Secret World Legends General

Reddit fucked it up my complaining about dungeon loot edition.

Last Age --------------------------------------------
To join the vidya chat channel, create a folder named "scripts" in your SWL folder, then create 2 textfiles named "auto_login" and "auto_teleport" , DELETE the file extension on the files and put the following text in both of them:
delay 5000
/chat join vidya
/chat join Sanctuary

(Sanctuary is the most helpful channel ever since TSW times)

Other urls found in this thread:

Can we get this outfit? What's it called?
Can't seem to find it on the dressing room.

first for illumemenati

Finally some luck with the daily cache. Should I just sell it on the AH?

Real good if you're playing blood, I guess.

>I said bosses, m8.
Yeah, and? If you're melee you're melee. I don't get what you're saying.
But yes, DABS was a staple in dungeons because it hugely improved whole groups DPS, but only one DPS needs to bring the skills. The other two could do something else than pistol/shotty. Maybe elementalism with Short Fuse, third could easily be a melee DPS if your group knew how to play.

I actually didn't mean to complain per se. I was just making a remark that I gladly paid about TSW since I enjoyed the game and made fun memories, but I really don't feel good about paying now to get good gear and alleviate the grind.
Of course you don't have to do that, but it's just that I was able to enjoy TSW both as a great single player experience and a fun MMORPG experience. The same I cannot say about Legends, the latter aspect is woefully lacking now.

So what happens to Excalibur?

Anyone know if the distillate drops from the lv50 instances are the same or do they increase in quality?

>get 80 pvp bags
>open 240 bags
>get 1 blue 1 pip tali out of all that


Why would pips on blues matter? Its just fusion fodder anyway

>about paying now to get good gear and alleviate the grind.

only thing patron changes is double AP/SP and 2k more MOF to maybe buy more shit with or to exchange. unless you open your wallet to buy aurum directly (which most people don't) you're on exactly the same footing as the majority of people. besides, it's still a MMO, once you hit a comfortable gearlevel all you got are higher elite levels and grind for another lucky drop or currency to buy someone else' lucky drop.

you want that juicy 3pip, blue is easy enough to get. radiant rings go for 40k last time I checked.

How does the Aurum exchange work anyways? I see listings in that tab but I see no way of using my marks to purchase them. Clicking on them doesn't let me do diddly.

Near the top of the window there's a BUY AURUM button on one side and a SELL AURUM on the other, click it and input your price and volume.

So those are just recent examples listed below? So that's the total amount of marks I want to spend, or the price per mark? Shits kind of confusing, I don't want to spend 20k for a single aurum on accident.

Just read nigga.

The listings are the amount of aurum available to instantly buy or sell for the given amount. When you place an order to buy, any currently listed for up to the amount you stated will be bought, and any remaining will remain as an active order. Then, when someone creates a sell order at the same value or lower, they'll sell to your existing buy order.

Eleanor Franklin's a cutie.

She's also very horny when she was younger

>She's also
>She is was
Damn I need to stop thinking with my dick

This mine is hella spooky.
Sometimes I forget the things that this game does right.

Don't worry user, you are probably doing it right by enjoying cut-scenes, story, atmosphere. You are not supposed to grind and rush like a madman.

>make a list of all talisman drops
>maybe 2-3 are interesting per role, but even the lackluster ones sell for 6 figures

Yeah it's weird how some moments are so uncommonly creepy for an mmorpg.
Even though you realize that the execution is objectively kind of janky, because of the type of game it is, but the story and atmosphere carry it through.
>mfw first time in Red Sargassum Dream
>or Nursery
>The Seven Silences
>John's memories

>playing virgula divina for the first time

Dragon > Templar > Illuminati


Lmao no dragon are garbage created to appeal to weeb fags

I'm looking at switching either pistols or shotgun for either blood or chaos. Can anyone give me quick notes as to how blood and chaos work as a part of dps/solo build?

pretty eh but shotgun + whatever is good enough for solo

Which one is more fun in your subjective opinion?

literally fucking nothing, Cassandra disappears from the plot for good

havent tried blood but chaos feel eh

Reminder they "fixed" pistols

If given the chance (through a quest), would you rather defect to:
c)any of the big three

>defecting to any of them

>Defect from Illuminati to join Illuminati.

Damn, that's nice

You think you were rolling with the Illuminati, kid? Jokes on you, you weren't
Ciao ciao
t. KG


I was a Templar in original and still am one, so I wouldn't change even given the chance.
One of the things Secret World does right is that you really get a feeling of belonging and lyoalty with Templar and Illuminati, or so I've heard from others concerning the latter.
Dragon not so much.

>Defecting from a faction to itself allows you to join the *real* faction that was hidden from you.
Yes pls.

Abeilles Sans Frontieres?

Blood builds corruption meter as it uses abilities. High corruption increases your damage but also makes you kill yourself. It's a pretty good time on the whole, and there's a bunch of tools to take advantage of and manage it. On the other hand, with it as a secondary weapon I mostly just gonna hover around the first tier of corruption. For that, it's fine and has a couple of decent panic button choices.


I'm really thinking of ditching my pistols. The rotation and animations are boring as heck.

The combat animations are all kind of mediocre, that's just not something that TSW does particularly well. That said, the particle effects on blood are pretty. Runes errywhere.

Nah thats garbo you should send it to me, ill take it off your hands at no charge to you, ywyw ;^))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

That would be pretty funny, it even fits the Illuminati and its secretiveness.
Templar could have the option of going to the militant Old Guard, or staying with Sonnac and the more moderate movement.
Dragon I don't even fucking know. Kiyota is like Pyramidion, ridiculously intelligent (supposedly) but completely batshit, so if the story continued like this who knows what the option would be.

Don't the Old Guard hate your guts?

Maybe with Dragons you leave the "all according to keikaku" wankers and join those that actually work?

They could change their mind if you impress them.

I wanna go blade/blood for maximum weebedglordxxx, how gimped will I be?

Old Guard are stuck up old farts but they know talent and firepower. Someone not from the old lines of allegiance wouldn't ever rise in the ranks, not high enough for it to matter, but one can be useful.
But at the moment, no, they don't like you nor Sonnac very much.

Blade's trash compared to others, but I doubt you'd run into problems on solo play.
Maybe make that Blood/Blade instead.

Blade is actually shit. One of the worst specialties, absolutely worst elites (literally zero of them are good) and it's melee so you'll have some occasions during relocating where you are not dealing damage.

Seriously, what's up with the elites? Isn't this thing supposed to be a DPS weapon? Dancing Blade is completely outclassed by All In or Full Salvo, even more so with the passives.

What the heckaroonie is "text games" folder for?

There is a rather long quest where you will play a text adventure on a laptop.

It's such a great idea for an investigation mission but fuck me it was difficult.

>play a game inside a game
>text based RPG within an MMORPG?

yo dawg I heard you like RPGs....

The keikaku wankers get rekt in the tokyo aftermath, don't they?

cool. Also the text file inside has instructions for making custom text adventures for some reason.
Why must such a cool game go the way of f2p hell?

No money

Also catering to baby boy masses.

>TFW had a retarded tank stand in the fire repeatedly

I wish I was rich as fuck so I could give them money to continue developing the game the way it was envisioned. Is that swedish dude even still at the helm? Have they shown anything about season 2 of the story at all (probably not, eh)?

Not really(?) Bong Cha went full retard and was promptly removed, but it's unclear as to what extent she even had influence in Dragon, if any.
Kiyota got what he wanted, became the Voice, and Dragon getting out of Tokyo as the victorious party, largely through his schemes too, pretty much solidifies that he has it in him to change the Dragon, as he says.
For now all we know is that Kiyota is with the big boys now, but where he'll go from there is still a mystery. Changing Dragon in some way, but in what?
What is pretty certain is that he knows his way around manipulating Chaos.

>that swedish dude
You mean Ragnar Tornquist? He's Norwegian. He left way back in 2012, soon after launch, so anything after that can't be attributed to him.
Nothing is known about season 2 because they haven't done anything. No money probably, they could push out a couple of Issues, but continuation to story was probably too much.
Funcom nearly went bankrupt, apparently Conan Exiles allowed them to stay afloat.

yes, him, sorry about the confusion
>Nothing is known about season 2 because they haven't done anything
welp, that's it then

>tfw had a sword dps run up to last boss of slaughterhouse and stand in frost while he does his grenades

Season 2 is written already. TSW just failed monetarily and they couldn't continue it.

According to their update roadmap, they intend to spend the next 6 months re-releasing old content to bring the new game up to the point of TSW's story.

I actually think that's way too ambitious for Funcom based on their current track record. They will probably milk implementing the existing assets for at least a year.

Well iirc, Ragnar at least outlined the story for a few seasons while he was there.

Why the fuck is it giving me "incorrent login information" when I was able to login 15 minutes before?

server is down for an hour

Servers are down...again =D

Fucking great.

Take a break, rest your eyes, go outside get some sun, have a quick jog, wash yourself, make some food.
You know....

Just when I get home from work. Thanks Failcom!

what is this shit about raids and shambala that ruined my game time?

No, I'd rather sit here and angrily stare at the login screen. Why is that white-haired slut got promoted to the game's mascot anyway?

Templar buttslut like Sally Whitemane of the Scarlet Crusade in WoW

While we wait... Which magic does everyone think look the best, or best fits the world?

My vote goes to Blood, something about the runes the character draws looks cool.

To the hive you go

>The parking lot in New York.

I like how elemental looks now, spinning triple fireball and mjollnir both look neat now
Chaos is the worst as usual

>Freeborn missions
>Walking around endlessly in the water surrounded by fog
Legit my worst fear, felt like I wanted to die

Dopplegangers make it great
>summoning 4 of me at once

And the end is so fucking depressing.

Island is fucked. The Wabanaki are probably safe though.

Anytime something calls back to Soloman Island I get depressed
>Want to know which one of them die, chuck?
>Want to know which one of them is crying out your name?

When can I start Tyler Freeborn or the other issue missions?

aw shit, there are certain missions that call back to it?

I referenced Issue 10, in Tokyo.


>1 hour maintenance to fix a thing
>thing doesn't get fixed, is taken down

I think it's level 50 now, not sure though

I did it around 30ish. It's on the road to the left of the last soloman island map and starts with a side quest.

literally me if I was a developer

There is so many lovable characters. You really need guts and to be a massive asshole to write something like this.

Carter'll survive, right. She'll be fine.