Akkala edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
Akkala edition
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
First for guardian being best waifu.
Is there even porn of them yet?
What's up with this Akkala rain meme? It almost never rains when I'm there.
This game makes me want an apple pie
this game makes me want bananas
by chance you're not related to certain fat ninja wannabe?
Do NPCs react when you try to take selfies around them?
Or a monkey.
Is picking up horses even worth it?
If you don't want to use fast travel or speed boosts to cross the map all the time, yes. Horseback combat is also a lot of fun
do attack boosts (armour or food) affect bomb strength?
Some seem to, but it might just be their normal movements.
hook ya boy up with that food cooking guide innit
where is this?
In Fi's imagination.
Is there a difference between Ganon and Ganondorf? They seem to be interchangeable.
we out here with some bomb ass cooking recipes
Ganon is the beast form, Ganondorf is the human form.
Do they have a strict difference, or is it just a rule of thumb? I keep seeing people mistaking them, are these people retarded?
I miss Majora's Mask.
Rule of thumb, really. I understand why people would call the human form Ganon, though. I guess it's either laziness or a lack of care since it's really just the same being, just in a different form
thanks fåm
is there not one with the effects?
No but I had an NPC beg me to not jump off a bridge because "Death isn't the answer" and "even though things are very hard right now, life is still worth living".
Kind of fucked me up a bit. I wasn't expecting that. At all. Especially from a Nintendo game.
anyone can post the charts with every hylian gerudo and sheikah
>Do NPCs react when you try to take selfies around them?
They'll look at the camera alongside you. It's pretty cute.
>not a female guardian
Ironically enough. The Beginning Trials are much harder than the Middle Trials and Final Trials.
>female guardian
How would that look like?
Wearing a school uniform, obviously.
Probably the same but with an hole on the bottom
They do have a hole on the underside, it's plugged up on the flying ones though.
I'm more of a visual learner, so i'm going to need an image of this to truly grasp this.
Well we're going to have to get porn of that being used, then.
No school uniform but here is the hole part.
That's gotta to be one big peepee if you want to satisfy it.
It's a robot.
You just press it's sexual button and it'll be happy
How do I efficiently kill Sentinels without using ancient arrows? Normal weapons seem nearly useless against them
>crank its shaft as you fuck it
>it gets more excited
I shouldn't be aroused by these things.
Have you tried hitting them with giant metal crates/balls? I know you can one shot the drones when going to climb Rudania. Obviously the Sentinels have more health, but it's worth a try.
If you mean the flying ones, bomb arrows can destroy their propeller pods. When all three pods are down, they'll drop the ground and are even less menacing at that point than a turret.
How many Lynels do I have to gently remove until the silvers start showing up?
I've done three Divine Beasts, and only the one in the Coliseum has turned white. Lanayru East Gate only turned blue, and both the Akkala ones are still blue as well. No silvers at all.
don't delete yet
Is the highest stat horse you can catch and register 4 4 5? If so that's lame.
The glasses make him look like an easily-triggered lesbian
Highest are 445, 535, and 253.
Finish the last Divine beast.
Nerdelda is better than Hipster Link
So are Divine Beasts related to silvers? I thought people were saying it's kill count only, but I have 35 Lynel horns left over after max upgrading the Barbarian set and I'm still seeing blues.
The blues have also started carrying Savage bows, which I also thought was odd.
After you kill 10 of a monster (variants are separate monsters, so 10 red lynels and 10 blue ones for example) it stop contributing to the enemy level up system.
Divine beast technically don't count but slaying the boss itself contribute. Since you can leave the divine beast unfinished after the boss is slain.
which was silly because that isn't close to being a kill fall. That distance wouldn't even maim you
Does tihs game have giant birds you can ride on?
Well, there is one.
How do I get a cute fish gf without killing myself?
BotW Zelda is best girl after Midna.
By killing yourself
I have played all the Zelda games except ST, FS, FSA and the CD-i. I will not play the CD-i stuff. Is it worth getting the other ones? Can I play the four sword stuff without friends?
Also, what lore related stuff would you like to talk about?