


Saber Alter, but I still don't have MP's though.


I want loli Lincoln

Jannu needs her fluffy rodents

Neither. Focus on farming XP, MP, and QP. If you want pieces and monuments, eh. But mat drop rates are shite atm, so unless you have an autistic urge to be disappointed, wait for farming mats.

Get on my level

Altera, as even before getting any Fou's, shes a fucking beast at level 70

Also, what is with the fucking captcha lately? I had to click through 30 fucking Signs captcha's before it finally accepted one

Preparing backups, ready to ascend everyone with the event materials.

I assume you mean the XP cards right?


>been locked out of my main since the 6th because someone sent an account recovery request to support to try and steal the account and they need time to 'open an investigation'

OG Seiba. Doing everything I can to keep her on the frontlines.

eventually you'll fill up team slots anyway but i'd put vlad up front for art chains and herc in the back as cleanup for now

sent u an email

Unlucky Whale

>want to use medea
>but already using Zhu

the bond CE can't come any time soon



>literally uguu
i feel fuzzy

I won't apologize.

Why not both?

She isn't used for buffing like him, she's used for NP spam

>putting friend ID up on a board filled with assholes.

only yourself to blame.

Saber Alter or Altera?

All i have been getting are fucking useless 4 and 5 star craft essences

Seiba best girl! She is good! Stop bullying her :(

are you that guy with lvl 90 jannu since early last week

because you deserve it if so

Alter is better

Alter if you want to shit FP and actually have an effective Seibah class. Alturia if youre a waifu fag

Who were you

No I am and nothing happened to me

Yep. Master XP comes naturally, especially when farming 40APs. I think it's important to get to a certain max AP level, but I personally dislike having large amounts of overflow, so I wouldn't prioritize it.

Who is better between her and the regular Medea

Does front versus back affect the amount of cards/ap you get?

What level are you guys?

Lily does more damage. Regular removes buffs. So Lily (Also Lily has more skills)

I remember you. You were the guy who posted the picture of your character's room with your birthdate and other information they use for account recovery and everyone told you what a dumb idea it was, right?

They don't have the same roles.

She's got the best AOE NP out of the sabers so she's not that bad

Regular Medea is a beautiful mature woman while Lily Medea is degenerate loli garbage.

no, it's just because vlad is slightly more durable for now with more hp and def buff, so you're more likely to get some art chains to benefit the team before he dies


I could have been more efficient with leveling and farming, and I let my AP be capped for a few nights/through a movie or two, but otherwise I feel like I'm doing well enough for a f2p player

Anyone have that collage of all rate up events?

>Saberface Washington

Curse these idle hands which drive me to create monsters.

Yet Alter is better

Ahh wait, i misread it. Lily's is just a heal, no damage


Is that what heaven is like?


I didn't say she was the best saber, just that she's not bad

Lily is cuter, regular a hag.

>NP Chain Bonus: 500% Overcharge

*blocks your path*

Lily is a healer, Medea is a NP spammer. They aren't really similar enough to compare.

Lily is best girl tho

~59. There was like 2 days I didn't play, just logged in for rewards.

74. I could hit 75 right now, but I'm planning to go to sleep, so I'll just hit it tomorrow instead.

Alter and Nero are far far better AoE NP.

She's not. With the stats of a 5*, a lvl 90 OG Altria makes more damage unless you have NP2+ Alter.

I don't like the art they use for her in FGO so I'm definitely leaning towards loli

>Want to roll for nero Bride
>1 banner up Jeann alter
>oh well will wait for nero festival 2
>2 banners up Merlin
I fucking hate everything.

Thank you friend

FGO has a lot of shit art

I still have no idea how Niggiya was greenlit

After half a week I've concluded that I don't actually like any of these characters enough to maintain this as an alt and grind on it, so I'm going back to my main
ID is 9gxz1EN84f, password is fgog

If both are L100, Alter has higher Atk.
Alter's NP Damage is 450% without the need of interlewds
Original's NP Damage is 300% without interlewd and 400% with interlewd.

>large amounts of overflow
I know what you mean, I see overflow and a whole day passes by just like that. Thanks for the answer

Left to right you idiot, check the dates

>Lily Medusa is loli
You probably think Elizabeth is a loli too.