Fighting Games General /fgg/

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Friendly reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.

Friendly reminder that SFV and T7 are identically bad. Both have horrendous input lag, terrible online experience, a lack of character variety, and sparse on features. They even share artificial load times. If you promote either of these games you're a fighting game community killing scrub equal to a Smash kiddie.

Friendly reminder that if the your game doesn't have keepaway, it's not a game worth playing.


One day we'll have a good OP.

Aoko's aokos.

Posting the official FGC approved fighting game tier list

whats wrong with it?

nth for RWBY best fighting ever


We have good OPs every day. Shame the threads suck.


Does this shit have any loli

Ariels is the blonde GG needs and deserves

Kazumi is for Akuma.

Can't wait!

I am Akuma

So what games are you going to streamboar this weekend?

But we're still missing the best GG blonde

they all stink equally desu

your mom's webcam rofl

Play Weiss


That title is supposed to go to bridget. Though I'd be fine with either getting in.

One fake RWBY fighting game rumor and people shit post that unrelated garbage to death.

Where the unofficial stream schedule at?


Tekken is basically dead if GG gets new characters this EVO.

Can't wait for DBFZ to save the FGC.

>kekken 7 bleeding players every week

play brown

But Tekken is getting a GG character

Fuck what everyone says, im watching Street Fighter V the whole weekend. I will watch the other games top 8, exept smash though.

GG, Tekken, BB top 8, random animevo shit.

Well atleast it's better than Rashid shitposter and sfv as whole

Calm down Cammy

Does this count?

Games anyone?

The game is doesn't have enough redheads though.

Bridget should have been added a long time ago. It's not fair.

Katherine > Catherine.

>used tampon fetish character


best ow

She's more bandage fetish.

>womb tattoo


> K>C
I dont always agree with your tastes but you are right about this one

Her mom is better.

Five Facts about Zangief!!
1: Zangief is Strong!
2: Zangief is Nice!
3: Zangief is Big!
4: Zangief is Russian!
5: Zangief!


I've yet to see any proof of this RWBY game aside from one tweet from a fan account


Lez get beautiful!

I know I'm gonna get shit on for asking, but where are Persona and BB located there? What about gems like Shaq-Fu and Dive Kick?

Does this count

6: Zangief is a bad guy

>last blade 2 in low
i know it's a fake list but i'm still mad

Christ I hate his hair. Why does he have it like that? I can barely tolerate watching his streams. Also he graduated high school in 2006 apparently he's too damn old for that.

7: But he is not bad guy!


Are you gonna play Rising Thu-I mean Fantasy Strike?

It's so fucking slow

It couldn't look more generic even if they put all their effort in making it as generic as possible.

looks like sfv lmaooooooooo

new/improved lighting model? Looks a lot less like a mobile game now. it's neat, new fighting games, especially ones that go in a different direction mechanically are always good.

rainbow dress waifu is cute, but i don't know, looks kind of slow/boring

Looks better than sfv desu

This trash is the final nail in the coffin of fighting games

I'm going to kill all goobers.

If it creative and sick then sure i will.

If it actually gets released I'll give it a try. Doesn't look that good, though.

not-evil ryu is very triggering desu

Alright guys, who's ready for the big man?

Sirlin is a goober tough

not capcom lmaoooooooooo

another grappler

Is SFV's online infested by pros only at this point?

It is pretty slow.

Doesnt look like him in tne left.

no you'll find plenty of complete beginner's to play against.


>tfw nothing will be able to compete with arika's new game once it comes out.

Tekken vs Street Fighter

>comes out

so is degray like slayer + zato? that could be cool

>Hugo with Vtriger.


I'll be interested unless he plays like a shameless Hugo clone.

Hokuto looks nothing like Hokuto, this blows


But...if he's a Hugo clone why wouldn't they just put in Hugo?

because then capcom can't say he's brand new

Future zeno is Zamasu

I'll just play for Garuda.

I didn't know yang was a giant.

na neo is a small girl

tfw didn't even play hugo

I had a dream where I was reading eventhubs and there was an announcement at EVO that a new character was released called Ajima, who was like a female palette swap of Arthur except she was kind of like a mage and was a Lego for some reason (not servbot like actual Lego Movie), and that this whole time Arthur was actually just a generic enemy like those Ultron drones that they put in for a placeholder. Also there was a link in the comments to a video where that spanish commentator Neo was blowing it up and just laughing in disbelief at the announcement, something about capcom needing to play the diversity card because she's a female Lego.
Sorry for the blogpost but it was such a weird and vivid dream I had to share it.

Does jack-o count as a mom though?

She is technically not justice and now jack-o doesn't exist anymore since she's aria now.

If aria/justice is brought back as playable then that can count as a mom and grandma.

Is this the character that beat Tifa in a fight?

Capcom making a new char because "muh cool V mechanics". It would be cool if Abigail will be something like rushdown. new Egyptian girl grappler. But no, we will have " HUR HUR ABIGAIL 2 meter height lets make him grappler hur dur"

Opps meant to quote

I don't know, but more milfs is always good.