Senran Kagura General - /skg/ - #1098

Fuck you all edition
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SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash European Release Confirmed!
New SK game Teaser
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3’s Marie Rose, Honoka and Ayane as DLC.
Super Sonico as DLC
SK on Switch
Switch Project Focusing on Asuka Revealed: Shinobi Refle

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every poster after this post will get their penis sucked dry by our lewd slut

D-DON'T do that again /skg/!

oh sweet

Raping Murasaki! Every thread!

The babu is only for swc and not bbc

I already regret making this thread.



I'm not really digging this black squares on white background look of the new OPs

>super dork
literally me

>skeegee put penis murasaki
Stop! Dungeon time!

why is deepthroat whore so smol

>Babu Love

>yameroooo bitch
>pussy attempt always baby
>fetish series
>getting smell character
>jasmine anime kill
>naraku wake hanzo
>zuri around
>big butt
>asleep course clothes yagyuu
>lady doll perhaps
>boobies world pure hibari

>anons horses must breed ryoubi

>post haruka

Holy fuck why is making a new thread such a big issue most of the work is just copy pasting!

>(embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Lazy idiots and the rest of the faggots want to see it die.

>cute yomi



>Haruka babu
I want Haruka to put a babu inside of me!
And I don't care in what way!

Remember to get fit or Daidouji will punch you in the dick

This cute ninja can turn my beansprout into a beanpole.

senran orgy with /skg/ bros!

Which senrans will be there?

Not mine.

user, no! Boys cannot get pregnant! It is wrong and immoral!

Yumi, Yomi, Ikaruga, Kumo, Hikage, and Ryouna.


>Senran Shagura

Nan wants to, will his bosses ever let him?

Knowing /skg/ this will turn into a literal babu shitfest. As if orgies weren't disgusting enough.

Our mutual love will make the impossible possible! And I don't care what society will think of this!
I will love our child just as much as I love Haruka!

everybody just waits in line for their turn to eat Yumi's ice cream

You know what would be awesome man?

Yeah, that's right, you guessed it. A Senran /m/ game. Gundam shit. The girls are all piloting magical ninja mechs or some shit. And Ikaruga is tragically killed when a colony station drops on her.

And they're all in their late 20's to mid-30's. Yomi's becoming pear-shaped. I can't say I'm unhappy about it, she thiccer'n hell.

>no Shiki

i want to show senrans my ideals

Ikaruga gets turned into a yoma's plaything and Asuka has to mercy kill her.

Look, I want Mirai to cum inside me too, and it's tempting to say I want to her to impregnate me by filling me with all her hot, thick semen, but mpreg is still a sin against nature! You have to snap out of it, user!

Shiki was invited to the last one, but she had problems sharing and tried to keep all the anons to herself.

For some reason, Asuka and Yumi do the fusion dance and become Yumka.
How powerful is this Frog Babu?

In a way don't you think a traditional girl squad show but with MILFs instead of teens would be a good fit for 2017? It is the current year

I have to drive home for 1 hour 30 minutes and you dorks let /skg/ die!

Do I have to do EVERYTHING for you?


bubu babu?

Maybe the world would be better off without skeegie.

Yes, now compliment Ryouki for me

The last time I participated was weeks ago. Rape is still going on around these areas?


We were over bump limit. Shou ga nai.

>go to bed
>wake up
>/skg/ is dead and its body is covered in the b-word

Is that offensive now? Why? People actually started to rape real babus?

Rape and babu are still going strong. Don't combine the two, though!

Wow, someone else who saw the anime.

Someone should stream that shit

>Rape and babu
Boring. Can we go back to cuddles and hand holding? What is so cool about rape anyway?

Yes, you'd better get out quick before you get raped yourself.

>get raped
That's not a problem when you're a Harukanon

You might say it's the end goal

Rape is not the end goal when you're a rapist. It's just the beggining

Fun fact: Babu rape is okay if it's Yumi. Fuck Yumi.

>Babu rape is okay
No it's boring. Get a more interesting fetish

>Hugging Miyabi!?
>Blowing on Miyabi's tummy!?
>Headpatting Miyabi!?
>Kissing Miyabi on the forehead!?
>Kissing Miyabi on the cheek!?

You can't just rape everything you don't like, user.

This is what I am talking about. A boy rapes, a real men headpats

Miyabi is not a babu, she is an adult woman!


Miyabi is for rape

Bloody hell! Putting my filters on.

The rapefag is actually banevading.

>Miyabi is not a babu
Yes. I never said she was

>Miyabi is not a babu
Of course she is. She is a fat strong healthy babu


what about hearing her screams

just MILFs and not cakes? that would be just tragic when half of them die and their kids have to deal with it. but yeah, that would be good.

Yumi is sorry for babu posting.
She realizes she took things a little too far.

She's screaming because you forgot to feed her. Babus need a lot of food so they can stay healthy and fat

It's not enough. She needs to go farther.

Babuguro is prohibited in this general.
Bunch of christian moms

Every day it becomes harder for me to remember a time when this general wasn't complete trash.

Was it ever not?

>christian moms
which century do you live in, dude? these days it's sjws who do the prude policing, not soccer moms. they are becoming the new conservatives without realizing it.


Yes! Fat Babu! Her crib needs to creak!

False memories become weaker the less they are reinforced. If you want to delude yourself in believing this general was good someday get out of here

We were a nice, comfy respectful general. All Senrans were accepted and there was no waifu hating.

Reaking cribs are a signal the babu is very active and energetic

That was a long time ago dood.

>2014 was 61 years ago
Now I feel old.

>no waifu hating
But hatesex was the only Yumi related fetish before she became a fat babu

Coincidentally, there was also no PC release at the time.

This made me cringe even tough I am a cuteposter. Its just too moebloby and generic.
Some cockvore please

I don't get it... are these games like... lewd? They just look like Dynasty Warriors with extra jiggle physics.

>Dynasty Warriors with extra jiggle physics
I don't see any jiggling dicks around here


Jiggle physics and teases at nudity?

Now you're getting it.

Why wouldn't I just watch porn?

ecchi =/= hentai

Because you're still at a point where you believe lewdness can only be appreciated through masturbation

Because different people like different things. Not everything has to be tailored to your tastes in order to justify it's existance. Some people like the characters and genuinely want to see how they act in certain aspects, some people enjoy the turn off their brain and button mash through hordes of girls while progressively losing more clothes. I mean stripbars have been a thing for a few centuries now and nobody ever asked "why shouldn't I just go to a brothel instead?".