/wfg/ - Warframe General

Previous - >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/7P8Y63T
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): n8k6e2y6.ssl.hwcdn.net/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit#gid=157275360
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c
Tierqueer Filters: git.io/vMhaS

CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/809842-update-21-chains-of-harrow/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/801884-oberon-prime-hotfix-2062/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


First for memes.

DE think they slick, he dabbin boi

You see those mountains? You can farm those.

post saryn


My expectations are low as fuck. Anyone can slap together an open world but very few people can make it fun.

Draco or Seimini

>Getting Todd mixed up with Gareth Bourn
This is why you don't let leddit take over your general.

So those ghouls seem to be shaping up as modular versions of the Manic and if that is indeed the case then that's just one more for the 'wasted potential' landfill.

This, I expect maybe an hour or two if distractions before going back to the ship corridor grind.


They say their plan is to implement more stuff in the open world after PoE.

>no /aco/ wf thread

>first ever shotgun riven from sortie
>roll it for shit and giggles
>phage riven

How much is this even worth

What mod loadouts do you fucks use in your Razorwing builds for Dex Pixia and Diwata?
I'm running a shotgun with the four dual stat/ele mods, primed point blank, blaze, /ss/ and multi.

>Only fought Lephantis once
>Bring Mesa to sortie 3 because I figured she'll fuck him up just like she fucks up everything else
>magic pew pews don't target the weakspots rendering them useless
>he one shots me through shatter shield
>had to finish him off in 30min using only Pandero
I hate being on the spectrum

sniper or bow


start one then

0 plat since all my shotgun rivens have been phage so far

If that shit happened to me I would just leave senpai.

I'm using a Zhuge for pure damage, works like a charm, also have a shotty built for pixia but I don't use it much since I'm missing a lot of primed mods.

>no deluxe skins announced for months
>no deluxe skins announced at Tennocon
>Tennocon livestream implied they halted deluxe skin temporarily

So did they stop making these or what?

Are DE actually retarded? Deluxe skins are a money-printing machine with little investment, why the fuck did they stop?

Which Interception do people run now

I'm back after 8 months. Fuck farming Nidus. Anything else to know before I continue my grind?

Everything is worse.

buy plat

maybe the skin people are busy with actually working on the game right now. the next update looks like a lot of detail work.

DE recently changed the lore so that your operators can now feel things through their warframes. This has resulted in a huge surge in ERP. If you want to make some quick plat go to the dedicated ERP relay before it dies down again.

When are they going to change Chroma so he isnt boring and weak as fuck?

>he doesn't know

your bait is weak and you are weak too

Whatever they do they need to scale down the tankiness to be more in line with other frames.

Sleep tight, Grineer.

>uranus spy sortie


What's your setup? I have a Zhuge, but I also have two rivens for the fucker, so I kinda don't wanna use it as Rivens don't count

>playing spy in pubs
point at him and laugh

Sleep tight, Grineer

Should I buy a Orokin Cell and Neurode blueprints?

>did it in a pub
>all got done in the first 3 min
Feels good.

>not doing spy solo every time

Is there a way to boost volume? i have it on max in-game and it sounds so low compared to anything else on my computer.

End my suffering.

>pub spy
>DE staff member is in it
>he trips room #2
>call him a shitter then leave

>Hysteria gets Valkyr so mad she falls through the floor, then sends her into space

What the fuck why did you keep those mine just got converted to endo

Heavy cal + Serration for main damage mods
Primed cryo rounds
Vital sense and point strike (you could switch these out since dex pixia only has around 10% crit chance)
Speed Trigger
Piercing cal
Split Chamber

Use rifle amp

That reminds me of a stupid thing I had happen to me in yesterday's syndicate mission. Went out of bounds, ended up spawned under the map, kept falling for I don't know how long and after a minute or so I was put back on ground, instantly dead.

Dunno how they can screw up respawning someone

Sleep tight, grineer

Sleep tight, grineer.

Deluxe skins feature design elements that could be turned into full fledged Warframes. Wasting their design on a skin is just that, a waste.

Well I bought primed continuity from Barry (Along other things)

I already have the nightmare mods, next is corrupted mods, I've got some stuff to do now but I'd like to do some OD runs. I've got about 12 of each key, and like 15 exterminate and 25 survival keys (I've been trying to farm unvaulted relics that's why survival) Would that be enough? What's a reasonable amount of keys to build up before I look for a team?

Also in case anyone wants to offer to help me I'll say in advance I'm on PS4 so that probably won't work out.

Sleep tight, grineer-kun!~

I was using rifle amp as that was a forma saved. I might give that a shot. The shotgun build is viral/rad at ~60% status though, so I dunno what to do.

>They didn't play in 2012-2014

Floors were optional back then.

>Trinity Strega looks like Amaterasu from Persona 4
>could make a light-based warframe called that

what a silly assumption. By that logic, there's no point in making any cosmetics at all.

So, uh, isolator bursas. Do they USUALLY harpoon you and then leg it while you're still being reeled in, dragging you along with it and somehow keeping ahead of you just fast enough that you never reach it, and rendering you utterly unable to do anything until all the adds have shot you to death? Because that shit seems a little unbalanced.

>Bring Paris Prime to Sortie 1
>Can't 1 shot enemies
>Alarms go off everywhere
Jesus fucking christ this bow sucks

Got caught in a door? You die
Ran too fast? You die
Used slash dash? ____You die____

You sound like a butt slut, stop ERPing for a season

I'll have you know I never ERP in this game.

bring back coptering

>Jesus fucking christ bows suck

Jump on a crate? You get torpedoed out the level into space and then teleport back and cannot respawn.


Still, you give buttslut vibes

What are 3 must-have frames for anyone wanting to be cool

Loki Prime
Ash Prime
Frost Prime

Nice rhetorical fallacy there friendo. That is a false equivalence.

Is it better to sell this unveiled or take a gamble?

Ash Prime
Frost Prime
Excalibur Prime

all colored red black

always gamble

All the shotguns are good

So this is the power of wishful thinking.

I'd fuck you in the ass you buttslut

I would be perfectly okay if they stop adding new randomly generated tilesets and focus exclusively in open worlds from now on.



isn't the karak wraith fairly usable?

i dont think ive been this excited for a video game in a very very long time

3 more are being worked on. my wishlist is a corpus city on jupiter, an oil rig and mostly ocean on uranus and some sort of jungle on eris made entirely out of infestation

See Basically yes. Yes they do.

>open worlds
>no more shitty small corridors or small areas with a lot of obstacles
>we can FINALLY have mechs replace shitwing.


I can help you out user, I feel like doing some Vault runs.
Heads up though, unless they fixed it having multiples of a dragon key means that the debuff stays on you even after opening the vault, and the vault debuff gets added on top. Not really an issue with a full team though.
Anyway add me if you want to do some later, I should be on in an hour or so

>Get Melee Riven from Sortie 3
>see the riven challenge
>68 enemies
>I got this
>Equip Loki with Tonkor, Atterax with Buzzkill, RC, Bloodlust, Sweeping Serration, Maiming strike, Primed Pressure Point, Primed Reach, Quickening, Primed Fury, and Condition Overlord
>Grab Lanka off shelf, gonna get tough
>Get 9 forma'd Lex Prime for 6Million mythical headshots
>Go to Elion, Mercury
>stealth mode activated
>Pull out Tigris Prime with 120% status
>Blacklist a Grineer Bombarder
>sheer damage overpowers the exponential growth of armor/level
>Slide slash kill repeat through the level
>get to 67 kills
>screen starts to go black
>pop invis
>Nothing Personal Stalker
>extract and claim my Melee RIVEN


Does anyone else wish they make a ''Knocked down'' 2.0 update? I mean it looks really dumb and cheap when you get knocked with the stupid animation.

that mod might turn a karak wraith into a mini soma.

>Get Pic related

Life's a dirty game, you gotta be hard to play hard.

>let people quickly get up and get brief invulnerability if they press shift with the correct timing as they're knocked down

there fixed

Slow your roll 10o we just got Open World

logical implication from your statement. try again

What are three must-have frames for anyone wanting to be viable and useful?

>a full-sized infested corpus frigate with huge tears in the hull that you can fly out of to travel around the outside of the ship to fight shit along the outer hull, and access areas you cant reach from the inside



God fuck Uranus
fuck archwing, fuck sharkwing even more
fuck the entire fucking tileset, fucking cancerous maze bullshit forced archwing memes

Been there. Alt f4, and if that doesnt work shift+ctrl+esc and end the process.

>God fuck Uranus
I'll pass thanks
t. God

lmao this nigga doesnt know how to swim

>open first shotgun riven
>it's for the worst shotgun in the game
>open second shotgun riven
>it's for the second worst shotgun in the game
fucking hell

>you can activate the self destruct mechanism, escape and watch the ship crash down in a ball of fire
>can get salvage from the wreck

In your opinion, what is the most profitable syndicate to belong in if you want to sell mods? Chromatic Blade and Rhino mods aren't cutting it anymore.