/wtg/ - War Thunder General

World War Mode Edition

>Official Site:

NOTE: You get given a premium aircraft for your first victory in game!
Need a faster download? Switch Language in Launcher.

>Wiki with Release Trees and General Tactics:

>Fan created skins, missions, locations, fictions etc...
live.warthunder.com/ (Warning! Pure weeaboo and horsefucker autism abound)

>Ammunition Types

>All the Air RB/SB maneuvers you would want to know + Engine thingamabobs:

>Every Airplane Instrument Panel translated

>Youtube Channel with Tutorials and Gameplay Videos

>Steam community:

>A discord you can use:

>vg chatroom:
Type " /join vg " into chatbox.
If prompted for a password, use "memes".

>Joystick Comparisons:

>DIY Headtracking

>Chart displaying weapon effectiveness against ground units

>Sound Mods:

uhm why did the previous thread just vanish?

because ))))

spammer made shittons of threads that pushed all the threads off the catalog

it's time

next patch when

Pokemon fags that are so bored with their own fucking game

the halifax is good, everything else is shit

I am the best at RB air here

Prove me wrong (you can't)

>fw 190 a-8 outturns my LF mk IX
War Thunder is a highly realistic air combat simulator featuring historically accurate flight models

Didn't you posted this one thread ago?

Yes, it happened again

>going very hihg speed inna jet
>just about to get a firing solution on a slav ufo
>framerate goes to shit
>miss almost every shot
>framerate returns after passing

>ta 152 c-3 is noted for being fast
>slower than a p-51d-30 at most altitudes despite the latter being 1.0 br lower

Burger planes are undertiered to an almost insane degree, but american teams are to stupid to make use of that.

>world war beta

Is it still only for squadrons?

>squadrons only
>markers on for tank RB because ))

Buying 7 days of premium just to get past the ISU-152. I don't even want it, I just want to get past that fucking thing to buy the ISU-122 which I already researched.

Have I successfully been Gajin'd?

tfw gulag

This is fun! The salt it generated didn't hurt.

>yak3p doesnt have WEP so it overheats at 100% throttle
fug i never cared that much about throttle, just 0%, 100% and wep

just get good at MEC

as someone who's never bothered with that, can you spoonfeed me?


>literally the only advantage a 190 A-5 has over a P-47N is cannons, and even that after the buff is questionable whether it's a plus or a minus
American planes take tons of skill

F-86F-40 ready to be added any day now
>These improvements in handling and turning ability led the USAF to decide to upgrade many of their existing F-86F-25 and F-86F-30 Sabres to F-86F-40 standards. North American supplied the Air Force with modification kits containing the new wing leading edge, slat assemblies, wingtip extensions, and new ailerons. Many Sabre-equipped foreign air forces also upgraded their Sabres to F-40 standards through use of these kits. Only the Canadair and Commonwealth Sabres were not equipped with F-40 wing kits, although both types could accept the installation if needed.

>more powercreep

>slower than F-25, F-2, and CL-13
>six M3 BMG
what did he mean by this?

how do I into 20mm b-20 cannons?

use universal or tracer

you have to lead a bit more than you think because of the shitty muzzle velocity

otherwise they're really as good as any other cannon

Who else /chastity cage/ here? :3

>tfw trying to play with no sound

get in the control settings for ful real controls and set some keys to regulate prop pitch and radiator. opening the radiator completely cools you down faster but creates a lot of drag. When you're climbing activate MEC, set radiator to 100%open, and prop pitch (the angle of the blades in the prop) to 100% or 90% (play with it, use the setting that gives the best result) , keep your IAS high and once you're done climbing go back to auto mode. It's micromanagement bullshit but it can make the difference in one of those one in a million matches

>unlock M103
>Absolutely molest German tanks, gut leos left and right
>Fight Russians
>bounce off of T54 UFPs all the time
I thought this thing was made to cave in T54s from 2km away

that's the conqueror

Conq used the M103's gun just with different ammunition.

M103 didn't use APDS or HESH

>War Thunder sim
>hit one key and everything in your plane magically comes to life so you can get in the air immediately
>literally can't interact with the cockpit in any way

You fell for a meme, son

That's because it didn't need to.

M103's gun is slightly different.

>tfw fully clickable cockpits literally never

How did the brits change it? Was the change because of Ammunition?

If you hold alt while flying a cursor shows up and you can move it around with the mouse. But I wonder what's the point of that if there is nothing you can click on

Merlin spits turns poorly at high speeds, how fast were you going?

Holding Alt brings up the match's chat log and a little cursor so that you can scroll up to messages from earlier in the match.

Oh. Yeah that makes sense.

Mostly changes to the breech assembly from what I understand, probably to make it so it could fit into their little babby tanks.

dead thread
dead game

*teleports above you in LF Mk.IX*
dead you

Do people unironically play Tier 1 planes/tanks that aren't newfags?

People using shill accounts for gold. People who want to play Sim EC but are fucked out of higher tier rooms because ))))))

it's literally the only fun br

I sometimes do, yeah. Got a problem with that?

The people who club all the newfags at tier one and post stats, believing that they're good at the game

>go to live.wt
>type whatever into the searchbar
>click on one of the suggested entries
>nothing happens
>hit enter in the searchbar
>nothing happens
>can't search anything
Are Gaijin really so fucking incompetent they can't even make a god damn searchbar work?

I don't have a problem with it, I was just curious.

>Client stability has been improved.

didn't even know teams like this were possible to be honest

>landing on a carrier
>you literally cannot fucking see where you're putting your plane down on
This is fucking impossible, how do pilots do it IRL?

Any /wtg/ internet plane guilds make it into cbt?

They have a signaleer telling em what to do

you get good

>get nearly double the kills of the nearest player in tank assault
>we still lose

I'm honestly not sure how to carry any harder

they just crashed into it at full speed since the crew could fix the plane in 30 seconds no matter what

Some guy in my team has spend the last or 6 minutes flying around in a Venom with both wings missing. And not just flying in a straight line like a rocket dart, he somehow had roll control and everything

You know you've made a great air combat game when planes are allowed to fly without wings

In thrust we trust.

>pilot knocked out

is there some unspoken law of rolling out of a headon after firing/getting the kill

everyone fucking salty about it

Who cares what you do, winning is winning right?

>arcade downtier F-84
>2 cap domination
>fly straight for the enemy's cap and bait 3 morons into chasing me
>team captures both and we win within 4 minutes

nachstes mal ohne deutschland when

>team doesn't even try to engage the 3 fags chasing me
>lead them to my airfield
>airfield AAA is silent for at least 30 seconds while 3 enemy planes are 1000 feet above it

If you want to really piss people off pop some smoke after you kill them

what's the best ammo belts for m3s?

>join the discord
>it's full of people just chimping out spamming the chat about le ledditor boogeyman
Why did I even bother

>be ground pounding shitter who didn't climb
>get dived on
>try to run away
>claim hacking when it inevitably doesn't work
why do this? brain damage?

Should I buy the $10 gaijew pasta pack? I kinda want to finish researching the tree.

>giving these savage vodka chimps money
cmon son












i wonder who could be behind these posts

508 pride, till I die!

ok Doug


why do burgers in all tiers resort exclusively to headons?


It takes two to head-on.

>why do proud liberty loving men effectively use their weapons' main advantage against my poor malnourished yuropoor flesh
It is a mystery.

>free republic of kekistan
I wish I could send an entire squadron to the gas chamber on command

I rarely take their bait, I roll out of the way or evade them because I'm not a suicidal idiot like Americans are.

You could if you improved your attitude

>I have no skill and my planes are shit please rape my engine and knock my pilot out

>enemy head-ons put me on the defensive
sounds like a legitimate strategy, i don't know what you're mad about.