/ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station

Last time on /ss13g/: >ElonMusk is die
>arguing about sillycone laws

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>Round Stats

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:


Why does no one use mechs?

Second for not abusing MoMMIs

byond combat is shit
mechs make it shitter
can't use them without an antag lisence

Whenever I end up as a positronic brain on Veeky Forums I have them put me into a security mech instead of a borg. It's pretty fun not being bound to any laws other than no killing and no destroying the station.

Side note, it weirds me out that mechs come with internals but dont actually protect against a vacuum


depends on which codebase you use, most of em make you spaceproof.

Why is that mauler green, or that marauder black

>tfw extended never lasts long enough for real autism

MoMMIs are evil. They steal stuff and bully you.

>want to build
>round is nuke/malf/wizard/raiders

>round goes on for 2 hours

I have no idea how nuke ops can steal the disk and arm the nuke without ever being seen. That shits crazy.

I'm pretty sure only red names can see IPs, if even they can. I know rednames can't see forum logins for *anybody* except for other rednames.
I think I've also made it very clear to other admins that even if they find a way to somehow see forum IPs, that shit is private and *NOT* to be publically shown. I don't really care about my own IP getting out there, but there's a reason they're scrubbed from the logs. I'm not even sure why they're visible on the bans page.
That said, there is literally nothing wrong with using a VPN for this kinda thing. Anonymity is a big part of our server, I'd like to hope

Pic unrelated

it's deathsquads mech in one of the codebases.
I decided to fuck around and see all the shit in Veeky Forums's codebase and saw bluespace emags, a mech for mimes, a deathsquad ripley that doesn't deal any damage and three different "Book" based martial arts styles. CQC, Plasma Fist, and Sleeping Carp. Tons of fun stuff for shenanigans.

Don't worry, no one expects VGstation to recognise a space ninja, seeing as it was removed for years 4noraisen while every other codebase has had it since

>bluespace emags
the fuck do those do?

>deathsquad ripley

Dont we have that? I remember a round in Veeky Forums with a black killer ripley,

Yeah, somewhere in our code is an edgy death ripley with a death clamp

Drawfaggot here give me something to draw.

I agree
Dear Pomf: please remove IPs from the ban page.

draw pomf clucking about antag datums

Fat assistant gets stuck in a disposal pipe.

>forum ips are private and regular admins shouldn't be able to see
>admins in the past have used forum ips to see who people are from ingame ips or other forum ips.

pretty shit in comparison

what's theirs then?
no idea what it's being compared to

draw nuke ops getting zas'd into a wall as the disk gets sucked out a window

it's an emag that utilizes bluespace technology allowing you to emag anything you can "See"(anything emaggable of course). This means if you get xray you can emag shit through walls, or if you find a way to access the camera systems you can emag any room you can see through the cameras and nobody will know it was you. Gonna try to TC trade for it the next time i'm a traitor.

VPN user PUT IN A DEADMIN REQUEST AGAINST nuklear, my friend, and yours too

>telekinesis but with emags
color me interested

>only mommi, no engineering, some borgs
>set up power, cool plasma, the usual
>wizard spotted, he's friendly
>counter validing operation happens
>meanwhile try out the glass floors
>it ends up as making a room at escape
>lay some flooring and pipes
>space carps spawn directly on it, atmos tech charms them and zooms out
>borg comes to help and adds windows and wiring
>APC, air alarm, lights, windoors, tables and wooden tiles in place
>all of this while people keep walking into the 0kpa room without internals
>the round is three hours long by now
>almost done
>two blob nodes happen to land on the room from two directions
>borg gets the screen freeze
>shuttle called and recalled a few times
>by now the dream is dead

Even when the round is long enough, it is never long enough

this fucking madman, by jove
nuke is going to reply with a fucking 5000 word essay

draw Souhei

draw Souhei's funeral with other crew all there to say goodbye

oh wait its really old nvm

I'm talking about the mech, unless the ninja has one for some reason?


It's very strange to see how he's changed his replying habits though. They actually used to make sense a few years ago.

p-pomf is back?

It's a deathsquad mech on one of the codebases. Has a portable BSA and carbine weaponry.

Are you sure they didn't get those from the rednames (headmins and ex-headmins)? Maybe I'm literally blind but I went on my own page and the mod control panel and I don't see it anywhere
That's a *good* thing, mind

He's been working on a lot of good shit, fixing window angle collision, custom vendors, working on antag datums
it's a good time for the chicken

I love you Kammer!

Might've been from a redname, there was like 7 at one point.

Wait, no, I can in the user notes.
That's really gay
And so are you

Kammer don't play with my heart like this. We're meant for each other!

Probably should tell pomf or pain to fix that if they can

That's a very basic and boring recolor

The ninja was broken and unused. It was removed entirely for a fresh port that never happened or a new rework that ended when the coder was permabanned.
It's not really missed, the only mentions of it are "Ready up for space ninja" on the lobby.

Literally the same sprite

Well I admit I ain't nothin' like a mint bud.

Anyone have a picture of Souhei's character?

Cat ears and really long/thick pink hair

What jumpsuit/coat/shoes did she normally wear?

Add cat ears to this and matching 100%

>Have food
>Never get a hunger check
>Have no food
>Get two hunger checks in the same hallway

Running increases hunger

Ha, now everyone knows you fucked up anonymous person


Which are the best waifus right now? I'm lonely in space.


>the one person that goes janitor only for the janicart and doesn't clean a single tile
>the one person that goes cargo solely for enhanced asistant instead of the joy of hauling

That's not how you ask a question

always bet on the waifu players to act like shitters

You call that disgusting thing a waifu?

get some logs and make a ban request then

don't be lazy

I miss reeeeeimstupid.
>goes engineering almost everytime
>if they dont get antag, they "accidentally" fall into the singularity
though to be fair they really are dumb so it might have been accidental, constantly

>tell ERPing furry freak I'm busy
>can I rape you
>I'm actually busy IRL
>doesn't take the hint
>alright I'll just do it
>walk away

>thread is so ban thirsty people want to log dive for leaving insulated gloves out for free

>asking for consent
>to rape


Just to add onto this, if you're using something like the singularity or solars (god forbid) where the power fluctuates, you're better off to set the SMES's slightly lower than what you figured for step 5.
That way they charge all the time instead of turning off and on constantly. It might be slower, but if you set the threshold for charging too high, the power is lost forever and will take even longer to charge.

>setting SMES for solars
What even, just wire to grid.

It was just an example.
Although, I personally use the SMES on solars on the very rare occasion I use them because I don't like making the grid a deathtrap, and I imagine most newfriends wouldn't want to do the same for fear of bwoinks.

Solars wired to the grid aren't really a deathtrap unless there are other engines up.

Good on you for that lad, but solars dont make it a deathtrap anyways, all four wired to grid just about make up all the power consumption.

Yeah, I had it consented in OOCnotes too so that cringy shit would not happen and he still asked.

You have to actually turn on the cabin air thing, dummy.

We have the death ripley. It's supposed to actually do things, but it's unfinished in all codebases.

Feel free to code it back in, preferably without all the insane snowflakery and spaghetti behind it.

More moving = more eating. Engineers and sec usually eat the most.

7/10 picture of the year --IGN

I have a good reason to wire engines to the grid now that I've figured out that the Starscreen EX has a range limit of 400, unlike the normal Starscreen which breaks at 70+.

>Solars wired to the grid aren't really a deathtrap unless there are other engines up.
Which typically happens. I can't think of a time where the station was run entirely on solars aside from maybe when some autistic borg or MoMMI decided to upgrade the glass inside them.

Fair point, I honestly thought all 4 solars wired in could crit someone. However, as above, mostly it's a stopgab until a bigger engine comes online, THEN it's a problem.

Even with the other engines I don't believe it contributes all that much to the shock damage.

Honestly I don't have the numbers on hand to back up either of our arguments.
All I recall was a lot of people arguing about it ages ago, since technically it's not a bannable thing (ie, it's not metagaming, even though you could argue it is), but it's an asshole-ish thing to do.

I'd consider wiring other engines to the grid an asshole thing, but not solars.

It will be.

wiring R-UST to grid is like a blessing to the crew to be fair

>during the recent ban request fiasco nobody took issue with the fact that the guy was using a VPN and a fresh account
new ban request meta established?

some people just wants to stay anonymous while posting, they don't want drama relied to their account, but they want to make changes.

reap what you sow

>the first two replies call him out on being anonymous

what did you mean by nobody took issue?

yeah, for rule 0, 1, 7 bans probably

>waifu players are all shitters

They're either shitters or the best in the department.. most of the best players are waifus, most of the worst are waifus or not look at yred, mikecari, carsh, digitalis. I guess that means waifus are above average...

The evidence isn't less damning just because it comes from an anonymous source.


shitters are really half & half. Half of the absolute worst players were waifus and the other were random-name nobodies who were just so abhorrent you didn't even need a IC name to know who they are.

greentext status - denied

when did flashbangs stop doing anything to blobs again?

what evidence and what were they implicated in doing from said evidence?

They still do damage, but you'll need either a lot of them or a clusterbang to do any real damage

>that guy that threw a hull breaching bomb when im unsuited and right next to him
>Takes so long getting me out of the fucking vacuum that i can wake up, hop in my mech and leave the room manually
>was still in the vacuum so long my lungs got fucked up and i died anyways

Yes, very nice. Good job. Im pretty sure the damage from harm dragging me out of there wouldve been much less than leaving and running around looking for a locker.

>cat ears and human ears

good doodle