All Firepower Edition
Thread No. 173
Discuss anything Mega Man related. Art, OCs, Music, Fan Games, the comics, cartoons, etc. Discussion about Mega Man-esque games, Mighty No. 9, Azure Striker Gunvolt, Red Ash and Inafune is also welcome.
>Previous Thread
>list of all games
>List of fan games
>Comic, Manga, other printed media
>Music Playlists and Albums
A TON of Mega Man remix albums (and some Gunvolt CDs)
>Cartoons and Anime
>Our booru!
>Here's our discord chat
/mmg/ mega man general
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Guys, we've got another rogue janitor deleting threads.
Nevermind we've got an explanation here.
What the fuck was that.
What was fuckin hilarious.
I think like maybe 15 generals total managed to survive being pushed off.
Man, what a dickhead. And I was in the middle of typing a fairly long post, too.
Just copy and paste it here, user.
I believe the worst problem now is that we have two threads up.
But we don't?
Or did the mods restore the the threads that got pushed off?
Can't, I was on mobile and forgot to copy that fucka when I when I went to to see what the hell happened. Oh well.
Anyway, which thread should we use, then?
What's the point of making a new edition when this one barely got off the ground?
Not sure.
I made the other one when we died but this one have more posts already.
This one was started first. May as well stay here.
Besides we barely had any posts in the last thread so I think it's safe to say it doesn't count because a bot pushed it off the catalog
Good point. And since this one was made first, I'll be staying here.
C&D when?
Viper got really salty about dying without accomplishing anything and shitposted until Gunvolt easily did him in a second time.
Don't fucking jinx it
uh, what?
Don't mind him, he's always like that. Must be lowercase-kun's best friend or something.
never, so capcom can continue to do nothing but at least not lose face from C&Ds
Not soon enough.
user with the four character project here.
Wtf happened?
Also, how often does capcom C&D?
I'm not making a fan game (although the project did originally start off as a Megaman X fan Game.) , but I really don't want to have to deal with Capcom's lawyer nonsense if I don't need to.
If Zero was a cyborg could he start a family with Ciel?
He's also alive in this scenario.
Purification is clearly the way.
Suppose Zero died, but Ciel is still pregnant.
>Zero lives on, IN MY WOMB!
>I'm not making a fan game
Then you're safe.
>goes full Orphen season 1 ending
No, it would still have ended the same.
>Wtf happened?
>No doujin where X fucks the maverick virus out of Zero.
It could be with another characters as well tho. I just sort of impressed nobody did that before.
.... oh. Well that explains what i kept running into then...
If lewd, just send a warning.
That's such a silly but solid idea for a comic, makes me wonder as well.
Also fuck, now I feel like drawing something like that myself.
>No doujin where Zero fucks the Maverick virus into X
Then do it.
I would do it myself, if I didn't suck at NSFW
Corruption is pleb tier.
Your mom is pleb tier. Worst girl by far.
Still better than your waifu, that cockhungry whore.
You take that back, Centaur Man is a pure angel.
I would, but I don't really sure how to express it, I'm terrible at coming up with lines for nsfw stuff. Not being a native English speaker isn't helping much either. But if you have any ideas, let me know I guess?
I... I'm not exactly good either.
I could probably come up with some Palcomix-tier shit pretty quickly tho.
Well, that's better than nothing I suppose. Do your worst my man.
So how much do you have? I'm guessing not much if you don't have concrete ideas for the main characters yet.
Believe it or not, I have the main characters pretty much finished. (Outside of polish)
I just wasn't really fond of what I had for the Saber character. (It just kept feeling "off" despite how much I kept changing it. This is what made me decide to turn to avid megaman fans for advice.) Atm I'm currently working on the Leveling up system & right after I'm going to start giving the enemies more detail.
Right now, they only walk left/ right, pause and either shoot, slash or outright body slam you if you're in their vicinity. (I know it's not much, but it's enough just for character testing purposes...)
Same user here,
also forgot to mention.
Don't get me wrong, just because the characters are finished doesn't mean I'm not willing to take suggestions/feedback on what I have or am currently working on.
If it helps, I kind of want this game to be kind of like a "love-letter" to megaman the same way Freedom Planet is to Sonic.
(Enough that you can see the inspirations, but different enough that it's discernable from being a clone.)
I also take some massive detours from the average Megaman mechanics as well to make sure it's not just a "sprite-swap" game.
(I should really start using a name so I'm a bit easier to identify...)
That's nice. So are you planning on something enemy-based like Inticreates MegaMan or is platforming also a big part?
>Zero: I see you came to fight me, X.
>X: Zero, stop! This isn't like you!
>Zero: Ahahaha! If you want me to stop, come and do it yourself!
>X: I... I hate to do this to you, but if this will make you come back to your senses...
>Zero: Heh, I see you had your buster(dick) upgraded... For someone who doesn't like this, you sure are well prepared.
(Sex happens)
Zero: You have gotten pretty strong, huh.
X: Guh...
Zero: But still not enough to defeat me! Uahahahahaha!
X: Then take this!
Zero: Uh, w-wait... Are you really...
Holy fuck, Palcomix should hire me to write this shit.
>(Sex happens)
Ace writing
I'm just gonna name myself after the main character. (Life will be a lot simpler that way.)
Well, to paint a better picture, it's going to be MetroidVania styled.
So pretty much a mix of both?
One of the few problems I have with megaman games is that the games usually favored one or the other too much instead of blending them both. (I hated that when they did that, but I loved both sides equally.)
So by, making it MV styled, I can use both separately or mix them in order to appeal to both sides.
Also, I plan on taking the "stage dynamic" aspect from MMX1 (Beat a boss, another area changes) and make that play a heavy role on rooms. (So it can drastically change the way a room is approached/handled compared to how it was before the changes.)
With that, a room can go from platform heavy to combat heavy, vice versa or mix them together differently.
I hope this answers your question properly.
It's just there to show that some time have passed between conversations.
>One of the few problems I have with megaman games is that the games usually favored one or the other too much instead of blending them both. (I hated that when they did that, but I loved both sides equally.)
Same, but I didn't mind it if the almost completely action (like Panther's stage in MMZ2) or almost completely platforming aspect (I think they did that with KnightMan's level in 6) was only one stage in the game. Actually as far as keeping stages interesting goes, I think MMZ2&3 are good examples although Z3 is more action than platforming overall.
MV-style is cool, definitely one of my favorite styles of gaming.
I remember MMZ2 Panther. I loved the way they handled that boss room. (I really wished to see more of that. Lol)
I'll definitely take a deeper look into MMZ2&Z3's overall design a bit more since you mentioned it.
As for the MV style, I'm glad you're fond of it, I wasn't going to go that route at first, but after seeing how MMX:Corrupted (attempts) to handle it, it made me realize the full potential of using it over a
"Pick a stage, rush to end, beat the boss" style.
One of the main focuses I'm trying to give this project is:
No two playthroughs are the same unless you repeat the same actions you did last time.
(Realistically, sooner or later, you'll have covered all the possible routes, but for the first 8 times, I want the game to change constantly but making minor tweaks that present new challenges. (The characters play a big role in that also. All of them handle differently, but all can clear the entire game)
I don't see why not. Didn't 18 from DBZ got pregnant?
She was originally human and her baby maker was intact from her human body.
Holy fuck you actually did it. I got a good chuckle from this, thanks user.
I'm not determined enough to draw an entire comic, but I'm gonna attempt to do the charge shot part. That shit sounds like a line straight out of some cheesy porn parody
Sounds pretty ambitious. Just remember not to over or underuse unique stage mechanics and that repetition is important, it's okay if some rooms are reused or have variations of a similar theme so long as it isn't done too much.
I'd recommend getting some practice in the MM maker or some kind of sidescrolling stage maker before you go at it for real.
Still temporarily suspended. Wish he made pixiv account.
Make it for him. Tirelessly study his style and slowly become him and make a pixiv account.
I saw the MM Maker and I can't say I'm not hyped af for it. I really wish there was a X or MMZ version of that also, but I'll take what I can get.
Also, I'll definitely keep that in mind. I've seen what terror can ensue when something is overused to death (AKA Blaze Heatnix's stage)
and when it's been underused/ used poorly (AKA Duff McWhalen's Boss fight Ice mechanic)
And yeah, the project is REALLY ambitious, but only due to the realization that if I don't do this kinda stuff, who will? I got tired of waiting.
(Not to mention everything that happened with MN9 and the eternal wait on MMX:Corrupted...)
>"If I don't, who will?" says Goku, resident MegaMan enthusiast
If you find yourself with too much time on your hands, I would also recommend playing the original Metroid (cheats or enhanced passwords recommended for this purpose) just to get a good feel for how the genre started and then play Zero Mission to see how it evolved. It won't give you too much MegaMan-flavored inspiration but it might clue you in on how to fill in some gaps between levels.
As for the metroid idea, I ended up completing Hyper Metriod the other month, just to fully ensure that the MV route is really where I wanted to go. (If you haven't played that, I definitely recommend it if you want to play a Super Metroid Rom hack that will give you a decent challenge. It's really worth it.)
As for the original metroid and Zero mission, I'll also look into those.
Are there any other types of games I should be on the look out for? (Anything MM/MV related ofc)
Just a brief list of what I already own/played/beaten (just in case):
Rozenkreustillette (both parts)
All the MM (excluding MM9 & 10)
MMX(minus X7 & X8. I couldn't sit through those...)
MMZX games
Rex Rocket
Super and Hyper Metroid
Valdis Story
Momodora 3
Mighty GunVolt and MGB
Gunvolt 1 and 2
Master Blaster Zero
Guacamelee STCE
Bad Bots ( i dont really recommend this one. it's not bad... just meh)
CastleVania SOTN (just got to inverted castle the other day.)
CastleVania Aria of Sorrow
CastleVania (I have the rom of the one with the female... Can't remember the name. Eccl-something.)
(I think I'm missing a few)
All this was for studying purposes...Lol
>Hyper Metroid
ah, we have a man of taste here
>CastleVania (I have the rom of the one with the female... Can't remember the name. Eccl-something.)
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Shanoa a cute.
Megaman x Castlevania crossover never ever.
I won't lie, i just assumed it was just going to be a simple hack that did basically nothing, but it really changed up everything. The escape sequence at the end was godly.
That's the name! I can't seem to remember it for the life of me.
I definitely love her design. (Especially the "absorbing sigils through her back" concept.)
As for a Megaman CastleVania crossover. I remember seeing a youtube Stream of someone playing a chinese fan game of one. It didn't look too appealling, but it's out there. I'll try to see if i can find it in my watch history.
>decent challenge
I've read that there is a minimum requirement of having to be japanese in order to beat that hack. I've still yet to finish Super, admittedly.
Only other games I can think of to recommend are Sonic 3 & Knuckles and Sonic Advance 3 to see how levels can be approached by the abilities of different characters.
Just expecting a level hack out of it? I can understand that. Not many Metroid hacks change the physics. But even with just level hacks there are plenty that change up the game quite a bit.
This is hardly the thread to be talking about it though.
omg. I love the both of those!
(ESPECIALLY Sonic Advance 3! The music and concepts used in that one were amazing! I still prefer Sonic Advance 2's boss style more though... )
Also, Hyper Metroid takes a bit of time to get used to, but I mostly think it's because I beat Super and pretty much remember the in's and out's of the game.
As for the MegamanXCastlevania thing. I think this was it. (I hope I embed this correctly...)
I have yet to run into them.
I tend to not play/care about many rom hacks unless they are megaman related. I personally loved the MMX3 Zero Project one the most, tbqh.
>hardly the thread to be talking about it though.
That's true. my bad. Lol
Looks like ass, but it's something like that I was imagining: Megaman with castlevania's setting.
The running boss fights in 2 were baller and suited Sonic, so I can understand.
I've been trying to play games more now than I used to without looking stuff up, so I get stuck a lot in Super.
There's also a MM7 hack with Bass as the MC which is worth looking at.
>Looks like ass
I agree %100 with you on that one.
I didn't even spend more than three minutes watching the stream when i first encountered it.
I definitely feel the same about sonic's boss fights.
I'll definitely keep an eye out for that hack. Despite the flak MM7 gets, I thought it was cute enough to stay in my memory. So playing as Bass will definitely peak my interests.
I kind of want MM&B2 to have a proper GBA remastering of it though. (Minus the stage where you have to flip the handheld, screw that stage and it's lame gimmick...)
I wouldn't mind a Challenger remake but I'm not too fond of the Robot Masters in it.
I have to agree that the bosses were lame, but it felt like they made those bosses to be lame on purpose & that made it cute in it's own way.
I mean seriously.... "AirCon" (Short for Air-Conditioner) Man? Really? Lol
I guess a cartoon game doesn't need edgy 2kewl5skewl villains, but I just didn't prefer them. At least they aren't too important.
>the flak MM7 gets
I still don't understand this. 7 is a good game.
>There will never be a Mega Man game with this amount of detail or Easter Eggs again.
I thought so too, it's a really good game and it felt like one of the games Capcom (or the Megaman team) actually had fun making. but I guess it was the sprite style?( I liked it either way.)
He is still god tier in my eyes. So many game overs when i first ran into him.
(Plus that heal gimmick was an amazing touch for a boss. MM needs more of that imho)
True true. Maybe with the remake, they could revisit older bosses (MM1-6) and give it the MM&B treatment. That would be cool.
Freeze Man was so cool
>won't make a move until you do
That reminds me! If you've played GunVolt, you've seen when the bosses do the Cut-in before doing their major attack.
How do you guys feel about using cut-ins for bosses, but instead they can insta-kill?
I know, a lot of people don't like the concept of insta-kill moves in games, but I really wanna try my hand at putting it into the game, but to make up for doing insta-kill moves by making it extremely notice-able when it's coming by using cut-ins & clearly discern-able attacks.
-Epsii fights Power.
-Power gets down to 1/4 health.
-Power shows cut-in similar to how they do in GunVolt.
-Power fires a bigger than normal (but slow moving shot)
-If the shot hits you, it kills you.
- But Power may try to "set you up" (for lack of better wording) for the killshot.
It's a really rough example, but I was thinking of taking approaches like that. Not all bosses will have insta-kill moves, only the main story bosses will.
I really loved that about him also. I remember waiting there the first time and not seeing him move. Then I tapped the right button and he went berserk on me. lol
7 and 8 are legit very good games with very well designed challenges and visual direction.
The fact total turds of game design that get the basics wrong like X5 are more celebrated or whatever the term you prefer than them is just another signal of how the internet at large is dangerously stupid.
I'm amazed that 7 was made in only 3 months.
I think if you're going for an insta-kill move in a boss fight, it should involve elements from the game that you already know invoke instant death. Examples: Heatnix's walls of flames, Rangda Bangda's spikey floors, Duff's wall of spikes he tries to shove you into, fights above bottomless pits, or fights involving things that will obviously crush you.
That's an amazing point. I already had that in mind with area mechanics and stuff. I just didn't think of using that for boss fights. (Why? Idk... I guess it was over-looked.)
I'll just make it that the first boss teaches the concept of boss insta-kills w/o them actually killing you, (probably ending the fight, if you get hit, but giving you a less desireable outcome.) so that it makes it known that attacks with cut-ins NEED to be avoided at all costs.
Thanks, that helps out a lot!
That also brings up a good point. Since this is probably where your inspiration came from, look at Tenjian in ASG2: his attack kills you but you learn this without repercussions the first time around because Joule sings you back to life automatically. If you have a self-acting revival/healing tool in the game (like a fairy in LoZ) then put that in a spot the character has to be in before reaching the boss so it won't be a waste of a 1-Up.
I've also been devfagging here for a bit and while I definitely don't want to sound too full of myself or anything, but I'd honestly really recommend against 1-hit kills in boss battles (stuff like what other anons mentioned get a bit of pass because they're environmental hazards always present in the boss room, and not something that can suckerpunch you the first time through [we almost always get hit by a boss' move the first time around after all]), I'd definitely think if the move took like half of your health bar away it'd already convey how extreme you want the fight to come across without being too harsh on the player.
Doesn't mean much of anything, but I've consistently kept stuff that way on all games I've released so far.
Just my two cents no less.
This. Boss OHKO moves suck the same way a character death in a story sucks if it wasn't built up to well enough.
So as an alternative to this, I would recommend something more like
Cut-in, Power fires two or three large shots at the floor
Shots destroy the parts of the floor they land on, sending debris close to where the shots landed
The floor area the shots landed in are destroyed, revealing spikes underneath
If a shot lands where you are, you take damage from the shot, giving you enough i-frame time to escape from the now apparent spikes.
That's exactly where I got it from. I'll definitely keep the inst-revive in mind as an option.
You don't sound full of yourself at all. Like I mentioned in one of my first few posts, I accept all the suggestions/feedback (and I might as well add now) concerns/criticisms that come my way. (You can't get better at something if you don't know how to listen/process them, right?)
You make a great point and I REALLY do hate the "sucker-punch" aspect of insta-kills. They are cheap and ALWAYS looked down on.
(Pyrogen from MN9 comes to mind.)
I did contemplate making attacks do heavy damage, but after a while, I deemed them a bit too "safe" and don't give bosses a definite "looming threat" that they kind of deserve imho.
(It's kinda like giving a boss that "this is why I rule this domain" kind of feeling. Rather than just letting them be tankier enemies.)
That being said, I want bosses to feel threatening, but not unfair. That's pretty much why I want to use Cut-Ins like Tenjian did in GV2.
When I first got hit by it, the Cut-In did warn me that something was coming, the only issue I had with it was that it was (pretty much) the only time the game brought something like that to the table. (And I was a bit confused about it.)
This is why I'm opt-ing for clear warning signs. (That literally can't go unnoticed.) And implementing it into the first boss with a "bad clear" kind of rule in place so that it's never from left field, but known since the beginning of the game.
But if anything, I'll keep what you're saying in mind and weigh it against how everything ends up coming along.
This is pretty 80% of my Sky boss's Insta-kill attack.... Lol (minus the projectiles...)
I think one result of just giving way too clear warning signs all the time but still keep it one hit kill would be the player would just throw themselves against the boss sprite so they can avoid it because they'd get invincibility frames and would have wisened up to OHKOs if they are recurring.
I think setting it up to take half an energy meter away works because then you're back at the checkpoint, sure, but if they're really manning up to something so severe they're probably low in health themselves and odds are so is the player. So maybe they'll get killed the first time around, but the second one if they still can't get avoid getting hit (and that's likely a turnout you want, since boss patterns can sure take a long time getting used to) he might just have more than half an energy bar left, and he'll just be left with 'holy shit' to see that while it's still severe, it's not an all or nothing deal.
That's just how I'd handle that personally no less.
Well I guess another implementation could be
Boss has a move where they grab at you and if the grab connects, they throw you in one of three directions
Cut-in, boss summons spikes out of the three areas he is known to throw you in
Also he gets faster, maybe has a new attack or two
Now if you get caught by his throw, he throws you into an area covered with spikes
>I think one result of just giving way too clear warning signs all the time but still keep it one hit kill would be the player would just throw themselves against the boss sprite so they can avoid it because they'd get invincibility frames and would have wisened up to OHKOs if they are recurring.
Maybe, but you don't want to force the player to take damage. Gotta keep the mindset of "if a player was highly skilled enough, could they do a No Damage run?"
Yeah, but that's not about wanting the player to take damage - it's just them realizing that one is less worse off than the other.
So ironically it might just deter someone from trying to No Damage it for that moment because if they know it's an instant kill, and want to beat the boss more than anything, they'll gladly throw themselves onto him because at least they don't die. If it's not an OHKO, then they can just tank it and still learn more from the battle because they are not reset to the starting point mandatorily.