/eog/ EVE Online General - cruise missile edition

>What's EVE Online?
A space-based sci-fi MMORPG known for its steep learning curve, massive scale, and unique depth. It's also known as "Space Spreadsheet Simulator" and "NEET Space Gods".

>Can I play the full game without paying for it?
Yes. Eve is F2P, with some restrictions, and you can earn enough in-game money to get a subscription ("PLEX").

>I want to play EVE, what should I do?
Get 250,000 free Skillpoints by using a referral link (chaining them with friends works best). If you have no friends you can easily create two accounts and refer yourself - you'll need an alt anyway:

If you buy a subscription on the referred account, then the account used to create the referral link will receive in-game money. Therefore some people will ask you to click their referral links, with the promise of monetary returns. There is no guarantee that you will actually get your share, if you click other people's referral links.

>Now what?
Do the Tutorial then the Career Agent missions; they give you ISK, ships, skillbooks and teach you basics. Talk to players and consider finding a corp. Corporations are a great way to connect with people and learn the game properly. The game is only as boring as you are.

For career suggestions, see this graphic:
eve-guides.fr/images/wtd.jpg (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Read the /eog/ pastebin:
pastebin.com/cqJUuVT9 (embed) (embed) (embed)

>Game information
Eve University UniWiki: wiki.eveuniversity.org/Main_Page

>Maps and regions

>PvP information

>Fitting, structure, and skill planning tools



Other urls found in this thread:


Eve is dead. Stop posting please.

/eog/ iz ded



>tfw I already got banned from twitch channel ccp

dis gona be gud
>mutlboxing account when

multiboxing client when

scorch nerf when


>look at my terrible fw setups
>this ship isn't overpowered, look at these kb stats
>muh infographics, why present a few bytes of information as text when you can make it into pictures

>Cruor had the same web bonus as Daredevil and didn’t feel unique
wow these people are fucking retarded

>The Serpentis web bonus just makes webs work how they used to in 2007
What a boring bonus

Wow it's just someone's fanfiction.

Lots of threads got bumped off because some autist was spamming the catalog with Love Live! generals.


Was it not sc2

How long will it take for me to get good at manual piloting? I think I know the basics but I can't maintain a steady distance at all and occasionally tunnel vision and fly in range of a different ship that webs and kills me.

Nerf fighters that'll fix everything

Fuck this gaylente droneboat shit. Stupid sentries! Fuck...

Learn how each weapons work and know how to recognize them

buff gallente ships man

Join Dronelands today! Quiet deep space, safe ratting, cheap systems for rent. Comrade xXDEATHXx wants your 10% tax.

You sure mate ?

>t1 frig


>t1 ganking piece of shit

>worst of the three T3

a what



third or worst Titan?

Eve is a social experience.

look at this retard

He's right tho

>t1 ganking piece of shit
You mean : A good gank machine

>worst of the three T3
wut ?

Can be really good if know how to

third or worst Titan?
Still in the Top 3

>Doesn't care about t1 frig balance
>Cares about the Erebus being not being a great titan when it's still a titan and therefore more powerful than most other ships in EVE
Yeah nah, he's a retard.

>Can be really good if know how to
Kronos is a pile of shit due to laughable 4 medium slots.

>scram, grappler, battery, mjd

Only reason a gank machine is that its cheap and can fit 8 guns literally nothing else is good about it.

I think almost everyone has the general consensus that proteus is gonna be the weakest T3 after the rebalance hits TQ which i think is tommorow.

Worst of the marauders. Has garbage range and the only good fit is remote rep kronos. Meanwhile every other marauder can apply fine beyond 30km range.

Look at this fucking retard.

Proteus is p trash

All marauders can be good if you know what you are doing

Ur titan comment is retarded

>RR on things that can't RR

>Not fitting an MJD to your Marauder
Fitting a battery is retarded though.

Thats the joke and the truth.

>feels good to make /eog/ active again

>hey guys let's spidertank ships that can't receive reps

>Logi that can't be jammed
Maybe he was on to something.

Who said you were spider tanking fcking retard

>unbonused logi
into the trash

Why can't the Amarr Empire keep the tribal savages in line?


Project discovery can't come soon enough. I¨m dying of boredom.

why are heavy missiles so bad?


>600 dps at 90km
>so bad

you mean 60

>heavy missiles

On what ship?

On none, because he's a lying faggot


Not him, but Tengu.



What's killing EVE?
It's renters, and the people who rent out systems.
While citadels and fozziesov are part of it, renters have the biggest impact. They're a massive source of income for alliance leaders, who in the end are the people who decide whether wars happen. And because war leads to renters being poached and/or forced out of the space they occupy, nobody who rents wants to see a war happen.
No wars means very little publicity for the game, fewer bittervets resubbing, and no data to show that citadels and fozziesov cripple offensive efforts.
If CCP saw evidence that a large-scale war was being stifled by how much effort fozziesov/citadel defenses required, then they'd nerf the hell out of fozziesov and citadels, because wars invigorate the game.
But no wars will happen, because most of nullsec is ruled by people who are being made extremely rich by renters.
So what do we do?
We form a crusade in the name of Bob, god of Wormholes and PVP, and we smash anyone who will not kick their renters out. We will drive them before us. We cannot lose, for Bob Himself smiles upon us.

less than 300 dps on a Caracal NI.

you're trying to fund a swarm to destroy everything while having no source of income to fund your war.



What part of "We cannot lose, for Bob Himself smiles upon us" do you not understand?


>and no data to show that citadels and fozziesov cripple offensive efforts
Wow this person is a retard

One of the multiple fit possible yea

Okay well time to get 10,000 alts with T1 frigs funded by HS activities.

>It's renters, and the people who rent out systems.
Goonswarm got the richest region, biggest alliance and they aren't renters

Shhh, you'll destroy his narrative.

>What's killing EVE?
PVP. CCP should remove PVP and pvpers from the game. EVE is pve-game!

>If CCP saw evidence that a large-scale war was being stifled by how much effort fozziesov/citadel defenses required, then they'd nerf the hell out of fozziesov and citadels, because wars invigorate the game.
I don't think you actually play the game let alone actually try to use sov or citadels when you say stupid shit like this

Falling for bait this hard[spoiler/]

>scam citizen dont even has a generel for days or so
>say eve is dying

hahaha no, eve is eternal

>meme citizen

>purchase 440, get 60 FREE

What's wrong goyim? Afraid of a good deal?

Nice marketing strategies for 2k+17 desu

>renter empires are killing eve
>largest renter empire is NCPL
>DRF pays PL protection money to avoid war
>but we whfags are too cucked to even sneeze at NCPL renters, let alone go after PL rorqs and NC super ratting alts
>they might tell HK to evict us if we do
>we can't fight people who might shoot back
>lets roll holes until we land in Omist or the drone regions
>maybe we can bring some PL alts too to gank some Russian supers

It's 2k16+1 you stupid degenerate monkey.

dont be hard on him, he is probably american

>Says increasingly nervous man for the fifth time this year


wow, Mimic just keeps getting hotter

Why is Gallente so lame? You'd think armor tanked hybrid turrets would be cool, but it is worse than Calari in every way.

You're lame.

LMAO at ccp stream

what happened?

>watching streams


>not making a killing on the market when they drop info on patches

>xhe thinks info on stream is new

>wasting ssd space with eve

>playing any other MMO

game is indeed a dead one

vanilla WoW was the purest mmofu

>playing MMOs

That's not Runesape before Jagex fucked it all up.

>let's raid to get gear for more raids

hello pleddit

>A WoW player thinks his opinion matters