/dlg/ Duel Links General

Duel Links General #78

Who says Archfiends can't be cuties edition

Last Thread: Latest News
>The Duel-a-thon is going on right now
>Super Joey is in Duel World till the 17th
>Ranked Duels have had a huge revamp. Check in game for full details
>A new, non unlockable LD will be in Duel World mid July. The hint strongly points to Arkana
>A new, unlockable LD will be in Duel World at the end of July. It's very clearly Yami Marik based on the hint, and further supports Arkana as the other LD
>New mini box has some fire and zombie support
>multiple skills will be nerfed in the next few weeks. HHG now topdecks, Parasites cap at 2, and 3SD now requires 3000 LP.
>Restructor Revolution will be limited to 1 in August. Overpowered box URs remain untouched. Really gets the brain juice flowing, huh?

Useless (Duel) Links
>sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc.

>android emulators

A few tips for bad players
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems. If you're really unsure about what to buy, Crimson Kingdom has high attack 4-star monsters at low rarities
>It is advised not to pass stage 38 unless you want your auto duel win rate to plummet
>Level up Mai and Keith first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua and Metalmorph

Other urls found in this thread:


Yugioh was made for black people

They still are two tributes like others.

I'm not sure if you can activate moisture monster's effect after using mausoleum though. I saw it on the Yu-Gi-Oh wikia but it doesn't seem inline with mausoleum's description.

I want Archfiend Heiress to dom me!

Nvm I misread the wikia. It says you CANNOT then tribute 1 monster to activate its effect.

fuck blue eyes and fuck white people

Say that to her face and not online, see what happens.

>0 attack

I don't think anything will happen

>Opponent has 400LP left
>have Black Pendant in hand
>draw Harpie Lady
>mfw as I equip pendant to his monster and start spamming taunts for about 30 seconds before playing Harpie Lady


>those hips
I wanna to commit a crime

you better delet this friendo

Why was this vampire so smug?

duelathon just reset for me right after I got the last daily reward fucking nice

Yea the first rotation of rewards has a really short timer

So are we gonna need a new modded apk, or was this update not big enough

Konami is handing out the bans as we speak


>playing pvp
>retard I'm up against has a face down that has to ping after every move
>intentionally run monster into his trap just so he will fucking activate it and the duel will go smoother

Region lock fucking when

Giant Germ when?

>in pvp
>activate mirror wall on accident
>opponent attacks regardless and destroys his monster

But why

Honorable Sudoku

Well, my hat is off to him then

This please. I got to kog easily when I was against chinks in tournament but now I can't even get to plat.

coming up on 6k gems with no complete competitively viable decks besides clowns/harpies/kaibaman

what do i spend it on boys?

how is that box? Got Mirror Wall?

I'm really not looking forward to what we are going to get for the next few weeks. I'm kog already and we got the lamest event that is duel-a-thon then we'll get some recyled event with probably more red eyes support cards nobody gives a shit about...
Also fuck you mods for deleting the thread that actually followed the rules

Post KoG deck

huh? I don't understand

How many packs are left in Neo-Impact?
What other cards have you gotten from that box?

post deck

chaotic compliance for BLS, handless, and double summons for GK

>Duel a thon for more gold and gems
>Super Joey with motherfucking Red-Eyes Insight as a drop
>Arkana for more Spellcaster support
>MARIK as the end-july event

Nigger what more do you want? A personal blowjob from the devs?

35-40 is ridiculous, fuck

Why user? It's only 300 duels per character. That's 1.5 gems per duel! Isn't Konami generous? :)

You're gonna make it. I believe in you, user

300 per level? Pegasis felt endless.

Bullshit, red eyes insight is op as fuck

im trying to build a tribute bluff trap deck
what are some of best generic 1 tribute monsters? Im farming Bakura for Ha des right now but not sure about others

>intentionally thread split when there is nothing wrong with the current thread

>tfw a faggot try to steal my hammer shark by sacrificing his blue dragon summoner with e-con and then use dimension gate
>tfw I e-con it back, use it effect to summon beautunaful princess, use it effec to summon another hammer shark and use it effect to summon lost blue breaker and kill it on turn 3

Don't even try to steal my creature fucking faggot.

It got datamined today and That shit isn't OP at all scrub.


The obvious answer

>have two BEWD on the field
>opponent summon Buster Blader the Dragon Destroyer
>BEWD can't stand up to this

>a searcher for Red-Eyes Spirit that immediately setups the effect by dumping a Red-Eyes monster to grave

nigga, in what fucking way is that not broken?


>Send a red eyes to the grave
>Grab a red eyes spirit right away
>Basically a free summon for red eyes
>Also helps gozuki/red eyes zombie decks

lmaoing at ur life

Why are there so many 30 cards in Silver?
I thought KC cup and WCQ taught them wrong?

*Red-eyes insight: OH MY GOD! Don't even know where to start with this card. Yah red-eyes turbo decks just went overdrive if that's even possible. I don't know why Konami is so focused on red-eyes decks and not on other decks. I love dragon decks but when they focus on red-eyes this much, it kind of makes me sad. Red eyes insight allows you to pull your red eyes spirit much faster letting you bring out your red-eyes monsters that much faster. I doubt this deck will ever brick with the introduction of this card as this allows you to thin your deck and get red-eyes out much faster.
Red-eyes spirit: As a new player who hasn't been able to play the past 2 joey events, I'm kind of excited to see the power of a red-eyes deck. Though I'm f2p, I think I can still make it work as long as I get 2 of these cards. This card along with CV or soul resurrection allows this deck to be very versatile in the way you want to win by either being protected or just swarming the field with 2400 beaters. Seriously makes me think if red-eyes can be beaten if they continue giving support like this instead of other decks such as blue-eyes, dark magician, amazons, and etc.
Dangerous Maching type 6: It's a joke card that won't see play unless your a youtuber or streamer thaat wants to play a troll deck.

Silver is basically the bottom rank. It's not surprising it's full of trash

Chaos command, ishzark, freed.

Because red eyes is trash and blue eyes is way better

Any suggestions to improve deck, /dlg/?

>Running Red Eyes Deck
LMAO hang yourselves cucks. Blue Eyes is for the richfags and Red Ryes for the F2P poorfags

>Insight isnt a Pack Card
Welp time for consistent Red-Eyes

>farming Bakura for Ha des
nigga wat

Also Dark General Freed protects your DARK stuff so he's much better

that may apply in the real life game but that ammount of consistency is just too high for Red-Eyes, they would be able to consistently drop 2.4k beaters for nothing turn 1

Just keep beating level 10s niBBa, that's how I leveled up 3 of my characters to level 40

It wont be as easy now that bakura is gone but you can still level them up fast if you are prepared to spend some gate keys

Ha Des is really good. It's a shame that we can only get one.

oh you mean leveling up

Elementary answer

Kaiba please go.

It applies everywhere. Only sniveling puppy dogs use Red Eyes

Why would anyone use this over Beast of Talwar when the whole meta is filled wih cards that put monsters in defense position?

>I don't know why Konami is so focused on red-eyes decks and not on other decks.
they want people to buy CK
>sales doing poorly on AoD
>what do we do?
>buff mako so people buy the box

>You need 3 wins in a row to rank up now


Truly a Beast

For a moment I thought this was a Venus-Nuit hybrid deck since they fill similar niches, but now I'm kind of disappointed.

They also buffed Red-Eyes so people would buy AoD for Black Dragon Hatchling, fortunately with the new support there will be no need to play it

He's got BIG attack

>the fiend megacyber
>it's a warrior

I've been testing out this darkflare deck. I'm f2p so I don't have access to multiple copies of some of the essential cards, unfortunately.

>big attack

What is his house size though?

Fuck does that mean he won't drop that gemini anymore cause I never even got 1

this looks like it would be neat with otc

I remember Dkayed saying don't go too crazy when deck building, especially when you're trying to test a new strategy. The idea behind this deck is to use Nu's effect to bring a hunter dragon out, which can be used for dragon rebirth fuel or, when it is destroyed, as darkflare fodder. Escape from the DD can then bring it back. You can in theory summon 3 monsters in one turn this way. One otc in place of the half shut or an econ might work tho.


god bless the Weevil burn idiots though

Apparently there's a limit of 99999 keys. The fuck do I do now? I aready have all the SRs three times.

trade in keys for prismatic keys
new feature coming soon

Exchange for colors, bound to be new LD cards eventually

wat is the third card there to the right of the red eyes trap?

how "competitive" are bakura necrofear decks? Can i get to plat with it?

Hahahahah eat my dust sucker