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/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General
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the fuck was that
what world am i in?
mad mod on the loose again
>cleric's candlestick
>its a sword/catalyst
disappointing tbqh
>Scholar's Candlestick
>enemies use it as a sorcery catalyst
>it's only a weird quality scaling dagger with a Faith requirement that boosts other sorceries while equipped
Why did a fresh thread get archived?
stupid janny
shut the fuck up alex
I think it fell to the Abyss or some shit
I mean you probably know a lot more than I do about this stuff, but I was dealing damage similar to what I was dealing in DS1 (with BK Sword), but bosses have far higher health pools. Gwyn has around 4000ish health, and the most boss health in the game is Manus with 6500something iirc but he's fuckhuge and you get some nice windows to hit him, or Four Kangs with like 8 or 9000 but they're completely stationary, and then you have Vendrick with like 12k, Ancient Dragon with ten fucking million, Nashandra with almost 10k iirc
I didn't know that the gameplay was going to be so radically different so at first it was pretty fucking surprising to me that you could chain attacks so quickly. Also, dodging when everything tracks you down all the way to the moon was a chore, and even with high ADP I had little clue about iframes, I still dodged to get out of the way, not to get iframes
Do you have windowed mode and desktop capture or something? Why is the "recording started" prompt there?
I'm talking the early game. When you start a character, no matter what, it's gonna be a chore. On top of the objectively worse controls, it feels so sluggish and makes playing the game feel like a drag. Swinging a weapon takes a while, even fast weapons, since there's quite a bit of endlag on most attacks. Enemies take quite a few hits to die, plus they have ridiculous tracking on most of their attacks, which makes the need to level AGI really suck since you'll probably still get hit by 50% of all attacks unless you roll away simply because you don't have enough iframes to dodge through them (which goes against how literally every other Souls game has been played).
>how on earth did you enjoy 3
Because you don't control as though you're walking around on the moon, though a swamp, while flailing around pool noodles bigger than two of yourself standing on top of each other, while also being unable to dodge a simple attack. Also because, despite being way linear, it has the luxury of being properly designed because of that linearity.
>where everything is far tankier than 2
You can attack fast enough with a straight sword to stunlock most normal enemies to death with base stamina in 3. Even if you get swarmed, you can attack fast enough and with enough range that you can hit multiple enemies with ease. Tankiness only really becomes a problem when you run out of stamina, which rarely happens in DaS3 and happens all the fucking god-damned time in DaS2.
what would you do if you got invaded by a mad dark spirit in real life?
There were a ton of Pokemon shitpost threads being made pushing a lot of threads off the catalog.
Not a janitor. Apparently someone was bot posting new threads.
>2kk souls
>Can't level up over 125 because I'm sure I'll need help with ng+ 2bat
Janny didn't do anything you moron, some nigger spammed Veeky Forums with so many threads we got archived
what the fuck happened to the last thread?
>priest enemies use it to cast pyromancies
>has a faith requirement despite having no faith scaling and being used to cast sorceries
what the fuck is memezaki's problem
how the fuck can you be bronze using the best weapon in the game
pushed to archive due to someone filling the board with furry porn threads
It wasn't a Janitor, this happened:
So I don't get it. So this ring does NOTHING in PVP even if it shows my absorption increasing? I don't see it decrease when i invade/get invaded.
+1 or +2 for Undead Settlement invasions?
SL 387 +10
Any reason to use this for weapon purposes and not FP regen?
nvm i think i get it now
You can't upgrade Dark Hand.
it looks cool
it's okay with 66 STR and can be buffed
>BB on PC never ever
unless you're doing low level invasions, the only purpose is changing into Gael's when you're at low hp
>no matter what, it's gonna be a chore
Again I can't really see where you are coming from when compared to the rest of the series.
You get to upgrade your weapon to +3 (+5 in DS1 terms) before fighting a single boss, even at +0 the standard rapier the blacksmith sells will 1-2 shot almost every common enemy in the area, this is not even getting into resins that more than double your early game DPS.
The early game is a slog if you specifically go out of your way to use low damage weapons, without upgrading them while also not pumping any damage stat.
Like shit the early game bosses of DS2 are
1) The last giant who you can clear in under 20 seconds by just using one of the 3 resins you find in the area
2) The pursuer who can be parried and then ballistad down to 10% HP
3) Dragonrider who has a very basic movement, is extremely weak to all elemental damage and fucking walks off the ledge to die without you needing a single attack
Like seriously what on earth are you basing this complaint on, how did you manage to play early game DS2 and somehow find that enemies were tankier than early game shit in 1
I liked his chest piece. DaS2 had such good armor sets to mix and match.
>2kk souls
>Can't level up over 125 because I'm sure I'll need help with ng+ 2bat
Giant seed :^)
DaS2 fashion was absolutely fantastic, and DaS1 fashion was pretty damn good too
why did they have to fuck it up so much with the 21552525152 different shades of every color and giraffe necks in DaS3
Does the fact that it deals exclusively Strike damage give it any more redeeming qualities? I'm not even planning on using it for invasions, probably just normal runs and co-op.
And also, would it be worthwhile to use on a Str/Fai or Str/Int (if such a thing exists) for the FP regen, or is it too small to make a difference?
Youll be able to stream it via psnow in 3 years
*input lag
*bad pq @720p
*no dlc
it would give a gigantic advantage in DaS2 and a really big one in DaS1, but DaS3 really dumbed the physical damage types down and they're pretty much irrelevant
I really hope they stop this trend of using retarded magic enhancements on boss weapons that make it impossible to decide the length of it in Souls soon.
I'm on Fume and this is just bullshit.
Jokes on you it only gets worse.
eh, this damage type isn't really a big deal like it was in Dark Souls 2 so don't bother with minmaxing there.
when I used the FP was very small, but it has it s uses in areas with a shit ton of enemies
And its usage on Str/Fai or whatever for the FP regen? Too small to be worth it, especially since the thing can't be infused?
And furrys wonder why nobody will ever take them seriously or like them..
They even ruin video game boards!
Alternatively, grab a Gaystation from the bargain bin in 2 years and play it on that.
>Console Wars
Jesus Christ, the damage Alva does on NG+ is insane.
Cosplay Velstadt to instantly put him in stage 2, and just hug his ass for the whole fight. He just becomes a glorified Old Knight at that point.
This is what I did when I fought him. 2nd phase is much easier. Pretty sure you only need to wear the helm as well.
why are there no Dark Souls characters that can match the sex appeal of Vicar Amelia?
Because you're a furry
*starts spinning*
L*ci pls
No, he's gone the way of Priscilla.
Entry-level waifu, honestly, second to maybe Gwynevere. When it comes to DaS, Anastacia is for the thinking man.
no Im not. I just appreciate beauty when I see it
>Entry-level waifu
Eat shit.
>it's okay with 66 STR
since the heavy/sharp buff it's just a worse bastard sword
Just admit it Lucy, there's no originality behind choosing Priscilla as a waifu. It's some Mary Sue bitch who told you to fuck off right as you found her, who never even added anything to the story outside of being some abomination no one wanted. You might as well have chosen the DaS3 Fire Keeper, or the Emerald Herald, or even your own character; she's the essential slut, the one everyone chooses. Have a little creativity.
>he thinks midir is hard
Fair Lady or go home
Poor, unenlightened fool.
And the slut who got killed by lautrec, probably raped too is better?
Try again user, nobody wants fucking sloppy Lautrec seconds lol
Based Lenny!
Also Midir is spot the Souls 1 lover or sale kiddie boss now.
>It's some Mary Sue
Don't talk shit about Shanalotte.
>being some abomination no one wanted
Just like Luci!
What Dark Souls music is best to play while jerking off and why is it Gwynevere's Theme
How do I into /darkness/ in ds3?
Sullyvan's theme is the best for wanking
>Also Midir is spot the Souls 1 lover or sale kiddie boss now.
Basically if you don't want to spend 45 minutes fighting a boss you're a baby.
>Entirely sold on some fluffy tail, anime face, and nothing else
Don't call yourself a poor, unenlightened fool, it isn't good for your self-esteem
It's Lautrec, he takes trophies. She's still in pristine condition, he has his dick set for Fina. Now in the case of Reah, Petrus probably did have his way with her.
I like Bear Seek Seek Lest as much as the next guy, but she's the poster girl for 2, everyone is gunning for her.
Then again, 2 didn't have many other options outside of maybe Lucatiel.
Is ds3 even worth buying right now for the multiplayer or am I good with a cracked version since it's nearly 1 and 1/2 year old?
>grabbing his head
wtf I love beasts now
Thinking about starting a new playthrough. But I don't know what to do this time, any fun build recommendations for PvE shenanigans?
You go back to DaS2 when it was actually good.
If you like playing against hackers then yeah it's active
the pvp is awful anyway. stick with the crack
>since it's nearly 1 and 1/2 year old?
60 int, murky longstaff
Hexes have fallen far since their DaS2 days. Now it's mostly just a worse version of sorcery, because the faith hexes are absolute garbage.
>go back to DaS2
Invasions are still active, but duelfagging is shit
how do you get to sen's fortress with only a +3 scimitar?
Step one: git gud
>Go back to ds2 because bored
>Try the arena
>Almost every oponent uses a buff, Havel arms/Legs, Jester, a "meta" weapon and spins around like a retard.
How the fuck was this fun back then.
Double spear for ultimate pokes
>not invading the abyss chasms
You can run from the serpents or kill them with the traps
I had the impression that buying this game this late will only match me against players that really liked this game and stick to it after such a long time
>Invade a guy with 2 summons
>Beat em all
>"Holy shit im getting good"
>Invade 1 guy
>Get backstabbed and then roll of a cliff
>going into the arena at all
It consists of nothing but mentally ill children who don't know how to use CE to dupe their creos.