League of Legends General - /lolg/

Rework when? edition



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lisscuck absolutely btfo

Requesting a drawfriend draw Kayn doing "Imma let you finish"

Best ambulance with the biggest titties

What is his power level?

That's a really reddit request

Nice positioning on your adc

Too bad walls don't matter anymore

Everyone hates lissfag and goes apeshit when he makes threads, but rarely do people give a shit about the objectively bigger cancer lulufags.

Someone post the Rhaast and Kayn picture with the dead ez. That's how Kayn should have fucking been. A kind of serious guy with Rhaast making a bunch of inappropriate jokes.

i'm an EUW player currently in silver 2,last season I peaked in gold 3 on my main account and now my ultimate goal is to hit platinum 3 or higher I would like to get coached or just talk with some platinum 3+ player/s to advise me on my journey to platinum tier.

I'm interested in how you view the game,on what you base your decisions,what you think low elo players do badly,ways of stomping low elo (inb4 git gud),etc

The role I play the most is jungle but i'm fine mid and I like ADC but i'm not taht good imo and i'm actually playing 10+ games and I feel that i'm getting better and more cognitive about my play but it's tiring and by the time I play 3 or 4 consecutive games my mind becomes numb and I cant play at my usual level,any tips on that would be welcomed too


kill yourself lissfag

They don't matter for talon either and he isn't really played

lissfag has been pulling this shit since before you made your reddit account, newcuck, that's why

Between S-tier (Aurelion, Bard, Kindred, etc) and A-tier (Xerath, Cho'Gath, Azir, Syndra, etc)

New enchanter when

How do I play against orianna as taliyah. I always get zoned out. Is it a lost lane or am I just bad?

He's extremely weak atm. Kayn is really strong. (Well he is for now anyways)


roas me

reposting from last thread

>things people do on your main that pisses you off

>people who flash 4th shot then q
>people who build her awkwardly
>not going runaans on jinx
>getting an atk spd item first but still maxing q first
>poor trap placement when playing cait wasting traps you can use to chain cc
>not knowing how to stealth properly and using e before you can get the most amount of stacks off

xth for Syndra

I'm learning Azir and Kog'maw
Will this make me git gud

>support main
what can I say


>Using buzzwords because you don't like it

Why does nobody play Nautilus anymore?

does renekton have the best dick in lol

When is the next patch being released? This week?

New Rotational Game Mode: Everybody starts at level 18. Everything else unchanged.

reddit image


I just want to suffocate between Shyvanas cheeks until i blackout and suffer slight braindamage from oxygen starvation because i was being asphyxiated by dragon ass

Wednesday I think.

Are you Challenger? Otherwise you will get blown up immediately because your team won't peel for you.

stop posting niggers

He's not wrong also this isn't /b/ don't have the audacity to try and get people to give you their time and talent for free to satisfy your garbage request

>he's at it again with his /sp/ memes

fuck off. you're trying to go for an identity that makes you seem """""""""""smart""""""""" and intellectual about arguing when it's just fucking retarded and borderline avatarfagging

>things people do on your main that pisses you off

Blow all of their mana at level 2-3 and think they can outtrade anyone in lane.

This guy is so edgy.
But holy shit, I love scythes.

>but rarely do people give a shit about the objectively bigger cancer lulufags.

Except this is wrong.
Lulufags are the most hated fags in this general now, by a wide margin.

>things people do on your main that pisses you off

Literally everything, how the fuck this kit eludes people is beyond me. I've seen a Rumble lose a level 1 trade to a fucking Yorick, shit drives me up the fucking wall. Also:

>Not starting raptors


delete this.

Not a big fan of Azir at anything below Diamond. He's both hard to learn and even if you learn him, your teammates won't trust you.
Kog'Maw is okay if you know how to kite your ass. has a point, but if you are able to play understanding this, then it's not bad.

>you're trying to go for an identity

make me

No I agree with him. It's along the same lines as '/b/ raid this guy'. Veeky Forums isn't your personal army, and drawfags don't sit around waiting for people to spam requests in the thread.

wtf I love kayn and rhaast now


Teemo is neither a meme champion nor bad. He is good in the jungle, you are shit.

Who is this supposed to be? Female Rumble?

Both of those are really bad in yoloq, one because he's dumpstered the other because he's a turret.

Literally just play more Ashe. Avoid your draven, Yasuo and especially your Lucian.

I'm cringing irl right now

I wanna start a poro farm with Lulu!

h o w n e w

Teemo will never not be a meme champion you fucking fuck


>Patch 7.15
>The patch of Urgot


This. Lissfag is annoying and nothing else, Lulufags are so obnoxious they made me miss Anniefags on their prime.

> 2 junglers in a row

Riot has good taste finally.


he goes anywhere, builds anything and still stays relevant. If you think he's a meme you're bronze and probably play shit like Lee Sin jungle exclusively

>Champion doesn't die when its killed
>Buys GA
What tilts you off the face of the Earth?

>wants to be that guy who posts football images about identifying the flaws in people's arguments
>thinks he not being an avatarfag or trying to create an identity

kys autist


good luck walking around camps like an idiot

If there are no nerfs for caitlyn, zac, or nunu on this next patch I'm going to start a fucking riot and I mean it this time

he's an obvious summerfag with a /b/ reaction folder, don't reply to the cunt

during summer the general fills up with /v/jects because /v/ hates moba and they shit this place up something fucking fierce.

Hey lolg!
Riot asks its players to pick 3 items for deletion. Which ones would you choose?

>nu Urgot

Nah, he's going to be ANOTHER fucking top laner.

Riot has had an obsession with top laners and junglers the past year and a half, anyway.

I'd like to see more mid mages, ADCs, mid assassins and true supports.

I already main Quinn jungle m8. Kiting camps is all I do.

>Being this assblasted
Lmaoing at your life right now kid

Gargoyle's Stoneplate, Adaptive Helm, Dorans Shield

Probably just remove lethality
I really don't think it needs to be in this game

They're desperate to dethrone Elise.

> AOE passive damage
> Hard cc with a dash
> Execute ult

No way he's not a jungler unless they dumpster his passive against monsters.

mana pots, dfg, spirit stone

If you're jungling and silver 3 watch these 2 videos:



Leaguecraft channel in general is very informative and actually explains tactics high ELO players apply. Of course you won't instantly apply them yourself but over time it sticks. Especially if when reviewing replays you watch the replays with the points the videos make in your mind. Then you can easily identify whatever you're doing wrong much more easily.

You're not getting better if you're not knowing what you're doing wrong. You need to know what you do wrong before you can improve.

I'm gonna main Camille!

Death's Dance , Gargoyle and Bork

no sustain, not enough aoe, passive has low reload time at low levels

cardinal sins, his early clear will be far too shit to keep up

>t1 boots

if deleting t1 boots doesn't remove all boots then probably tabi

>no sustain
>shitty movespeed
>ult seems situational

Mabye he'll get the Vi treatment where he'll end up seeing more play as a jungler, but I doubt it.

Go right ahead.

Frozen Mallet, Protobelt, Death's dance.

Have fun i guess

>doesn't offer any actual retort to what i said
>incorrectly portrays my argument in a way that makes me look bad

should i be posting the football images against you or....?

but yeah calling someone mad because you get BTFO'd for being an autist doesn't work

is probably right, i won't give you the time of day anymore


>tfw dorans shield is literally fucking making half my champion pool unplayable

user's I'm tired of fighting space bar to win. Why hasn't riot destroyed bots of legends yet?

>wanting to remove wards

>Giving Doran's shield last hitting stats even though it's a defensive item

Why is Riot so afraid of making items that have an actual focus instead of items that do everything?

Doran's shield is the best shit to happen in this game
So much shit couldn't ever be played because it lost lane to hard to too many things

> No sustain
He has a shield and he's kiting anyways. Not needed
> Not enough aoe
Depends on his passive damage. If it's worthwhile at all it'll be fine for clears. You don't do 2 multi mob camps back to back anyways besides maybe raptors and wolves after first clear.
> Movespeed
He has a dash for ganks

I mean maybe he'll be played top, but his passive will go to waste there something terrible except for all ins.

this is so fucking erotic wtf
keep up the cute metal bfs riot

>tfw passively healing enemy champions

Its helped alot of stuff out during laning phase.

Honestly its a very welcome change to the item, it feel less like the worst dorans item.



what the fuck were they even thinking with the new fiora?

I don't want to have to ban that shit every game but wow
is there any reason to not pick her if shes open?

actually instead of tabi i'd remove tracker's knife

imagine if everyone had to only rely on their trinket. total chaos.

Guardian Angel was, is and will be a stupid idea for LoL.
Frozen Heart needs to be reworked or removed as it was powercreeped way too much.
Boots of Mobility/Swiftness. Leave one, remove the other. People will always use the one that's currently stronger except some special snowflakes.

quite literally impossible to pick Teemo into Rammus anymore, cunt gets the most free lane I've ever fucking seen

I auto him, he heals I take damage. Nice.

Literally nothing metal about him. Keep you headcanon stereostypes to yourself
t. metalfag

Nerfed fiora is so bad now

Less movement speed from passive and none from using your ult procs

what rank do adcs start building correctly

im low diamond and in like 50 games of being here i've never seen an adc build armor pen OR defence even when the whole team is asking why

like I know last whisper is total dogshit but its either that or do 10 damage per hit against someone with 3k health

good, gut the bitch and leave her for dead