>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
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>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Echoes Links
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Nino can't read!
How's that Fire Emblem play trough going?
>Berkut meets Alm on fairly even ground
>his army is cavalry heavy versus Alm's infantry heavy
Today's Tempest Trial Benchmark
Phantom speed seal:
All Rewards:
I wanna fuck Conrad
Are you my mommy?
Someone please, I keep losing it.
Should I? Reinhardt needs Death Blow 3.
My other options are Olivia (+Atk - Res) or Effie (+Atk - HP, given a Brave Lance+).
>it's a "Nowi devours the entire map" episode
I assume this and the other DLC will never be localised right?
That's a granny.
Tempest Trials are quickly making me hate this game again
Wir sind des Almonds schwarzer Haufen! Hey ya ho ho
Und wollen mit Tyrannen raufen! hey ya ho ho
Currently at 20k. Feeling bored of it but I guess I'll keep slogging through it
These are all my 5s. Who should I SI next? The ones marked with a star are already in the works or finished.
has anyone else run into this shit? This is silly
just auto battle the 35 one with 5 battles. Apparently you can get all rewards this way
I want to breastfeed Sanaki!
What is this?
Which Fire Emblem character is this?
we'll make it user
last time I gave up after 80k, it was unbearably boring
feel the bern
Yes! thank you!
Zephiel, then Camus
nothin personnel, giraffe
I remember when this came out, some of them are cool
More like meme character pushed hard by normalfag Awakeningbabbys because he was their first "starts out shit but then gets strong fast" unit.
i'm at 20k right now too user, i know i'm a lot behind where i should be but right now i'm planning on leveling and promoting my hana and then when the 2x sp hits i'll spam potions up until i'm ahead of the benchmark
this semen demon conned me out of over 150 orbs
I prefer her mom thanks
>literally nothing of Sigurd/1st Generation in general or Thracia
what the fuck?
top kek
>no defenses this week
>rotated 3 different teams and still nothing
Damn, feels bad man
could this be...
Sometimes it's nice to reaffirm Lucina's dominance over this franchise.
How many times does shit like this need to happen for you people to stop acting surprised whenever IS refuses to give a shit about Jugdral?
Yep, there is no Arden in that collection.
Too much cens- oops, LOCALIZING for Treehouse to bother with.
I barely got one this week. Don't know how there are dudes with 5+ every week
Stop using this meme incorrectly.
she a cute too
same. I think people are too busy doing TT to play arena. Maybe I should try a single color meme team during the final hours
Let's name things IS could've done to make Tobin an actual reward.
>Comes with inheritable new weapon, like levin sword
>comes with exclusive skills to inherit
>comes with a skill that isn't new, but hard to get and useful (death blow, LnD)
>When Magvel is the one that gets shafted more.
But I dunno which side plays victim harder.
you forgot him at the castle, didn't you
Because there are plenty of pages about the 2nd Gen you fucking retard
Are side quests in Valentia mutually exclusive? That is, if I clear a side quest while playing Celica's route, I won't be able to do it as Alm?
The reward would have been better if it was literally anyone else besides Tobin.
Meg is so ugly
>+spd -res hana
do I go for Fury Wo Dao or just LaD Brave shit
You forgot the most important one:
>Replace him with Conrad
>tried this twice
>first the AI baits Niles with my healer instead of Xander
>second the AI has Xander charge face first alone into Ephraim and Linde
Guess I'm stuck controlling them myself. I might stay on a lower difficulty though, less maps and easier makes it feel like less of a chore. Unless that's going to take me longer in the long run. The guy that makes the charts should make one for "number of maps" to reach rewards.
Don't bully Zihark's wife
Roid Ike is a more unique design.
post yer nowi build
>release to sword units back to back
I really, REALLY could've used a fast mage unit, even if they weren't top tier. The only mage I have with a natural speed over 30 is Nino and she's a mediocre IV.
It should have been Mycen.
Conrad will be the reward for the Celica Tempest Trial.
Post marth
Remember Celicapals, she's getting a tempest after Alm's Tempest here so don't waste your orbs on Nino or whoever
So how good is she? -def/+res would be great for this TT but will I have enough time to train her? What is the best way to gain levels?
Which should I use?
Also, should I use the safer Raven TA Swordbreaker, or LAD Desp Blade in the case of +speed? I have both buff twins.
>no Falchion user
They have only themselves to blame.
What's the average time between tempest? 1 month?
Conrad: Masked Knight
Lance, Cavalry
39 HP / 33 Atk / 34 Spd / 24 Def / 25 Res
Iron Lance -> Steel Lance -> Ridersbane -> Ridersbane+
Ridersbane+ has 12 Mt and is effective against cavalry units.
Learns Dragonhaze, Grani's Shield, and Hone Cavalry.
Dragonhaze has a charge of 3, and adds 50% of the enemy's Spd as damage.
Mycen: Wise Knight
Lance, Cavalry
37 HP / 31 Atk / 27 Spd / 28 Def / 25 Res
Iron Lance -> Steel Lance -> Silver Lance -> Silver Lance+
Learns Reposition, Wings of Mercy, and Drive Cavalry.
Drive Cavalry boosts all stats of any cavalry ally within two spaces by +2 each while they're in combat.
When will Veronica use Lehran's medallion on the strongest heroes for supersoldiers?
Which Tharja do I keep
Okay desu, Zephiel then Camus.
I just have an Evernote document that helps me plan stuff.
Between those who is essentially needs fury
I have been sitting on 2 hinatas
Olwen +atk
Azura +spd
Erika +res
Sfrobin +def
Give him a decent stat spread.
Can't wait for them to make Mozu slow as balls.
Same. I'm quitting at 40 though. I'd rather do Chain Challenges for swimsuit orbs.
Who are the bonus unit? all her friends are focus in the current tt.
But why would you ever boost 2 stk 2 spe 2 def 2 res rather than 4 atk 4 spe
The +spd one, she's perfect.
-spd +res.
Her speed is shit anyways
>tfw no good red mage counter on my main team
Would giving a +Res Azura Distant Counter be a good idea?
That would actually be pretty cool.
>really like dragon loli's
>almost always use lucina and julia in arena
It's not fair
I merged my -res +def Nowi into a +def -res one. Gave her QR3 to replace swordbreaker. All in all it's been a massive upgrade.
Camus for sure
Distant Counter Azura is hilarious, do try it.
I hate to be the Baron of Bad News, but it will probably be a little further off, with even more SoV characters added before then