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YGO General #2546
Best Girl Edition
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She is best goddess

Anyone know where I can get a dark sanctuary for under 5 euro?

That word does not mean what you think it does.

No, they're just trying to get your money as per usual.

>The game was becoming retardedly fast

Xth for I may have lost LCQs with Chain Burn, but at least I had more fun than almost every Zoo player I talked to who dropped from the main event.

5th for me and my wife

7th for dead game and not submitting to the paywall lmao

>winning isn't fun
You are to go down as the loser in dng history forever, especially if you are stupid enough to trust people with photos of you.

>Implying fucking Zoo was not retardedly fast

>scales got moved to backrow
>cannot pend 5 anymore from the extra
If that isn't a retcon than what is?

>winning is fun
Bet you never faced Exodia.dek.

I didn't trust anyone from there with photos, someone looked for my photo elsewhere and started posting it. Also winning with Zoo against Zoo isn't fun, I tried it.

Um sweetie, trying to win isn't winning. And you shouldn't give out your IRL name then get angry when your photo spreads.

Speed is good, boring playstyle isn't.

If they completely stopped existing as a card type and all previous cards that either were pendulums or specifically mention them were made to not be or mention them. Also it's then.

Then this is a retcon. Congrats you played yourself.

Back to the discord with you.

You didn't know?
You can still set pendulum scale even on the non-competitive Speed Duel format.
You place them on the same column as the EMZ.

It's also still not a retcon.

good job dipshit

This does mean Metalfoes are dead in Speed Duel format, only having 1 free S/T zone.

Speed has nothing to do with being fun or boring. Fast meta decks are usually the most boring ones, since you will almost always do the same shit every game, since there isn't much margin for different situations to happen for you to do different countermeasures.

>Zoodiacs have been slaughtered by the OCG banlist
>meaning worlds is just going to be True Dracos mirrors

Shut up Cropcuck.
What photo? Im out of the loop. Post

>ignoring zoo 1 xyz mat bs
Just stfo already, you clearly are either retarded, a shitter, or both

what are you talking about you illiterate retard

Worlds is pretty much a dice roll between True Draco, True King Dinosaurs, Yang Zing Dinosaurs, Invoked, ABC and D/D if the last current tops in the OCG are anything to go by.

That said, Dracos and Kings have lost a lot of power with the Diagram limited as well as Master Peace so it's anyone's guess as to how it plays out.

You don't even play Yugioh anymore you fruit emo faggot.

ABC's rely too heavily on Proxy Dragon, which won't be available at worlds.

It already was a True Draco mirrors. Except that half the time, TD was with Zoo, and the other half TD was mixed with something else or pure.

They retconned the zones, yes, but neither the cards nor the mechanic.


kys. Also, nice projection, shitter.

What? At least a third of nats was pure Zoo.

Through empirical objective research and evidence, I've determined without room of doubt that this is all of you in real life.

In OCG, 8% of the meta was pure zoo. And around 70% was half TD Zoo, and TD with something else.

I wish I was as cool as a classic floater

Actually, not really.

>never got retrained

Why was Kaiba so lacking in terms of quantity of legacy support?

Battle Ox, Kaiser Glider, Blade Knight, Saggi the Dark Clown, La Jinn are just a few of his classic cards which could use a modern day makeover.

Because everyone else got quantity while he got quality.


>Marshmallon got retrained into a worse Baobaboon

Why didn't they just update the effect to being hexproof and indestructible by battle so it's a real wall to protect the player instead of a Nimble clone?

And untributable

I've been making fun decks recently. HAving a great time with Destiny Board thinking of looking into making a Slifer one. How do I make actually getting him out viable. I've won with the deck I have at the moment but I never actually get the fucker out.

>worse Baobaboon
Can Baobaboon summon other Baobaboon from grave?
I don't think so.

Being dead in a format where Nurse Burn is a candidate for a tier 0 doesn't mean shit, really.

Can macaron potentially fix your hand and allow access to R3?
I don't think so.

Can Marshmacron fix brick hands and go into Break Sword/Dante?
I don't think so.


Can you re-use Baobaboon with just a single card?
I don't think so.


He can be recycled with Emeral or whatever.

People don't bother re-using him since they've already won by the time they pull off the combos he does which you can't say the same for Macron.

>He can be recycled with Emeral or whatever.
At least 2 card.

>People don't bother re-using him since they've already won by the time they pull off the combos he does which you can't say the same for Macron.
So you're saying Baobaboon is a worse Zoodiac Ratpier?

Jokes aside, they fill off a different niche.
One is a combo starter.
The other is an easily repairable wall.
It's like saying TK Return is a worse CotH.


What a card. I was running three revival jams. Combined that combo would be great.

>The metaphys trap doesnt even trigger the effects

What the fuck is the point of it then

Also, give me your metaphys decklists

I swear I've seen the Slifer variant before, but just take this as a proof of concept that that kind of deck actually exist.

At least his support was good.
Even the shittiest retrains were still somewhat decent.

Use Gishkis with

>Even the shittiest retrains were still somewhat decent.

Defend this.

You don't get worse than getting voted worst card in the same year Silent Paladin came out.

Huh, I didn't know Yugioh had it's own version of Shining Imakuni.

Okay you got me, my brain just blocked all memories of that existing.
At least it was okay in the actual movie I guess?

How is it worse than Ulti?

I can't, but one shit card amongst a sea of decent to good ones is acceptable.

Neutron Blast and the like of Fiendish Chain.

It brings absolutely nothing that Ultimate didn't already do aside from that retarded multi attacking effect which kills extra deck building and field presence simultaneously and the protection is nothing Azure-eyes hasn't been doing for the past 4 years but somehow worse since non targeting destruction is something it doesn't protection from but Azure does.

Then to add insult to injury, this came out and made the retrain pointless when the vanilla can do a better job of a successful OTK than it.

This, same with Buster Blader's retrain, who the hell would ever use that thing over the original? I don't understand it, why are the retrains worse? The only good ones are Silent Magician and Silent Swordsman's retrains and even then, they ruined them by making them only summon able via a spellcaster or a warrior despite being level 4

>same with Buster Blader's retrain, who the hell would ever use that thing over the original?
I don't play Buster Blader, but isn't the retrain way better than the original?
The disadvantage from not being able to be searched via Emblem or summoned via Buster Whelp disappear with the appearance of Prologue, no?

Isn't the ability to disrupt TK Dino combo and shit and potential board wipe way better than a beater?

Buster Blader is also another case of a lore mess up.

>make him out to be a dragon slayer
>He also uses a dragon as a servant instead of having a qt girl as an apprentice like Dark Magician did and he's supposed to be a counterpart
>to further add insult, retrain is more dead in hand than the original, how can they make a level 7 in 2016 more bricky than one from 2003 ffs?
>then a slap in the face is that the dragon turned evil and he had to kill it or he's a cradle robber and stole someone's child.

They couldn't keep the persona of a lone dragon slayer at all? They just ruined him on all angles.
Even Dragon Destroyer is useless against a dragon player since they can just not summon anything and wait until they get their out because
>this card cannot attack directly.

>>then a slap in the face is that the dragon turned evil and he had to kill it or he's a cradle robber and stole someone's child.
but when you think about it
That's because BB was just the destruction swordsman, he doesn't become the dragon slayer until he kills his buddy

>>He also uses a dragon as a servant instead of having a qt girl as an apprentice like Dark Magician did and he's supposed to be a counterpart

Fuck off

You seem to not understand.The BB support is him before he slays the dragon.

How come Helpoemers effect doesn't work in YGOPRO?

How did you try to trigger it?

I tried clicking on and into the graveyard

Whelp, it's confirmed, no Performapal Odd Eyes Synchron until the core of YGOpro is updated.Fug

so never?

It has to be destroyed by battle.

It was

It has to be actually destroyed by battle.

I was dueling the AI and it was attacked by a blue eyes

More like in a year in a half since not only is Percy trying to figure out LInks, he's also going to try and make them usable without the extra deck restrictions.

more like freaking out about the AI not working which is the actual holdup according to their website

here you go: pastebin.com/dtDKmdG2

make changes if you want

In terms of power and potential, yes. I've always thought that had the support focused more on type hate like the retrain and Karma did, it would have been better.

I still don't get how they got the whole retrain being treated as the original card thing right with Harpies and almost nothing else.

What's wrong?

Would the popularity come back if Konami got their heads out of their asses and scrapped the new extra deck restrictions? They can keep the pendulum one of the scales being intergrated into the spell and trap zones, that actually doesn't hurt pendulums nearly as much as killing their revive tactics. They could also remove the ability to use tokens for link monsters so they wouldn't have to keep making link monsters restricted to bad archetypes, monster types and other bullshit.

I have a feeling exstra deck restrictions will become less relevant as they release more generic link monsters. The problem currently is that new sets have been awful as far as creating viable new archetypes or giving new support that is legitimately good.

No need to make good Links when everyone's forced to buy and play them anyway

>when everyone's forced to buy and play them anyway
I'll just use my old deck, thank you.

If you make new cards that are shittier than old ones, people will just use older ones. Sure, you can hit the relevant old cards in the next list, but if the cards you make keep on being shittier than the old ones, then the cycle repeats.

We really haven't left Arc-V.

This chart is just an example of a ecosystem when a predator leaves.
The death of zoo means that all the ABC format decks can rise up.

I wouldn't be surprised if we saw more ABC, Metalfoes D/D or even Blue-eyes and Darklords within the coming weeks

whoa there pal
lets not get too ahead of ourselves now

>Metalfoes anything
Nice delusion

Metalfoes Dino new meta soon.

Let me remind you of this abomination.

Speaking of Darklord, I hope next year we get a set with them and the Fusion Enforcer cards reprinted.

>literally ancient

Was really disappointed that they weren't in Light's Revenge yet useless stuff like Crusader of Endymion got reprinted. Still a good reprint set overall though, so I guess it's not really fair to complain.

The only thing that matters is that it happens after MR4.

How does this even work?
It's just 3 different archetypes all mixed together with the only thing linking them is being floaters.


Just wait for Harpies and Gusto to be meta when pic related get his own Link version.

>Harpies and Gusto
It's going to take more than a Link Bladefly to save them senpai and it'll be in the set after Extreme Force since Little Chimera is next in line if the Zexal pattern holds

Can they even spare 2 monsters for the Link summon and still have even resources for another summon?
Hard Mode: No Soul Charge or Hysteric Party