We got killed by pokemon furry spammers, but maybe we can beat Demise?
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
We got killed by pokemon furry spammers, but maybe we can beat Demise?
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild InfobinNews/DevelopmentsArt CollectionSoundtrack
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>We got killed by pokemon furry spammers, but maybe we can beat Demise?
Is Bui shitting on Veeky Forums as well as /vp/?
Nice, I'll complete my experience then.
You're not one of those shady emulator users, right?
I want to wife the fish
>We got killed by pokemon furry spammers
I don't know the guy. I just saw the shit spreading out on the catalogue. When this thread rolled out, it was already gone.
Link has no lips here. Also, how could you not be disgusted by Mipha's hands? Eww.
So, is ALttP Link definitely the same guy as in the oracle games?
Keep posting so the furry poster doesn't kill us.
Just dump your art, dumbos.
These feelings are natural.
Bark bark!
Clearly we need to fight autism with autism
get the plushfucker
History of the Zora, Part One
The Eternal Zora's Domain
As told by King Dorephan
The rains have blessed Lanayru since ancient times with an abundance of pure, clean water. Seeking a bounty of such water, the Zora gathered there. Thus, as the legends go, the domain was born 10,000 years ago. The land was also rich in ore, and so a unique form of stone masonry was developed to create our new home. The domain is one giant sculpture, a feat of architecture that has drawn admirers from the world over. Our great domain will ever stand as a hallmark of the esteemed artists who made it, an eternal symbol of Zora pride.
History of the Zora, Part Two
A Reservoir of Hope
As told by King Dorephan
Once every 10 years, the Lanayru region experiences unusually heavy rainfall. The Zora River flooded every time. The tides damaged not only our domain but our people, washing away poor souls and causing great suffering and disarray. The Zora king of that time, after seeking aide from the king of Hyrule, rode out to see what could be done. By joining the architectural genius of the Zora and Hyrule's technological prowess, East Reservoir Lake was swiftly built. Thanks to this fruitful partnership, Hyrule was no longer plagued by these devastating floods. In gratitude, the Zora king promised the king of Hyrule to manage the reservoir level to protect all of Hyrule from floods. each Zora king since has kept that oat, spanning 10,000 years. That is why the reservoir signifies our bond with Hyrule.
History of the Zora, Part Three
Miracle of the White Scale
As told by King Dorephan
Our scholars say that in the distant past, Zora's Domain had a king with no special talent for the art of war. What he lacked in skill with a blade, he made up for in love for his people, and especially love for his queen. One day, news reached the king of a horde of monsters gathering in the Zodobon Highlands. The king steeled himself for war to protect his people, but the queen knew how ill suited for the task he was. Worried for his life, she wove one of her own scales into his armor, hoping that her love would protect him in battle. It seemed for a time that the tide of battle favored the Zora and that all would make it safely home. But the cunning Lizalfos general saw an opening and seized it, driving the king's forces into a corner. Just when the general's sword was ready to crash down upon the king, a miracle took place. An errant sunbeam reflected from the scale on his armor blinded the Lizalfos, stopping the deathblow from falling. This was the chance the king needed to rally his forces and turn the tide, taking down the general and securing victory. This came to be known as the Miracle of the White Scale, a scale that only female Zora possess. It was this miracle that began the tradition of Zora princesses crafting armor for their future husbands.
History of the Zora, Part Four
The Lightscale Trident
As told by King Dorephan
The queen and I were blessed with a daughter as lovely as a jewel. We named our princess...Mipha. To celebrate her birth, the smithy Dento presented Mipha with a gift: a might spear called the Lightscale Trident. Mipha grew into a bright girl and soon reached the age of receiving lessons from the royal family's order of knights. The whole of the royal guard adored her, especially Sergeant Seggin, who loved her as if she were his own kin. Under Seggin's instruction, Mipha honed her skill, and her radiance grew along with her skill with the Lightscale Trident. As a Champion, Mipha made her people proud. However, once the Great Calamity struck, she was never to return. All of Zora's Domain fell into misery. The merest thought of the princess was enough to overcome anyone with tears. As a way of offering her soul repose, they tried to send the Lightscale Trident drifting down the Zora River. But when they did, the trident began to glow, and Mipha's voice rang loud and clear for all Zora to hear:
"The Lightscale Trident and I are one... Abandon your grief and know joy once again. Do not cry...just remember."
And so, keeping to her request, on the day of the Great Calamity...the day that Mipha passed from this world...the Zora venerate the Lightscale Trident and remember their brave princess.
Such is the origin of the Champion Festival.
History of the Zora, Part Five
The Sage Princess Ruto
As told by King Dorephan
Long, long ago... In a past more distant that even the Great Calamity or the creation of the Divine Beast Vah Ruta... There was a Zora princess named Ruto. We know that she was an attendant to the Zora patron deity and that she was a fair and lively girl, beloved to all. Around that same time, an evil man with designs on ruling the world appeared, bringing disaster upon Zora's Domain. It is said that Ruto then awoke as a sage, facing this foe alongside the princess of Hyrule and the hero of legend. Her achievements are remembered not only by the Zora, they are also forever etched into the history of Hyrule. The Divine Beast Vah Ruta, built ages later to face off against Calamity Ganon, was named in honor of Ruto. That the Zora princess—my sweet daughter Mipha—was chosen to pilot Ruta is surely the work of fate.
History of the Zora, Part Six
Divine Beast Vah Ruta
As told by King Dorephan
When the Divine Beast Vah Ruta was first discovered at Zora's Domain, my daughter Mipha hurried to see it. Those present that day say they saw an unusual sparkle of excitement in Mipha's normally calm eyes as she beheld Ruta. The princess spoke of the Divine Best as she would a friend and was overjoyed when she was chosen to pilot Ruta. I thought nothing of it at the time, but given the events that followed, I now regret allowing this to happen. I have spent many long years consumed by guilt. My dearest wish is that her soul will know peace. I pray for it every day.
H---ory of the Zor-, Part S-ven
The H-ro Who D-feat-d the Ly--l
As T--d b- King Dorephan
T--re was a time when the p--ple of the land were thre--ened by the dr--- beast Ly-e- who lived on the Pl--mu- M--ntain. But one Hy---n drove th- beast back an- re--ored p--ce to the do--in. Th- Zora helm w-n in th-s fight i- no- north of --- in the r--ns near ---- L-ke. It re--s ther- to h--or the d--ds of the he-- L---.
History of the Zora, Part Seven
The Hero Who Defeated the Lynel
As Told by King Dorephan
There was a time when the people of the land were threatened by the dread beast Lynel who lived on the Ploymus Mountain. But one Hylean drove the beast back and restored peace to the domain. The Zora helm worn in this fight is now north of here in the ruins near Toto Lake. It rests there to honor the deeds of the hero Link.
History of the Zora, Addendum 1
King Dorephan Stands His Ground
Around 100 years after the King Dorephan ascended to the throne, a stray Guardian crossed Upland Zorana into our domain. The Guardian seemed unstoppable. Our best soldiers' spears barely left a scratch on its metal hull. It was then that our King Dorephan, without a thought for his own safety, came out to face the Guardian himself. With supernatural strength, he lifted the Guardian and hurled it into a ravine. The impact of the fall left the Guardian in pieces, and it was never to trouble another Zora ever again. The citizens celebrated the king's valor. From then on, their trust and respect for him grew beyond compare. You can still see the scar he eared that day on his forehead—a token of his triumph.
History of Zora, Addendum 2
Prince Sidon's Great Escape
There was once a giant Octorok in Hateno Bay, large as a mountain, which terrorized the village's fishers. Hearing of their distress, Prince Sidon went forth to personally eliminate the offending Octorok. But this Octorok was a tricky beast. After the prince dodged one of the stones it spat, it inhaled him whole. Such had been the fate of many strong warriors who went to slay the Octorok. Not one had come back alive. Just as it seemed Prince Sidon would be counted among them, the giant Octorok twisted in pain. The tip of a silverscale spear pierced the Octorok's stomach from within, revealing itself as the source of the beast's agony. Incredibly, Prince Sidon had fought his way out by stabbing his spear over and over into the monster's stomach. Unable to bear the pain, the Octorok coughed up the prince and scrambled to escape. Ever since, the fishers of Hateno Bay have passed down this heroic tale: The Prince Who Slew the Fell Octorok
Memoir of a Gifted Stonemason
What an honor it was to receive a personal request from King Dorephan to craft a historical stone monument! I did not realize how much content he'd given me, though... It certainly exceeded the line limits of a single monument. I suppose I could have just shortened the text, but it felt wrong to tamper with our great king's words. Thankfully, I was able to split it all between seven monuments to ensure that every word was preserved. I have always prided myself on my ability to think outside the box. I am so very adaptable! And humble as well. While I was at it, I thought...why not add two of my own? And so I created one for King Dorephan and one for Prince Sidon. True, this is outside the scope of my commission... But I believe their triumphs deserve as much! But why stop at that... Why indeed! My achievement surely deserves remembrance too. That is how a commission of one became 10. Of course, having increased the number of monuments, I had to find places for them all... That proved difficult. Still, it is worth it! So long as I remember to sign these monuments, my name will be remembered forever. As it should be.
>Such is the origin of the Champion Festival.
What are the odds that this plays into the DLC2 content? There seemed to be some indication that Kass would be giving Link a quest about the Champions. The game ends with Link on his way to Zora's domain.
Some faggot has /vp/ by the balls and has been demanding lewd drawings in exchange for a day of not being spammed. It seems like he got bored and decided to raid this board and /v/ as well.
>What are the odds that this plays into the DLC2 content?
Very likely I'd say. It was my theory the moment I learned about how it was focused on the champions. What with how the game ends with them heading to Zora's Domain.
The Zora are the ones that wrote about it. Nobody else seems to have it mentioned. It might even just be a local thing. Best outcome would be for others to migrate to Zora's domain for the festival, which would play into Kass showing up.
Will 5mash Bros finally give us the Majora's Mask version of youtube.com
I think /v/ got shit on as well.
Don't hold your breath.
>Started FSA about half an hour ago
>Village of the Blue Maiden
We always assumed that Gerudo pants were puffy.
Your reaction when they have been form fitting the whole time?
Pure muscle.
is there a directional thing im not figuring out for the korok mask like there is for the sheikah sensor?
So how much dodgy fish banging happened in that bed?
Went on for years.
Mipha died a virgin
I thought they were supposed to be dolphins
Zora have gills. They are half fish. Basically mermaids.
Why the hell can't I simply tell these faggots to build me everything in the house if I have enough rupees on me? That shit's tedious.
>every fanfic has Majora being big and relevant
>only appeared in one fucking game as a mask
>reading non-smut fanfic
it's your own fault
In that case how many bastard fish children did Link have?
Kass is also overlooking Vah Ruta from the trailer.
If the game is post-Ganon and Zelda becomes an NPC in the overworld, it might be she asks him to go about and discover some stuff and you run into Kass
What's the verdict on BOTW Hard Mode? Enough to make a replay worth it? I already got 100+ hours, 120 shrines, and 450+ Koroks out of my first run
Too much build up for this if it's just one new dungeon and/or fetch quest. I hope this is basically a "game 2" on the same map. Bonus points to Nintendo if we play as Zelda.
I'm assuming it's something along the lines of a memory fetch quest but then you remember some important shit which leads to a new dungeon which is just going to be a big sheikah trial probably.
The same as normal mode after the beginning.
>Zelda becomes an NPC in the overworld
Oh boy!
That video was too fucking much
>Kass meets Zelda
>"Your highness, remember the sheikah court poet? He totally wanted to bang you. Here, let me play you a song he wrote about you fucking Link"
>Enough to make a replay worth it?
I've had a lot of fun with it personally. My impression of the hard mode has grown after playing it for myself. It actually makes a relatively substantial difference.
But BotW by itself has proven to be much more replayable than I had first imagined. It's been really fun to re-apply all that I've learned over the course of my first playthrough. And trying new solutions for Shrines and other challenges. As well as simply plotting my paths through the world now that I am much more familiar with the Hyrule of BotW itself.
And replaying it on hard mode is something I feel like have made it even more enjoyable. Trying to use my experience to do things more efficiently than before, in spite of the higher difficulty. I am really loving it.
I also think those flying platforms with the sky octoroks honestly make the whole platforming segments in between high altitude areas and whatnot a lot more enjoyable in general. They might look a bit silly at times, but in general I'd say they contribute gameplay wise. It's fun trying to reach them and it's fun trying to make use of them or even move them. Of course this is in addition to there being more enemies in the world map in general now compared to before. Which is fun.
But above all I was underestimating the regenerating health. Some might not be that fond of the idea in general but I really do feel like it's a magnificent addition to the game and I can't help but wonder what I would think of the game had regenerating health been in the game from the beginning.
BotW by nature is a game that offers numerous solutions to any hurdle. And finding and coming up with these solutions is part of the game. But that also means that are countless of ways to be a real cheap bastard too. And honestly, there isn't exactly anything wrong with that. Finding a solution that works and let's you come out on top is great fun. That said, the regenerating health doesn't so much let you take pot shots at enemies, then taking it slow for another opportunity for a cheap pot shot. The regenerating health means that if you're fighting an enemy you really have to focus on the enemy until the fight is over. And that really makes fighting feel much more like fighting and I don't really mind that. It really makes fighting feel much more intense. And it also means that if you mess up, leaving your enemy free, you'll get punished for it and the enemy will recover health. And then that's on you, because of your short comings. It puts pressure on you and makes fights both more intense and more difficult.
Link to the video?
I am not really sure what to think about the DLC costumes though. On one hand I really love the look of them and I've been using them a ton. But on the other hand I kind of feel like they're too easy to get access to relative to what they do. Like, you could go all the corners of the world and gather the pieces for the Barbarian set. Or you could get the Phantom set within the first hour of the game off from the plateau. Likewise with Tingle's outfit, you could find the fairies and upgrade your armour, or you could just get the Tingle outfit right away.
Since this was my second playthrough and on hardmode I honestly didn't care much and it was actually pretty neat to benefit from them. But if it really was my first playthrough of the game I really doubt I would liked it.
All in all though. I've had great fun with the DLC. But then again, I was planning on replaying BotW regardless and likely would have enjoyed that too. So that's where I am coming from. But I really do think the DLC has enhanced my experience.
The Master Trials were cool too. Though some floors truly are cheap.
I've none
>setting riju's palace on fire during her time off in order to snap riju upskirt pictures in the ensuing chaos
The things you can do in this game.
I'm still only at 50, I should give the last levels another go.
What do you mix with to make a potion last 30 minutes again?
Maybe some extra defense could help me.
I didn't even know she had a time off. always saw her at the throne room.
you have to do the thunderhelm quest before she leaves her throne at night. I never thought of touching it before I saw that here
Do they know nothing about privacy?
You'd want dragon horns and a critical success for cooking if you want a long duration.
That said. For the Master Trials. It might be a bit silly. But if you're having trouble with the Master Trials. Try bombing down each and every tree you come across in order to harvest all their wood and the occasional acorn.
And then when you get to resting levels where you can cook. And then you simply throw the wood into the pan one by one, one by one. For burnt rock hard food. Again and again until you've maxed out your inventory.
It might be a tad tedious. And while the "food" only gives you a quarter heart each. With all the wood you gather it's easily an extra 10-20+ hearts for each time you do it.
It helped me at the very least to cover for my foolish mistakes.
All in all though. The Master Trials were actually really interesting. Though they weren't exactly the Eventide Island I was expecting. And was much more ruthless.
Is fire traumatizing?
Fire's hot
that's disgusting. Do temporary hearts carry over into the Master Trials?
Personally I couldn't help but get a chuckle out of the idea of Link being so desperate that he'd literally chomp down on wood to survive.
I just imagine Link spending about a week in the trials and being so low on food that he actually starts to throw chunks of wood into the pan.
It's not easy being the hero.
Doing stuff like that usually takes me out of the game. The same way cooking three crabs and a snail gave me steamed fish.
The trials weren't that bad for me though. Once they started giving me hearty food it was a cakewalk so long as I actually remembered to eat it
The trials are a bitch on hard mode what with the regenerating health. I mean, it's far from impossible. And I could probably complete the trial multiple times in a row now that I have actually familiarized myself with the levels and aren't shocked or surprised like the first time I did it.
But hard mode sure made it unforgiving.
I would imagine.
I'm still debating a hard mode playthrough or a third normal mode. The way it sounds only the starting portion of the game is particularly difficult and the for the rest maybe only boss fights take a little bit more thought to accomplish
For the Master Trials. In terms of difficulty.
Beginning Trials > Middle Trials > Final Trials
The trials were fun on the first playthrough. The dark rooms especially even though they were piss easy. Do the trials become immediately available upon drawing the Mister Sword?
>that bowling game that's literally free money
What were they thinking?
One talus gives you something like 200 rupees and you run into at least three just on the way from the plateau to Hebra, more like 5 if you go to Kakariko first. How much does snowling net you for each strike?
300. And getting strikes is really easy once you figure out where to aim.
Hard mode still feels relevant even later I'd say. But you certainly rise to get your own bearings, much like normally in the late game.
But the way how you can't simply ignore damaged enemies unless you want them to regenerate really does stick with you. I'd argue it matters. And I kind of like it myself.
But really. If you've already played I'd more than recommend trying it if you're planning on replaying the game anyway. There are new enemies where there were none before. There are new platforms with new treasure and boxes. It's kind of a face lift that keeps replaying the same areas feel a bit fresher.
The way the enemies are ranked up kind of stops feeling all that intimidating after a time though. Admittedly. That said, fighting a whole legion of silver enemies in the areas where they spawn, or a gold enemy. Does force you to fight effectively unless you want to lose out even if you manage to best the enemies. A few times I can admit that it might have been a tiny bit tedious. But in general it more or less forced me to fight smarter and think of more ways to fight in general that I hadn't considered or utilized much before. And whenever I did triumph over an intimidating group of enemies in a smart way like that it really did end up satisfying.
And I also feel like it's well worth mentioning how much more relevant I feel like stealth is. Not just for avoiding enemies. But in general in order to deal with the tougher ones more effectively. Do it well and you can not just take out one enemy, but several or hopefully even all of them. And stealth by itself has been made tougher in how the enemies actually spot you faster and more easily. Which is actually well worth mentioning and something else I enjoy about the hard mode. Enemies are more aware of you and more on you in general. Increasing the feeling of their presence throughout the world in general.
Do whatever you want in the end. But I'd say it's well worth a try to form your own opinion.
how does Hyrule Historia think this game comes in the child timeline? It's ripped straight out of A Link to the Fucking Past.
You have to leave the area. Or well, enter or exit the "world" rather.
Meaning you have to fast travel or enter a shrine / beast and then load back into the world again. And then you have access to the master trials immediately after pulling out the master sword.
Personally I jumped straight into the master mode upon downloading the DLC. After loading up my old save to watch my path with the hero path thing at the very least.
I gathered the DLC costumes. Maxed out my stamina. Cleared two divine beasts. And then I finally got myself to 13 hearts again.
I could have always done the boons statue in order to respec back and forth. But I wanted full stamina and exactly 13 hearts for my trials and that's what I did. I don't regret it. Level 10 was bullshit though but I learned to get past it.
>The dark rooms especially even though they were piss easy.
I got fucked by the Hinox. I was moving backwards and aiming for its eye, only walk backwards striaght into a building. And then I got one shotted.
The room with the Wizrobe and all the Bokoblins was brutal too. There was so many enemies and so many walls and so little light. That escaping from and or hiding from the enemies. Let alone trying to take them out one by one was really hard. I had to use more equipment than I desired on that level, and I also took a lot more damage than I had hoped.
Of course, the hard mode made it a lot more difficult. I guess the numbers wouldn't have meant that much if they were one rank lower.
No matter the difficulty, the dark rooms were no doubt the scariest of the entire trial I feel like.
I did it with max hearts on regular mode and I barely made it past the stalhorse level every time I entered it, I don't want to think about how that would go without full health.
The stalnox was always funny though, by the time I killed it it had torn off every rib, its jaw and its arm to toss at me because all I could do was smack it with shitty weapons at shoot arrows at it
I was just really glad whenever I got to fight the skeletons over other enemies. Because aside from the Stalnox, you can kill of them with just two bombs. Or a couple of hits using their very own arms.
Meaning that I could quickly dispatch of them without having use my own equipment or even having to run from them across the entire level if I could just make them explode in front me instead.
The Stalnox fight was fun though. Chasing that eye all over the place while the main body regenerated health was interesting. Though I never let it recover enough health to escape critical health, so I managed to pop that eye right back out again every time even so.
It was great for me because I wanted to see more of the light mechanics played and they delivered.
the body's health is different from the eye's? How does a stalnox work? Is there a way to insta-kill it like regular stals?
I filled my inventory with stal arms so I was just running around breaking stuff against its legs while considering trying to drop rusty weapons and catch it in a lightning bolt
They shouldn't have made the difficulty of the trial levels different between regular and hard mode. Instead they should have added more levels.
Lizalfos are hard to fight. Especially unarmed.
When I did the trials I no joke gave unarmed lizalfos weapons just so that I'd be able to fight them easier.
Moblins might deal more damage and have much more health. But lizalfos are faster. If you run they've got ranged attacks. And when they don't have any weapons do that attack where they rush in and do a wide tail swipe.
Lizals are annoyed just because they'll keep jumping backwards and you'll have to run them down
>They shouldn't have made the difficulty of the trial levels different between regular and hard mode.
Why not? Why give the trial levels special treatment?
It would be really weird if enemies all of a sudden stopped regenerating health just because you entered the trials. And if they still regenerate health, they might as well still rank up all the enemies.
Or do you mean that the trials should be like hard mode in in regular mode?
Honestly, I am not so sure about that. It can honestly be pretty brutal on hard mode and I am not sure how many people of the casual market would make it even with preparation. And I am not really sure I feel like that'd be right. The game is for them too.
Is there a canon name for Zelda's horse?
help on master mode trial of the sword. i keep dying on floor 10
Shoot the fucker in the center the instant you get into the room so that you don't trigger the other two.
1 vs. 1 the silver ones. Sneak up to one and stunlock it with the thunder rod. Just make sure you don't trigger both.
And Ganondorf's horse?
There's one fuck in Tarrey Town who insults your clothes and asks you if you want to do something for money. What was his quest? I never did it because I doubted it involved kicking him into the lake.
>it's a "lava rock falls on the ground 3 meters in front of you and instantly kills you" episode
Mmmm I'm loving it!