/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1829

>Future Updates

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Schedule for July:
6/30 - 7/8 - Ranger Sign: Bravo!
7/9 - 7/14 - A Slice of Summer (Rerun)
7/12 - 7/17 - Cerberus and Fenrir Showdowns
7/18 - 7/24 - Xeno Vohu Manah Clash
7/25 - 7/30 - Rise of the Beasts
7/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous Thread:

1st for Dem Bois




Baha gains resistance to debuffs each time they are applied, so if you spam fear, break lock, para or gravity at the simple early stages it will be much harder to land them after 50%, where fight actually becomes hard
Which you would know if you bothered to read a fucking guide


dem bois has a token black member?

who thought this would be ok?

I miss my old guild

>4 nipples

I'm going to unia the next baha posted here. Not a good time to host.

Sturm > Metera > 5* Esser > S. Beato > Percy for fire attackers?


Volenna SSR when

I'm not sure if Bear deals more damage than Esser or not. Magisa can be put above Percy too. But it looks pretty good.

Zoi onegai

open your raids you selfish fuck

your bait is hilariously bad even for gbf standards

Should i open it?

tell me which earth ssr to replace petra with

Wait for me to join please.


Who was 50000 yen user?

Beato is top. Not even close.

Huh? What's wrong with his post? Sounds like a normal question of a person who has decent grasp of the game but wants to hear others' opinions.

>tfw so many shitty rolls this year I can't even care about gathering rolls for summer
I have enough good units already I guess.


Let's try putting it on 75% first

ayer or a jew ten shoe.

I love De La Fille now

>no ticket
>we don't know who else you have
What the fuck do you expect us to suggest?

How many normal Eckes do I need? 4 or 5?

Rose Queen

Chaos Ruler in. Bring Sage and Berserkers.

Sturm = Metera = 5* Esser = S.Beato = Magisa >>>>>>> Percy if you have a good grid.

Honestly feels like fire hits a ceiling no matter who you choose for the other two after Yuel, so long as one of those isn't Percy. I've seen all sorts of combinations between Metera, Sturm, Beato, Esser, and Magisa and they all seem to have roughly same performance at the top. That's just anecdotal of course, I'm sure there's some combination that's absolutely better than others.

*brings HS*


Need HS/Sparta and Sage

Got sage. Need whatever it helps.

Ticket in september and next one in may the following year

An user get Medusa from a proxy for 50000 yen actually 57648 to be exact at my recommendation and then I found a proxy who would do it for 22000 yen. He spent 35000 more yen then he should have.

Thanks for zoi

I doubt anyone who would spend that much at a whim would care.
Share proxy please.

The butt is talking

Thanks, anons.



When is the summer celebration

you heard me, no ticket this month and the next one

Translate it weebs

Remember to do your daily leeches anons

>celebrating the most awful season of the year
No tickets 4 u


Delete this post. It's an embarrassment to the thread.

>lost connection for five minutes from 85 to 55 and still mvped

>consider sparking for money
>dont feel like spending like 1,5k on a decent notebook to carry around while on vacation
I think I have lost control of my life

Why do people like Naru again?

Bar's not high. I don't even have a full stick grid and I still got third.

only straight people like Naru.

They only know her from doujins

Not hard when a 101 Priest joined.

Mommy issues.

C5319E66 HL Nezha
I'm in as sage.
Help a guy out, I need my last cup.

I have a shit fire grid

>there are people who can spend 1.5k on a notebook
is this what it's like when you have a job?

Rude, he actually did.

shitty siscons and mommyfags that want to be a manchild forever and dotted on

>a lot
Smells like SEA

zeta BA doesnt actually give the multiplier on break if the target isnt marked for some reason

does this have to do with the two salted wound buffs she gets on casting rhapsody or some shit

2 spartans
1 sage
Bring the deeps

1.5k on a notebook is a lot when you could be using that money building a real rig

4/6, we got the sages and spartas covered. A CR would be appreciated.

Need gravity or just blind?

I want to do both

Need spartan pls

Both if possible.

>Naru: Fufu~ Sara, oneesan will take care of you okay~
>Naru: Are you alright? Did you change fine by yourself?
>Sara: Y-yes, I'm fine...

>Sara: Ah, Volenna!
>Volenna: Oh, Sara.
>Volenna: I saw some pretty shells over on that hill, how about going over to have a look?

>Sara: Yeah, I'll go! I love you Volenna!
>Naru: I lost!?
>Naru: Even though it's not like Volenna is Sara's blood related sister either...!

>Volenna: Uh... Narmaya. It appears some monsters roam over at the hill.
>Volemia: Do you want to come and protect Sara with me?

>Naru: Yes!!
>Naru: Leave it to oneesan!
>(Good for you, Narmaya!)

Yeah bring both

Yeah 2 more spartans pls

Calling it now, no Surprise Ticket tonight, another 2 day gacha based around the extra chapter.

Stop trolling pls we already have phalanx.

I'm losing damage for this. Hope I don't regret it.

Which pokerbot should I use?
I'm sorry to ask, but there isn't information on the OP guide

Naru is an annoying shit

>basically solo an entire Chev HL because zoiniggers are fucking retarded
>get mvp
>it's a fucking axe
I was expecting a bit.

>Sara: Yeah, I'll go! I love you Volenna!
I think it's "Yeah, I'd love to go, Volenna!", but I'll accept it.

No, she's saying she loves Volenna. They're two separate sentences.
>Un iku!
>Volenna daisuki!

God Naru is just begging to get raped


The reddit one

Why did they have to change her name again?

Delete this, Esser 5* is useless and you shouldn't use your bars on her.

Fuck outta here nigger, that ass cannot be contained

Thanks for the urn and the blue crystal

I effectively lost damage and lost Bea and Zeta.

Thanks for the Cup and BSC.

Someone from /svg/ made me play this game when the golden week thing came out. I seriously want to strangle him right now. Fuck you.

It's still Volemia in JP.

>he got baited into this kusoge

How do zi use zoi in HL content?

How can i find this one?
Googling didn't come up with anything

Thanks for the help, guys.

>he got sucked into the abyss