>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
I like Snacks.
I want to fuck this
Azura a shit.
Boy on boy action
We're not judging you, Alm.
Severa is a sweetie! You just love to love her!
When will we get those 10 orbs? Being stuck on 10 is pretty disheartening
Nice, three Ninos!
Celica's design is pure sex.
Why is this allowed
>tfw you will never refuse to give Lucina's pussy any attention and tell her if she's going to dress like a boy, she'll cum like one too.
Worst girl.
>wounded art
>actually looks like something broke
Congrats whale
+Def-Spd Cherche and +Hp-Spd Sanaki.
Well... what to do? Are they useful?
that is one fucking busy belt
Assuming the base rate, what are actually the odds of rolling multiple 5*s in a single 5-slot session?
He's clearly dancing
Bit less than 27% to get ANY 5*
14.2% for a focus one
Fuck it, I can't save. 0 decides which banner I do two random rolls on
27% is almost a 1/3 chance, user.
Work on your maffs
Hone attack banner
I need a good team!
desperation :^)
Convince me not to marry Olivia
How is it that I have never pulled a 3*/4* selena in this shitty game since the beginning of time. Why am I rolling Ryoma, Tharja, Leo, Erika, but not a fucking selena. I just want 1 triangle adept, you fucking gacha, why won't you give it to me, reeeeeeeeee
Save your orbs for the Maribelle banner.
Got a 5* +def -Spd Hawkeye while I was trying to get Nino.
Salvageable or do I feed Death Blow 3 to my Cordelia
(0.06)^2(0.94)^3 = 0.0029901024 = 0.29901024%
(0.06)^3(0.94)^2 = 0.0001908576 = 0.01908576%
(0.06)^4(0.94)^1 = 0.0000121824 = 0.00121824%
(0.06)^5(0.94)^0 = 0.0000007776 = 0.00007776%
To put this in perspective, it's a 0.25% chance to roll a green 5* (Non-Focus), like a Hector, Julia, or Minerva.
You're looking for Roy, not Selena, unless you really want to spend 20k feathers
I never saw the appeal of Maribelle apart from being kinda cute tbqh
never rolled a roy either....
I won't. Do it.
Roll for blues only on the Genny banner
>it's a 0.25% chance to roll a green 5*
Isn't it a 3% chance?
Blues only on Hone Attack banner :^)
There must be at least one TRS bro on right now, right?
Too bad. He's a great skill fodder. Terrible unit otherwise. Might as well go full arthur and use axebreaker.
Do it user. Make her happy!
Expand your barracks
when your appearance rate for rolling 5*, has increased to 4.25%, is it better to roll all 5 or does the bonus get reduced to 3% the moment you get your 5*.
I got my first Roy like a week ago and he ruined my pity rate by being a 5 star. Fml
Is Karel good or is he just desperation fodder?
I already have Eirika as a red sword.
When us this fe warriors bullshit comming out ?
There will certainly be a banner like with shadows of valencia.
Post times where you danced with fire and didn't get burned.
3% for ANY 5*. You have to divide that by the number of 5*s you can summon from that pool for the chance of a specific one.
But I did the maths
With 6% of a 5*, the chance is about 26.6%
So a bit less than 27%
can't relate
Got a lewd Robin from a yolo roll yesterday. -def +res so not absolutely crap.
never buy a dynasty warriors spinoff game at launch. Wait till 90% of the DLC is released.
>tfw Roy ruined your pity rate for Ike 3 times
>never got him in the end
Fuck Roy
>yfw the warriors oc sword lords become the meta defining units in heroes
I got monkey's paw'd. She was -atk.
Cherche isn't bad. Give her a Brave Axe+ and she will wreck shit without needing any SPD.
You're right, you just need a green orb, (lol.
What I meant is the odds of a specific 5*, since,
>The appearance rates for Heroes of the same rarity are the same. Example: if the appearance rate for a Hero of a certain rarity is 3% and there are four possible Heroes of that rarity, then the chance of summoning each Hero is 0.75%.
Since there are currently 12 green 5*, 3%/12 = 0.25%.
It says
>Appearance rates change after a summoning session is over. They will not change in the middle of a summoning session.
So I think all 5 if you've a high pity rate (I got 3 5* during the Spring Festival banner that way).
Wo Dao fodder. Shanna is Desperation fodder.
Makes sense, thanks.
>month-long all-red banner featuring Naruto, Sasuke, Cutie Honey, and an exclusive Warriors variant Corrin
Can I make a decent GhB team with any of these units? Been struggling with this shit all week
>fe switch is going to be the first console FE since RD and we know nothing
What are we gonna get? Fully realized second gen like FE4? Multiple armies like RD? Route splits? Something completely different?
While I'm not getting my expectations too high after Fates screwed up in some areas, this could be really cool.
IV reroll fucking when?
After counting up all my boons and banes of 5* heroes I've rolled:
+hp: 2
+atk: 3
+spd: 6
+def: 0
+res: 7
-hp: 3
-atk: 3
-spd: 5
-def: 4
-res: 3
Looks pretty normal besides +spd and +res taking all the +def. You might think I've gotten lucky with all the +spd, but 2 of those were on 5* healers and 2 of them are on Reinhardts, so in reality it's been pretty mediocre.
As long as the artist is anyone but Hidari, I can forsee a profitable future.
It's gonna be a sequel to awakening
I seem to roll +atk -def, a lot: Tharja, Nino, Erika, Leo, Reinhardt, Cecilia,
I don't know what I was hoping to accomplish
i liked hidari for echoes but a new artist would be nice
>marriagefest getting a sequel
>either pairs become canon or everything is kept ridiculously vague
not happening. Thracia was able to get away with it because it wasn't a direct sequel but set inbetween, and even then people got upset with Beowulf implications. People will revolt if mr self-insert didn't marry exactly who they wanted
Screamed like a girl when I got her. I had given up all hope after spending around 150 orbs
Should I roll for sanaki or +Atk tharja fills the role of red mage just fine ?
Hidari is great what the fuck is wrong with you?
Forgot to add. It was the last day of the event.
how do i make a girl make a face like this?
Wait you impatient fuck.
Tharja is fine, as is Katarina.
punch her in the bagina
>have 426 Orbs
>can grind TT out for 24 more Orbs
>still have to do the new chain challenges + squad assault for 72 Orbs
>we'll get 10 Orbs in 3 days and I get 4 Orbs tomorrow because of the arena
>after doing all that I'd have over 530 Orbs
what do with 'em?
any good banners or should I wait for the special Ike/Roy banner and blast a gorrilion Orbs on that one?
if that shit woman that ruined Awakening and Fates is invloved with it
then it will be shit
>trying to do TT immediately in the morning and accidentally hit surrender instead of end turn on map 6 with your cav team completely ruining the run
Back to sleep I guess
Wait until our guy CANAS is released.
ok can someone explain arena ranking to me?
I'm currently Tier 14 is that good or bad? How exactly do I raise this? Is there any point?
>they're all shit aside from B!Cam, but she's only good if you've rolled a Hinoka
I fucking hate that this game refuses to give me green orbs anymore
The only 5* greens I have are Hector (from hero fest) and fucking Anna
What do I even do about this?
>Try to roll for summer tiki
>is another episode when no greens
>fuck you ISIS open random red orb
>this happens
She got good IV and I actually like her so that day we had good day.
Draconic Aura is nice to pass around.
I'm spooked
you give them windsweep + phantom seal, enjoy