here's your content bitch edition
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fight you assholes
before anyone asks, notorious /vp/ spammer and spambot purchaser accidentily/purposefully flooded the entire board with pokemon porn
bad thread
#vscape on quakenet
afk kill, rip
hammi pls go
what are u talking about, i just specced u out lmao
>everything about this picture
That was fun to draw
I need more ideas
anything related to the game would be fantastic
maybe random people standing around yelling about traps being straight/gay
draw some endgame Veeky Forums like 3a sets/full dragon
draw an edgy manlet fantasizing about being hard then bragging about beating people up on the internet
No need to censor your name, Mr Proper. We all know your Estonian kind can't fight alone. I doubt ten of you would even come close to Latent's shoes.
I got to 70 a few days ago so sadly you won't be seeing me there any more
but he's maxed lmao
i keep my combat low so i have excuses lmao
Fact: Estonian's are the MOST POWERFUL players in VSCAPE
*tips level 66 slayer*
>implying your pve skills are meaningful in pvp
come to the agility course kiddo, i'll teach you a lesson
>lol come to the place I've logged out all my alts at
so the real reason they don't use whips is because none of them can replace them?
keep em comin'
>lol your skills are useless
>he says wearing a whip and dboots
actually he's wearing mystic and a dds because he can't replace a whip and dboots
>nobody has killed him once
>gets kills without either of those
doesn't change the facts
>millions of loot generated weekly
>doesn't buy 2m worth of gear
there is no reason to increase risk if kills are so easy as they are
wow I didn't know you could generate loot from unarmed agility trainers
About time to change the map on the site?
Yeah man sometimes they drop a few keys from random events and it helps cover my rune costs
*a few k
I found out that I died when someone pm'd me.
mr proper is doing a proper cleaning in the wilderness
this level of damage control is literally retarded koos, just accept ur death and get over with it. why the fuck do u have to claim that u were afk if u clearly were not? Maybe ur pking skills are just too trash
doing gods work
Gz on the loot. I had minimized the client instead of closed, my fault.
>i close my client instead of logging out and i accidentally minimized it
damage control has reached critical mass
Also note full invent and all pots are still (4) dose
as i said he got literally specced out. all he could do was run around in banic
Only on Veeky Forums you get memed by user
Fuck discord
Stay wake
huh, weird way to spell land of dupers/botters
you can stop being jealous of success, Estonia doesn't dupe or bot
t. dupers and botters
where's the proof fucko
One of you was perma banned for botting and a few of you had your banks wiped for duping
nice try but we're all still here
The roaches of the east.
he's on my ignore list desu
which one
Ganbare, my crybow-wielding friend. Remember to get that 70 agility soon.
>crybow no antifire blue dragons when safespots are fucked (fix when)
>Fountain of Rune
>Wilderness Resource Dungeon
>Black Chinchompa spot
>Lava Dragon Isle
lol you faggots don't have any of this
was it exodus?
That it is, lucky fella survived with 1hp.
reminder that crystal weapons degrade fully when you die with them and that their value on death is essentially 0
Dead game. Dead thread
ur moms ded
Actually their 'alch value' is the second highest in the game behind dfs
>don't have fountain of rune
Found the brainlet refugee
yes but try dying with three cheap items and one used crystal bow
i literary just went there and no fountain what gives mighty oldfag
you'll keep the crystal bow
>I just went there
>therefore it doesn't exist
checkmate atheists
>fresh has logged in
hi fresh
he was running back from black dragon crybowing
without agility shortcuts
Moving to an upgraded server (needed more RAM). Should be back today.
>all but one fight cave enemies are immune to emerald (e) poison
>killing Jad with best gear should be slower by about 30-45 seconds consequently
>killing Froggers is slower by about 15 seconds per frogger (and there are 33 to kill to reach Jad)
>emerald (e) and diamond (e) swapping should be fastest Jad kill of all weapons if fixed
>all fight cave enemies are meant to be susceptible to poison
haven't actually reached Jad to know for certain he's immune mind you, but froggers being immune is shit because it adds roughly 8 minutes to reach wave 63
dangit why the fuck is emerald (e) so fucked up
hello hubcap
Pirate34 actually
For fight caves specifically this is really bad
HELLO hubcap
the weak should fear the strong
>bragging about those drops
>bothering to cap those drops
>not simply asserting dominance
Have you ever beaten anyone that actually tried?
estonians dont duel arena because they know they cant win against people in full gear
Numerous people have fallen in front of us actually if you happen to be a regular visitor of the thread, how do you think we rebuilt all our wealth
Nobody really wants to fight us in the arena. Actually one of the more remarkable drops came to us from a duel arena fight, a mages book.
Post screenshots and prove me wrong.
any known oldfag will admit to all of this being true, i'm not bothered to dig up the screenshots right now
lol okay
% is back up.
I have your 6 here my friend
total levels?
Nose peg? More like no peg
>doesn't show inventory
I wonder what he's fearing ,':^)