/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World revealed for PS4 and Xbox One early 2018, and eventually PC. youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM
↳Information with sources: pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳Gameplay 7/6: youtube.com/watch?v=zNfK-YqLUbU

-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. confirmed for 8/25 in Japan, region free. youtube.com/watch?v=CvzTD_RYDXs
↳No current plans for XX localization "at this time". twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/875133030326652928
-Monster Hunter Stories due for a 9/8 release in EU, Q4 NA.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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first for blanche

second for cuttlefish

third for kirin sluts

Fourth for crossovers

Fifth for Tonfas

dead game
dead thread

>Not when it's competing with two other weapon for the top spot. If IG was MUCH better than GS and HBG there would be a problem.
So just because 3 out of 14 weapons are equally broken while everything else is meh to bad, that means the game has no balance issues?

Can someone confirm if the english translation of XX is more advanced than the taco one?

Differences in power are only natural and unavoidable. The game is balanced as long as the tiers are relatively evenly filled and no one option towers above the rest. 3/14 being top tier is actually really good.

Not when the top tier is fucking 50% above the mid tier in power and effectiveness.

people aren't here because they're playing!

>GaijinHunter making a video saying MHXX isn't even that good

Not saying he's wrong, but is the most blatant sellout bullshit he's done to try and promote MHW. Does the guy not have any ounce of shame?

Does guard+ affect how much damage you take when blocking something with brave stance? I'd assume so, but it has natural guard up, so I'm not sure it works intuitively.

It's in the language of freedom so that's more advanced by default

>top three weapons finish hunts in less than half the time of the bottom three weapons
>second or third strongest weapon is also the easiest to use
>two of the three weakest weapons are among the hardest to use
>th-there is nothing wrong with the balance, g-goy! those aren't issues, th-they're an inevitable consequence of variety!

The funny thing is that every single one of his criticisms applies to every other MH just as much.

Not all of them, some just apply to X.

>strong weapons are easier to use
>weak weapons are harder to use
wow, real brainteaser that

>G versions don't add much content
>balance sucks
>everyone just hunts a tiny fraction of the roster over and over
Name one MH title where these don't apply

It has nothing to do with power and everything to do with how they are used. Even in games where it is not blatantly overpowered, GS is extremely easy to use, and even in p3rd and 3U GL is clunky as fuck while HH has slow, high-commitment attacks with erratic hitboxes (and the animations are slowed down further in 4U, and a new attack with higher commitment than any other non-recital was added), without delving into the maintenance gimmick on HH and how horseshit it is. HH and GL could be capable of getting the exact same times as optimally played IG and they would still be a lot harder to use, let alone comparing them to GS.

>GS is extremely easy to use
Nice meme

This fucking wifebeater just has no pride or shame

ESL-kun, is that you? I said SOME just apply to X (not XX, but the title before it, which you might call Generations (except "X" is a lot shorter to type)), like the shitty deviant system. Still nothing new in XX, but also not something that "applies to every other MH."

If the deviant system was MHXX's only flaw, it'd be by far the best game in the series. It's a comparatively pretty minor thing.

Sometimes, a meme takes off because it is absolutely, 100%, inarguably and incontrovertibly true. This is one of those times. I'm not saying it's Skyrim-tier easy, but it is easier than every other weapon in Monster Hunter.

It really isn't.

Dude, you've gone past misunderstanding what you're reading to, like, actively obfuscating it. Some niggers have 0 reading comprehension, you have about -5.

I'm just saying that yeah, it's a flaw unique to MHX/XX, but it's also not a big deal compared to the same old problems that have plagued MH since the beginning.

It's definitely the easiest weapon to use.

>inb4 muh positioning and muh timing that literally applies to every weapon in the game

It's got the highest ration of damage to skill. You need to be more skilled with any other weapon to get the same amount of damage GS dishes out because of easy it is to predict and land lvl2/3s.

it is, tho.

although I've also found LBG to be almost as braindead to use, set-building notwithstanding.

I was never saying that anything he mentioned was unique to MHXX. I was corroborating that, yes, everything he mentioned was true of past games, but pointing out (semi-sarcastically) that some of his complaints did not actually apply to EVERY previous game, ONLY THE PREVIOUS GAME CALLED X.

do you understand now

>everyone here shitted on X/XX for months
>suddenly now that MHW is announced, X/XX apparently wasn't that bad

really makes me think

The deviant system was the only one of his complaints that doesn't apply to every MH game though.

Dude, it absolutely is. By a wide margin, even. I say this as someone that has used every weapon extensively. GS is the weapon I have the fewest hunts with throughout the series (still a few hundred), but since I had about 10-20 hunts with it it has been the weapon I switch to when I want to play "easymode" but don't want to go online, because it requires very little effort, attention or sobriety to succeed while using it, even in games other than 4U, where it is weaker. It is simply the easiest weapon in MH.

Maybe try using other weapons sometime for comparison, I dunno.

what did he mean by this?

Scum crawling back from the discord and /v/ to shitpost.

I love Garuga.

I wanna rescue a Garuga from the pound!

More shit to stir the pot with

It's almost as if things look better or worse if you compare them to different things.
Really gets my noggin joggin.

He pulls the "no true MH fan" fallacy but at least he produces more specific and useful guides than GH and actually runs TAs to show he isn't just a casual fanboy who translates Japanese blogposts for youtube bux.

>decide to try out MHTri to take a break from FU
>finally finish the stupid mandatory training, doing the first tier of quests
>deliver two kelbi horns, should be a couple mins
>25 minutes and forty (40) dead kelbis later, only got ONE horn
What the everloving fuck? Is this someone's idea of a joke?

The best part of Tri is the fully unlocked free hunt thing in deserted island

I hope world functions like that with the in base guild whore

The reason the Jew fears the Samurai is that he knows the Japanese invented the desire system, and he can bleed no money from that economy.

blunt wep to the face

Just use a fucking hammer.

>waste a couple of days trying to get a garuga GQ for an entry-level G rank armor
>"no, you don't need to be G2"
>you do

I might've made more progress attempting the DLC quest over and over.

>as OG hunters, this is the monster hunter we've been waiting for

I sure as fuck as hype, and I've been playing since freedom 2


Given the map has a pathway that clearly trails off into another map, I wouldn't be surprised if it had at least a little freeform exploration

I always thought MH fans weren't loyal to any particular console so this whole console war shitposting seems dumb.

The DLC quest is how you're supposed to do it.

But realtalk I used lagombi until g3 because it looks good and soloed everything but gog, garugafags are casuals.

>we shouldn't be fighting eachother
>we're monster hunters

fuck me if he didn't get me with that

so if you don't like cinematic shit like MHW or anime shit like XX, you don't like MH

>cinematic shit
>world has the most interactivity ever shown in a MH game

Even the fucking potion drinking is more interactive

>GH made a video saying how bad XX is and that everyone should be excited for World instead

can't make this shit up

Yeah, I agree with everything he says but that.
>if u like a series u have to like all things with that series' name on them or ur a poser
fuck off

He's right though. XX is literal garbage.

By the way, to the person last thread asking why they "translated the XX logo to English" for the french Japan Expo if they have no intention of localising, they didn't. The Japanese logo was always in English, ESL is very common in Japan and English is often used in logos and shit, presumably for aesthetics.

I'd like to reach that conclusion myself, though.

>literally says he thinks the game is awesome in the first minute

You can't tell /v/ermin to be honest or rational, that's like telling them to stop breathing.

spotted the chill

He's right about deviant system. That shit is cancer and ruins end game in X and XX.


>constantly annoyed at having to sell parts to do anything in XX
>remember I got a few golden eggs from atlal-ka
>go to sell those
>realise I have like fifty, presumably from one of the DLC item packs
well on the bright side I've got 850k zenny now.

I'm just glad I can finally play MH with a proper controller. No more having to fiddle with the 3DS c-stick bullshit to adjust the camera.

I'm glad the camera might accept analogue input instead of fucking track cam shit

>tfw World will finally save us from the dumpster fire that was the 4th gen

>World will have less than 40% of its screen space devoted to HUD

I'm playing portable 3rd and I have no idea what weapon to use after trying them all


Just use all of them then.


>tfw no poogie BF (best friend)
its not fair bros

You mean X gen, 4U is the best game.

Let's finish this.

the only gaylord i see here is (You)

I think he's referring to the fanbase. It's being designed by the same people as 4/U, why would it "save us" from that?

>lmao lets take all of the progress we made with the last game and throw it out of the window while rehashing shitty gen 1+2 monsters and barely adding in anything new: The Game
4U isn't good.

>I don't know isn't an option

On the 22nd we might get some info to put the shit posting to rest.


But who am I kidding

They'll show more exclusive footage (read : the same video again and a video of another shitter going through the exact same demo)


Life is unfaaaaair.....

Might just be a QnA so if we're lucky, the relevant questions will get asked and then we get to have the answers poorly misinterpreted by people determined to cry havoc

You can't misinterpret replacing blood splashes with damage numbers.

Uh yeah you can. We already know the numbers can be disabled, why can't blood be an option. Wooooah fucking imagination what trip

You're in for a rough awakening, pal.

>put the shit posting to rest

Oh you poor naive user.
This is, and will always be, /mhg/ from now on. In 10 years from now, when MH will finally add quicktime events and lifebars and bring the game closer to finally being a proper sequel to MH1, we'll still be tormented by World shitposting.
"World ruined MH", "World 2 is better everyone who disagrees hates change", "World is the best thing since sliced bread", "nintentoddlers still salty", "Sony defense force", and all the other flavors of shitposting.

>rough awakening
Seriously now, do people do this shit on purpose?

Finally I see why you need like eighty of an item you generally get one of per hunt from atlal-ka to make its armour, it's because of all the enduring talismans you get along the way to make sets with.

Yes, that's what those are for
But it only takes like 5 hunts to make a full set

Adept bow is easy mode, right?

It took me eleven to get the seven thorns you need for it...

how many sales world needs to be considered a sucess?

Imagine world sell 2 million in japan and 500k in gaijin land, is that enough?


Strong and easy to use, so yes. Striker lance is the same.

Depends on the sales target, the game can sell 4B it won't be a success if it cost 5B

It's gonna be more like this:

>post cute trans-hunters
>X/XX was the pinnacle of the series and you can't prove me wrong
>why is hammer sickle too op?

So more or less the same as it is now and there is always potential for it to get worse. I just can't know how bad things will get but it always puts me in a good mood after a long day.