/pg/ - Persona General

Previous Thread: Mishima's Wrath Edition

>Hashino thanks western piggus: personacentral.com/message-director-katsura-hashino-celebrating-western-release-persona-5/
>New game domains registered: personacentral.com/potential-persona-5-spin-off-website-domains-registered-including-p5d-p5u/
>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

>P5 Info

>General Guide
>PQ Guide
>P4U2 Guide/Resources

>Art, Guides, Music, etc.
>P4 Dengeki Comic Anthology
>Persona Image Collection
>Persona 5 Resources
>Persona ISOs


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What's going on?


hoo boy this catalog

robot is forever!!

Where are my Pixie doujins?

Obligatory Makoto Monday post

what the fuck just happened


She's mine /pg/

What in the world happened?

every general got purged
mishima is rebelling against his gook master

is /pg/ finally dying?

Someone was dumping Pokemon porn generals so a lot of generals got deleted I guess? Good job mishima

So on that note

which PT do you think think is most likely to secretly be a furfag?


i know what happened
there's an autist that uses bots to spam pages and pages of pokemon porn on various boards
he just targeted Veeky Forums

We love our big bro Ryuji!

Yusuke or Futaba. Easy



crashing this board with no survivors


true thread

It was just /vp/ originally


I blame fuukafag

Third Ann claim!
Best model.
Most compassionate.
I'm so proud of Ann. I love her.

Mods please delete the other two.


We couldn't survive it?
Fucking /fgg/, /tekgen/, /wowg/ and /lolg/ were fine


For the user that asked



/pg/ deserved to die though





So question for higher powerlevels out there. Do these kind of things ever go on sale?

Chances are I'll still buy it, but damn is that expensive.

Well that was not the picture I posted so lets try that again

I love Ann!

We finally fired the Evoker, you guys!

Fucking no, they sell out.

Sometimes if you aren't proactive enough they only make-to-order, meaning if you don't prebuy it you don't get it at all. You'll never see them on shelves and could even have to settle for a knockoff or resellers.

If you like it, just shell out.


Why are the villains of Persona never women?


What a fuckin loser lmao


Because of the purge, two threads got made one second apart from each other.
The third one was some retard who didn't get the memo

>mfw /smtg/ is dead
purse owner was a mistake

Almost never, in fact, since there's usually only one production run they tend to drastically increase in price on the second hand market unless they get damaged or are defective. If you want it you'd better buy it now, it might be the cheapest it'll ever be


Not him, but: so?

The villains are gods, and Nyx was a woman.
I'd guess the real reason that the human antagonists aren't women is that women are generally more socially conservative, making them odd villains in a game about the value of relationships.

I'd actually say Ann. Most furfags are born out of deep insecurity and hatred of their own bodies, so they want to transform themselves. Ann's body has mainly gotten her trouble, and there's a lot of dialogue that indicates she's unhappy with herself.

Third kawaclaim.
Maybe it can stick this time.

jesus they just did it on /v/

There's nothing fundamental wrong with knockoffs, but you're gambling on qualitiy.

i bet nobody's gonna make a new one for at least an hour

Ann loves her body, she just doesn't want to be exploited. Most likely would be Ryuji or Futaba. However, I don't even know if furries exist in Japan.

I'm stalking all the boards now, I wanna see where the madman strikes next.

I don't agree with your assessment but have this.

>Buying a second hand anime statue after knowing some of the sick shit weebs do to them

I think I'll just have to pay full price then.

Sorry, looks like /smtg/ wasn't strong enough to survive.

this is a shitstorm i wanna see

Now I just need a good body pillow

Futaba would masturbate to furry porn but vehemently deny being an actual furry

At least he's using his powers for good now

I love Sadayo!

this happens every single day on /vp/
I guess it's only fair someone else got it for once

>Open thread on /v/ with characters you love and fuuka as the OP image
>Second reply is someone sucking fuukafag's dick trying to bring him back
Who are you people

Don't worry. Chaos will pre- I mean, uh... Ignore me?

>it's only fair if every race gets their own holocaust

keep watch on this shitstorm here

people who go to here and /v/, in which case they should stay in /v/.
They're trying to get rid of Fuukafag

sure as shiiiiiiiiit ain't me


I just started P4G after beating it years ago...

Why does main character-kun leave his city again?

ggs that was me

His parents went over seas for work

stop falseflagging

what the fuck are you doing

no idiot, what's wrong with this one

Because Inaba was temporary. Regardless, he needed to get rid of his cute rapist stalker.

Phantom is from Sumaru City!

Because he lived in Tokyo, and his stay in Inaba was just for the one year.

that fucker better not come back

I was going to make the "she's mine" posters some webms where the spoiler image gentle slides down, but apparently my video editing software can't handle square images and Webm Converter shits it's goddamn pants if you activate image trim


He's mine /pg/
What the fuck is going on? We Tyler Durden now?

ahh, you don't have to do that user

But I appreciate the thought

Aw, that's adorable. I appreciate the thought though, as I'm sure others do.

>half of the faggots here that talk shit about /v/ also browse /v/
why am i not surprised

My Maki can't possibly be this cute!

Here's a pair of questions for you, crossing Persona 4 with BlazBlue.

First, instead of Yu, Hazama is sent to Inaba. How badly does the story go?

Second, can Yu survive a deathmatch against BlazBlue's Izanami, assuming he could summon his Persona?


Let's not pretend that /pg/ is any better than /v/. There are some generals with leagues better quality than /v/, we're not one of them.

Horrible and no

what a slut

[citation needed]

>game about rebels/delinquents
>no sukeban character

Power levels in Persona have always been poorly defined, especially in the latter half. It would really be impossible to tell you if Yu could win in a fight.

/v/ actually discusses the game sometimes, too

What's going to be announced on August 2?

/pg/ will be 100x worse than it is now
Yes, I'm scared as well.