/rsg/ - Runescape General

house pets edition

Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. Requirements: 1500 total, Membership, at least one week active play)

>I've been inactive, what did I miss over the past x years
>Latest Patch Notes

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what the actual fuck am i smithing

Someone should replace Morvan with Death in this picture, I'm not good with photoshop or whatever people use these days.

Have 1.5b left from the 2b I bought what else should I get?


What have you bought so far?

Pernix + nox bow and HSR

Those 4 items are all you need. Good luck at Magister, user.

Give me 68 mil so I can buy the elders I need for 99 fm

>HSR for less than 300m
Now go and flip that for a 2.7b profit. And stop lying.

>On Tuesday, 11th July, we will be launching The Big RuneScape Survey.
>Are a bunch of graphical reworks more important than a Construction Rework?

You took the time to train construction. You deserve to get something positive out of it.
Vote for jagex to turn it into the skill you always knew it could be.
Vote for the construction rework.

Thaks everyone

Is this a mockup from a JMod or did some redditor with photoshop spend far too long making a UI mockup?
Also even if this level of customization IS possible. Why? This doesn't benefit the game or add any worthwhile rewards. I'll probably be ranking the Construction rework pretty low because it's a whole lot of time invested into something that I'll probably never use


>posting what is essentially an RSOF wishlist with a nice coat of paint
Anyone can make a presentable UI with text telling you exactly what would happen if it was real.
It's unlikely such a system is compatible with the current construction spaghetti code and updating the entire skill so you can play SIMS is stupid.


Construction rework needs to just be a refactor of the code to workable shit with 1 or 2 new rooms.
Would much rather them keep the current system with updating content, like extending prawn perks, since there are now arc and menaphos fish not included
They would also never add this because it would add so much variable storage

Invention is begging for its own room, there are so many viable paths for work here but they won't touch it until they rewrite the entire thing

judging by the xp timer and number, it's definitely protean bars.

>nigger vote for panada pet
>niggers will vote for construction rework first instead of something useful.

>look guys you can now place tiles!!!!

You do not understand how much those people want to place tiles. It's a desire found deep in their very soul.

I don't really see the point of the features in the mockups. I just want to be able to re-arrange rooms, and maybe some other basic improvements. It's better to ask for simple things anyway; if you ask the devs to actually do their jobs like professionals, they'll just hide behind "le low-radius, long cylindrical pasta code xD" and go back to re-arranging filter menus.

So when are they removing herbs and seeds from drop tables and nuking the market?

literally where would seeds come from if not drops



I don't know, but I started buying torstol seeds. I'm at 10k right now. I'm not sure I believe that it's really going to happen, but I doubt they can go any lower than they are now, so it's not a risky investment.

dude it's the chink gold farmers

just use ms paint my dude, it's what all the cool kids use

What are you voting for, /rsg/?


Remember to vote for Sheldon

People are saying the poll system is fucked yet again
If you press the 'skip' button you are no longer able to vote in the poll. Normally you can change your vote at any time in case you change your mind, but by skipping the poll you permanently lose your right to vote.
Some other people are saying that skipping the poll automatically votes for the option on the bottom of the list (This was the case with the two previous polls) but I don't know if this actually is true.

>particle cape
>hide torso/legs
>following each other
Make it stop

>particle cape
>hide torso/legs
Remind me again what's wrong with these two

It isn't so much the outfit as it is the people that wear it. Every time I see that combo, it's a pair of ed8ers "dancing" with each other talking about some normalfaggot shit that doesn't belong in the game. The outfit itself is unoriginal anyway. It seems like anyone that obtains a particle/max cape immediately feels compelled to assume that look for some reason.

What are they supposed to use instead then?
What if they simply weren't wearing any armour to begin with?

Like I said, the larger issue is the overlap between that outfit and ed8ers that want to discuss irlscape content in-game. Another indicator is their utilization of old school base clothing. You do make a good point, though: if I keepsaked a particle cape and added it to my appearance, I'd look like that most of the time (with more recent base clothing). I am a little paranoid about this outfit with the old school clothing because I saw a newly comped player in the varrock clothes shop with three other particle cape players swapping out their base appearance for the old school clothing. They deliberately go out of their way to emulate this appearance.

You're being silly. I use retro under clothes because there's no simple newer ones.

I would love an absolutely plain shirt and pants without cloth textures or bright red belt that the classic shit has.


>copyright jagex

>multiplayer potential
>vr ready
>esport potential

could this be the new mmo?

>racing MMO
Do such a game exist right now? Maybe Jagex is on to something here.

>>multiplayer potential
>>vr ready
>>esport potential
I sure love BUZZWORDS

what the fuck else does it have then?

buzz lightyear

>RuneScape Polls - Your Suggestions
>submitted by Mod Osborne
>While we work on the RuneScape Survey system, we are interested in getting some polls out on the current poll system. Let's get Unfinished Business moving quickly.
>I am looking for ideas for polls from you. Ideally they would be impactful and stuff we could start work on now, so not absolutely huge (a new quest or raid won't quite cut it).
>Things like the following: - Removing Mobilising Armies - Reducing the Castle Wars requirement on Comp - Reducing game worlds
>Some ideas I like so far: Mass-moving quests to F2P; Lodestones to cost resource per use; adding more content to Trim.
>Isn't Livid Farm okay now?

Just pasting Jmod posts
>The skip button doesn't automatically choose an option for you that I can tell?
>I've just tried and can't reproduce the issue at least - at worst, it won't register your vote, since the code to register a vote isn't attached to that button.
>Unfortunately, I simply could not make the vote button work correctly after pressing skip so I needed to remove it, at least for the time being.
>If you wish to vote after pressing skip, you can still do so via the website, by going to Community -> Player Power.
Apparently the poll system is messed up, so if you hit skip, you have to vote on the website.

That sounds like it's working as it should. Skip means skip. You press it, you lose your chance to vote. Simple as is. Straight to the point.

Yes, but I don't think that's what the Jmod intended it to do. You're still able to vote after skipping if you log onto the website, so you don't really lose your vote.

That's gay.


It's fucking happening

what could it be desu

RuneScape remastered is my guess. OSRS got the ingame announcement as well, so it's not strictly RS3 related.

wait what?
also i didnt realize we got the quick prayers update today

so they finally decided to pull the plug


>Are you announcing the announcement ahead of the announcement?
>When I announce my announcements, I announce them.
Oh dear.

Spouting buzzwords is all Osborne ever does
>streamable content!

>Runescape in game message
>on both RS3 and OldSchool
So I guess it's at least somewhat Runescape related.

Runescape Remastered?
That NextGen thing Shauny leaked?
RS Mobile?
maybe all 3 are the same thing?

So this is clearly going to flop right?

>sorry guys, turns out we can't handle a simple expansion given over a year of dev time

>So I guess it's at least somewhat Runescape related.

>and OldSchool
>"Wait, did they? How strange." - Osbourne
Could just be him acting like a rusemaster, though.

Looks like they're trying to generate social media hype, likely for "viral marketing", but really have no idea what they're doing.

Just fucking make it so we can play on mobile already fuck


So what are your expectations for RS: Remastered?

Chronicle was marginally RS related and as far as we know they've cancelled all spinoffs except whatever RS Remastered is

It's unlikely that this to to announce some new random garbage they invented

>Could just be him acting like a rusemaster, though.

>So what are your expectations for RS: Remastered?
A boring game that sits uncomfortably between OSRS and a quasi-mobile-friendly RS3. No one plays it because it eats into the time commitment of maxing (OSRS) or Comping (RS3) and gets shut down after 10 months

>Chroncile : DEAD
>Idle Adventures : DEAD
>League of- I mean RS RPG Battler : DOA just like Hearthst- I mean Chronicle
>RS Remastered : Likely DOA, good luck convincing people who've spent decades grinding their characters to play a new MMO

what would it even be? phones and mmos dont mix

>good luck convincing people who've spent decades grinding their characters to play a new MMO
>what is OSRS?

If it's a completely new game they are fucking up hard. If it was just rs4 they wouldn't announce it on old school too though. Fucking hell this is gonna be the failed project to finally kill the game.

If RS:Remastered is the an upgraded version of RS3 they can just make it so your account carries over like it did from RSHD (RS2) to RS3

OSRS got it's start by being an OLD MMO

>Baby, I'm sorry about all the times I beat you but I swear I've changed! We can go back to how things were before...
>RS2 login music plays


>y'all mind if we split the community a third time?
This'll go well I am sure.

>If RS:Remastered is the an upgraded version of RS3
Jmods said on reddit that it was a separate entity and not an "RS4"

Nevermind then. In that case it's probably going to be shit

I cant even imagine
Phone screens are small as fuck and both RS3/OS have massive UIs relative to their game windows
Not to mention combat (for either game but even moreso RS3) would be total shit on a phone

they probably have some hilariously out of touch notion that THIS WILL FINALLY BE THE TIME THEY GET NEW PLAYERS

>Due to Oldschool Runescape taking away too many potential whales from Runescape 3, we will be shutting it down effective immediately.

Runescape Classic content remastered and reengineered for a touchscreen.

Fatigue is replaced with a Stamina bar that fills up over time or can be filled with a fee.

>inb4 RS Gacha

>Announcement is RS3:HD
>4K textures and updated character models

I have a feeling it's going to be necessary over the next 7 days


>Announcement is RS3:HD
keep dreaming
they got the announcement in OSRS too so it's guaranteed not RS3 exclusive

It's gonna be a mobile game inspired by runescape.
>experience gained in the mobile game is shared with your rs3 or osrs account
>bonds can be sold/bought in the mobile game with its own currency

>RS3 gets RS3:HD
>OSRS gets the RSHD graphics from 2008

>we shut down oshd because it wasn't safe ;\ they need to send us the source code
>2 weeks later
makes ya think

>xp shared with your rs3 or osrs account
I really doubt that.
The xp rates would have to be lower than OSRS rates (otherwise why bother logging in, just grind on mobile) which means complete irrelevancy for RS3 accounts.
also no pet chance

>announcing a forthcoming announcement of OSHD on RS3
really stirs my blurberry special

Not to mention how beyond piss easy it'd be to bot on a mobile game.

>ordering a blurberry special stirred

shaking it clouds the gin you mongoloid

>This is a 10/10 in Gielinor

Did we get any updates today? I can't get online forna while

patch week

looks fine to me

all my time goes into doing dailies
fucking lol at the state of this game


why are tits and ass so massive in this game senpai

Need for Speed: World
but it's already ded

they honestly aren't. That particular piece of clothing seems to enlarge them for some weird reason and the camera angle probably plays a part as well

look at plain trousers from the side

And I thought WE were playing a dead game.