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Sexy Horde edition

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first for snoozi


>herb spawns nerfed to the ground
>Titans up to 110
>supreme 90g
>Ghost Mushrooms 70s
>dreamfoil 10g and still going up

Who /filthy rich/ here?

Daily reminder, to roll on new Horde guild for a fresh leveling and future raiding experience.
With D.O.N the hype never ends we all are going through the same shit as you and will feel extremely happy for anybody that joins us cause we need you, we need everybody, we want to raid. What we don't want is for this guild to fail, so help us out, check us out, just joining us you will be part of this guild's foundation, the core, the pillar that will make this guild a stable and comfy home.
Whisper "Handro" whisper anyone from guild.

Edgelord undead rogue here, i guess i'm too low of a level as of yet to whisper you guys.

So now that Melori has proven ret is viable by ranking at #15 DPS (beating out dads etc) you guys should really apologize to her and perhaps consider letting other meme specs raid.

Nope, add "handro" to friends, then inv me to party.
Ill accept and send ya ginv

It's over.

your paladin daddy isn't going to dps in BWL
they take him as a joke because we have 15 healers, it's a Veeky Forums guild and we need the memes

or just kick dads

Artie = melee officer

It was only on Onyxia, in MC he didn't beat anyone.


How do we retrieve Manlett's balls that Infamy took away from him.

She'll only improve from here. If she can't DPS BWL she'll quit to join puppers and raid as ret there, and I'll join them with her!. By that time she'll be doing a solid 300 DPS probably!

Manlett is really nice. I don't know if I've ever mentioned that, but he is. What a nice guy.

Please leave.

Very nice guy...try not to abuse his kindness guys. He's a very brave boy for taking the leadership role in such a volatile guild.

Who are you in the guild?

there's no way Melori will ever leave MoH
nobody would give him attention anymore

Im glad i kept herb/alchemy

When will Azuregos spawn for my boys SANCTUM?

gms spawned him for praise 3 hours ago
he died before even a single horde arrived in azshara

is this for real, Azshara always has 800 horde

he died 11 minutes after spawning

That's actually quite impressive

not really, they knew he would spawn

Can someone tell Melori that her old discord picture was way hotter, the new one looks like a tranny. Thank you~

why don't you do it yourself? are you afraid of talking to yourself?

Nidvardir here.
Fake news, the moment Azuregos spawned Praise/friends portalled to Darn from Blasted Lands and logged summoner alts.

They were just expecting Kazzak to spawn and already had a raid up.

Horde bros join up today.
Gchat gets more and more comfy erryday

why did they have a raid up at 2pm on a weekday knowing Kazzak would spawn? isn't the window for its spawn more than 3 days? why weren't there any Horde guilds in Blasted Lands contesting it if it was so obvious Kazzak would spawn

kill yourselves

>Xxspasticstabxxx : any1 wana gank lowbies in rdridge??
>Naevrstun : ye inv me bro
>Vurtnexxx : im already there lol
>Darkslayerrrr : immmm bussy losing a BG cant come sry
>Handro : come jerk me off in my mudhut, im busy shilling my guild on /elyg/
Yeah it's getting comfy

how do they keep getting world boss kills thanks to numbers even when Azuregos spawns at 10am ST? isn't Praise and their ally guilds mostly EU? not even Veeky Forums guilds have that many NEETs what the fuck

Horde have NEVER killed Kazzak on Elysium. Only reason they even bother to show up to Azuregos is because Azshara is a 2 min flight out of Ogrimmar.

The irony is the alliance has all the edgy kids, why are you so angry that he is trying to have a guild?

All the edgy kids play undead bro, I'm glad there's a horde guild actually though.

>t-they have scouts in Azshara 24/7 and summoner alts!

yeah right dude whatever, I believe it
I'm more impressed by them having so many people at their disposal. It feels like their entire guild shows up for every kill.

>be praise member
>be outside (I actually have no idea what a hardcore NEET like that would do outside, maybe buy groceries?)
>phone vibrates
>race home and log in and get summoned there

is this how it works? I'm really confused
I'm not even trying to insult them for being NEETs, this is Veeky Forums but it's just impressive how many people show up for the kills
someone enlighten me

>Ebinlulzz: any1 wana run a premade?
>Xiaoping: ye inv me gweilo
>Shufein: im already in one lol
>Slapmyass: immmm busy erping cant come sry
>Lumikaru: come jerk me off on the IF bridge, im busy putting up 1c bid auctions

The server is corrupt as fuck, are you still so naive that you think this is just a coincidence? Same with all those suspicious MC runs where every BiS item drops each week for ((certain guilds))

Not bad and pretty accurate, but horde has more chinks than alliance. 8/10

Praise got Perdition's Blade and two Vis'kag's this week. You are not wrong.

Back on nostalrius I remember some nigga made an addon that was basically the old LFG tool from early wrath, is that still a thing and does anyone use it on ely?

Praise currently has 9 BREs

and of the first 9 that dropped server wide 5 went to Praise

Sure but I was referring specifically to Veeky Forums peeps, in fact everybody is alliance desu, the good and bad.I think too that it's nice that there are people trying to come up with another guild with MoH being the size it is already there should be a second guild.It perhaps isn't the best time to make one now that gummy is coming, but then again, gummy wont have the vanilla content.I think that the future OPs should say what more classes MoH needs(I don't see that they need more people but in case if they do) and direct the rest to DoN

It's mostly the timing. A lot of people will probably drop Elysium for either Gummy or CF, personally I'm only gonna keep raidlogging my anathema character because most of the content is available on that server already. I think Elysium is very shady and not many new players will want to roll new characters on any of these servers. I know I'll be called a shill or whatever even though I'll personally skip Gummy.

Get called a shill who gives a fuck.I ain't rerolling either I'll stick with my mentally ill priest until I or Elysium dies, can't go through the hassle of leveling again..


What now man?I wasn't even shitposting this time.It's hot and humid today, youll get your shitposts another day

please stop... i can't take it anymore...

Loeiz pls come back, I miss you, my little priest
I want you

>hot and humid

Where the fuck do you live?

Horde pals, get to blasted lands and sapper these 500 alliance afk'ers

Kazzak is 3 to 7 days, and we are 6 days and 12+ hours in, so they were waiting there because hes superlikely to spawn soon.

Y-you too

a flat place with many rivers that is prone to thunderstorms, the air is like 90% fucking water during the summer, just went to the store to grab a few beers and I'm already wet.The only shittier place I've experienced is Chicago, when the sun hits that fucking Michigan pond... oh lawdy.

US or EU?

He said cgicago so hes a burger


He said Chicago was the only shittier place he experienced. Doesn't mean he lives in US.

Burgers don't travel so he's probably euro or asian.

You think burgers ever move out of americas?

Of course they travel, we get a lot of burger tourists here.

They don't travel as much I meant, sorry. We get some too but it's mostly Euros.

Why the fuck does it even matter?

There's no fresh tranny gossip or server drama to discuss so we need a topic so our shitty thread doesn't die.

What happened to the cute boys discord?

Haven't seen any leaks in a while.

So the boredom has made us all friends again :)

We're all one big family here friendo :3

>There's no fresh tranny gossip

that's wrong

I wish it be true

it's gone, the last thing I saw was hopestar posting himself, utterly disgusting

Well, spill the beans...

>Well, spill the beans...

just scroll up 18 hours

That's not fresh. Ping me on discord when Melori drops nudes or leaves the guild or something.

>wanting to see Melori's dick


he looks like Hopestar

>he looks like Hopestar

Melori posted himself. It was even reposted in /elyg/. Check the archives.

Really? I imagined he's sorta fit since he's a wageslave in EU..
I'm expecting Excess to post nudes next, he's a real fuccboi
How far back my man?

My flight to Thailand is tomorrow. See you on the other side!~


>How far back my man?

Shit, I dunno. Was posted a few times.

It's that pic of a completely nude, skinny dude with a boner. No head pic.

you're thinking of blonblon
he posted that on discord then it was reposted here

You call me mentally ill all of the day but why would you expose yourself like that.Fucking idiot taking le tranny love ;_; meme too hard

Be more anonymous like Dads, post your cum, or fill up a bottle with cum and slap a picture of your waifu.A new bottle every month and make sure you let everybody know that the fapping went beyond pleasure, that it was hard work milking your cock all day 6-7 times just to fill up that Mountain Dew bottle as fast as possible.That you went through fire and flames for a present of admiration and love

Its just proper organisation.
Have summoner-alts and people scout it, easy.

>I can't read: the post

really makes me think

VQueue it's not amazing but what it does is it will filter all the LFGs in chat into a list and so if you're looking for say diremaul you click the diremaul tab and can see a list of all the different groups currently looking for members

Wow. I feel so bad for you trannies. you have no idea whats in store

The gummy general is cancer but fuck you guys aren't even fun anymore. This place is fucking dead gj killing all the good posters with your tranny faggotry now all you've got left is your echo box.

>tfw you look at those imgur links

The only poster I miss is the /a/nathema news qt :3

But I, Loeiz, best poster of elyg is still here, so have no fear, the shitposts are brewing.I guess the clique probably went to gummy general to outshitpost all the decent people, to maintain their dumb vidya game power.3+ years of the same braindead idiots fighting over GM and officer spots.

>people scout it
you mean automated bots scout it?

MoH members who aren't nice (complete list):


You forgot dads, madti and mava


Anyone got melori creepshots?

can you shut the fuck up already Melori

wtf rude

Holy shit this is dead as fuck. Saging too for extra lol have fun raiding mc for the 1049th time on server #3