Tree of Savior General - /tosg/

Previous >Upcoming changes
New Klaipeda:
Field bosses rework:
Summon buffs:
Fishing system:
DPK no more:

>A lot of info and details about re-balance stuff

>HG 315 Purple Weapons X Practonium Purple Weapons

>Latest "Patch Notes":

>Current events:

>Can I play the game now?
International version available on Steam RIGHT NOW. The Korean and Japanese servers are non-steam (Nexon)

TOS Info:
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.

>Addon Manager (includes jTOS and iTOS addons)

>Database, skill planner and other stuff

>Extra Stat Points

>Hunting Grounds locations and gear spreadsheet (all in RNG cubes now. drop from all)

- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA) Fedimian(EU) Silute(SA) Telsiai(SEA)

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a Templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.

Futureproof (ApplyAFineHorse3)
cute (Merigolds and Majiene)

Kotatsu (Colyo)

Comfy (neshoi)

CoffeeHouse (Capyba)

Lewd (Nanaumi)

Other urls found in this thread:

first for alive game

solmiki weapons ain't real

Post cute

but are mirrors real?
and what about chap pd2 or chap inq, are these builds real?
are we real?

Is there a single Doppel on iToS with Solmiki 2h Sword?

No westerners are lazy pigs


So does Oracle's Counterspell.

My farts are deadly today
like DAYUM
Can't wait for the new player event tomorrow though gonna make the following:

Corsair3 for following my main around while farming DPK mats
Another Necro
Another Squire
Kabba2 for that 290 multiplier meme

Gesti a cute!

probably in a few weeks

someone please post the pirate hat in game

Hey /tosg/ returning player here. Wondering which is the comfier of the two SEA servers. Telsiai or Varena? My ping is too shit to go klai.even jTOS with a proxy is faster.

No, post lewd.

>be me
>Be oracle
>go to low level dungeons
>everytime someone pops aninstance clear I counterspell
>normies get rekt

Hey /tosg/ I fucked up my first account so I'm going to make a new one with this event.

What should I make and what's the fastest way to level with new event?

what's your ping on Klai?

>Hey, I'm a retarded baby who can't use his underdeveloped brain please spoonfeed me how to play a videogame

I'm getting subhuman 0.45-0.6 ms ping here that gets worse at peak hours

>be me
>leveling in low level dungeons
>enter dungeon alone
>multiply + clear voucher
>get enough silver to buy another clear voucher
>clear voucher drops anyway and I get 3x because of multiply

>low level dungeons
try again


where do you live? I live in europe but manage to get 0.2 ping usually

lmao happened to me in the 170 dungeon too once
felt great

you can access lvl 170 dungeon even if you're lvl 330 you know?

This happened to me yesterday :

>be me
>make 5 accounts
>party queue myself


Seems more accurate, like if they removed all the bots and Necros it'd probably look like that.

I live in PH with a 3.8 MB/s connection. Played in ICBT2 a while back

inb4 SEAnigger

>Using seconds but putting ms
Uhhh if you had 0.45ms ping you would be a god, you have 450ms ping.

Budget spear for my dragoon (not cata).

Pygry Spear + Offhand (2x lv 7 red gems dagger) or Sacmet?

Honestly, I'm not a big fan of big game hunter because well, you're here just to serpentine the real bossing overlords.

Regard Horn Pike is budget. Sacmet sucks mega dicks.

Dkn't bother with sacmet
Get a blue pike for budget or Regard

>there are people who play Sadhu or Chaplain PD2 instead of the REAL PD2 build

don't craft purple spears, they kinda suck

>PD2 without sadhu
literal dogshit

I seriously have no idea why Bokor Doctor isn't more popular, Effigy is stupidly strong.

It's not META BRO.

because...sadhu pd also has effigy?

My bad, this is my ping in klai. Is this playable for most content?

Bokor is strong
but PD2 is shit with that build
PD2 as dps needs sadhu desperately