what the fuck happened edition
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WF news: semlar.com
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THE JORDAS VERDICT: pastebin.com
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com
Top guns: docs.google.com
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com
Tierqueer Filters: git.io
CURRENT UPDATE: Chains of Harrow (Update 21)
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Raid from a /vp/ furryposter apparently.
What was the point of that bot?
what? how does that cause threads to be deleted?
they werent even raiding /wfg/
>tierqueer had to make the thread
atleast that filter skips over the op post.
I want shady Lotus back.
>how does that cause threads to be deleted?
Because there was so much fucking spam that it bumped actual generals off the board.
The thread name had /wfg/ (wifi something) in it
Stupid mods probaboy just deleted al wfg including threads
>tq made 2 threads to make sure we can't make a 3rd without it getting 404
fucking pathetic
He was posting so fast, that it forced the slower generals to the last page were they 404ed
does warframe's chat have a time stamp feature?
It does; it's in the options menu.
>tierqueer is a Janitor
>got butthurt, killed the thread and made his own
wait never mind, I should probably look through the options before posting
holy shit
now that is autism
Wow I have never seen Mag do that. Is this an old webm? was it nerfed already?
Non TQ thread
>made his own
>Tierqueer Filters: git.io
It's ok when Mesa does it but Mag is haram and bullied constantly
Deluxe skin never
Would both of you faggots just fuck off and choke down each other's cock already? Nobody has time for this garbage.
no its simulacrum
no it still works
mag's shit tho
that webm is an example of simulacrum testing sucks
it doesn't matter /vp/ raid killed all off Veeky Forums for awhile and tq made it worse of us. enjoy these painfully slow threads
Tfw Tiberon Critatta makes my Tiberon the STRONGEST crit rifle
Why are riveny so broken?
At least Boltor/Soma meta was broken.
>I have no idea how post cooldown works: the post
Don't care fuck off.
Shut up TQ everyone knows you used 2 PCs
Also kys
the paranoia is real
"At night, this is when even the Grineer flee. This is. what we want to be, some of the hardest content in Warframe. At night, the Plain comes alive with massive, five-story high monstrosities that ascend from the water and roam the landscape in search of Warframes to destroy and consume. Where before you've battled one against many, these Eidolons will require a sustained, coordinated team approach if you have any hope of bringing one down at all."
They're going to fuck it up, aren't they?
Does not posting shitty anime pics cause you physical pain?
0% of them pulling it off
It's DE, of course they will.
Still looking forward to hunting them down, i have a thing for huge enemies.
>5% base
>20% crit
>strongest crit weapon
Hey, just post the fucking stats, I want a laugh.
ok I guess we're posting here, it's fucked either way
anyone have shots from 10ocon where they were still promoting the "ninjas play free" bullshit? felt like a real insult at this point
Do you not play for free?
You know you don't have to buy plat, you can just trade shit to other players for plat.
What the fuck do you need to be competent in sorties? Jesus fuck I'm doing so little damage I might as well have negative damage. My tigris feels like a lato for fuck's sake.
Fuck you meta fag, Tiberon's a beast.
What type of mission are you talking about at the moment? At some sorties you may deal 0 damage, and still be most useful.
it's not the free part, it's the ninjas part that pisses me off, because I'm still trying to cling to my tenchufag roots in spite of what the game has become
Aim for the heads, don't use a slash weapon aginst Grineer especially the elites.
Corpus is easier though, if you're still having a tough time get Aklex Prime.
Well everything that needs to kill enemies at some point, of course the mobile defense today apparently can be cheesed by frost/limbo/some other frame without killing more than a few enemies, but I mean I was looking at damage numbers and it was something like 20 or 30, I guess it's per bullet/pellet on the tigris but damn that's like 1/20th of their HP. Hell, yesterday's lephantis I couldn't have done it without that one guy doing 80%+ damage, or maybe if I had spent 2h solo, if I was able to avoid the toxic clouds for 2h that is.
Even aiming for the head, I remember the spy mission I did alone thank god, enemies were like, 55 or 60? Even aiming the head of Drekkars it took more than 10 fucking hits from the tigris to down them, I'm not kidding. It has something like 12k damage with blast being something like 60%, so maybe I should look at the codex to see if they are not resistant to it, but even the most fragile enemies like the grapplers or shields took too long for my taste. Sure, I don't have primed mods, and my serration or shorgun equivalent is only at lvl7, but still I don't see how I could be doing at least three or four times the damage to be more efficient. Even 3x or 4x doesn't seem enough for lvl 100 enemies, so I guess it's all about the red crit memes or some other meta I'm not aware of. Or I'm bad, could be that too.
Post Tigris build
Kinda new
Should I max out corrupted mods?
>red crit memes
uh no
redcrits don't mean anything
your damage sucked because your build sucked
0w0 what's this?
>all these frost shamming screencaps
>mean while the person taking the screenshots aren't doing anything themselves
clock work
Why are most Frost players so retarded?
>t. Frost
Is it possible to make Oberon Prime look good or should I just stick to the Deluxe skin?
it takes one button press for a screenshot you literal monkey
>relays has a navigation room with a loadout kiosk
Why aren't relays the place to form groups map runs?
Why isn't there a fucking notice board in these relays to find groups instead of this chat spamming bullshit?
← so stupid might as well call him TQ
>TQ is trying this hard to keep his thread bumped
Almost as sad as when the PS4 tripfag made the threads himself
>frost mains are this retarded
enough tq just post mirage's ass already
Most players are retarded, period. It's just that with most other frames you don't get a 30-foot sphere you cant shoot into plopped in the middle of the map to remind you of that.
When did he finally fuck off? I took a break around the Pacifism Defect event
wait wait it was the physical FREESWORD heat sword poster somewhere, anyone have a picture of that?
player hubs are this weird shoehorned in design antique, I'm sure steverino et al imagined them being used for just that but there are too many reasons not to (mostly lag, and lack of access to full set of player gear/crafting/customizations though this has improved) and so we're left with this divide where only a few crucial side functions are stuck in the relay and everything important is done from the player ship
erp with me
the prime armor pads look good on his deluxe
>no abilties active for a duration vauban
really makes you think
no point in making a new thread and it does look like wfg doesn't want to post in here for that exact reason. so enjoy a slow thread with a single person constantly samefagging himself.
the filters are in the op.
its a heatsword
He's still here in Veeky Forums he just doesn't play Warframe currently, when PoE hits consoles he'll be shitting this place up in full force.
>go to akkad
>drop max range globes on all paths coming into defense target
>Hilarity ensues
In order to have the problem fixed, we must become the problem.
i purposely go to akkad with frost just to fuck with people.
only for 15p per character and if you pay upfront
>its a heatsword
yes? what are you talking about?
man im getting really tired of this 'invisible aoe damage of death' shit.
the fuck is happening in that webm
lanka x mag shenanigans
>He's only a Silver Dragon
the same shit that's been happening for over a year, one shitter trying to force his builds and play based on subjective and often factually incorrect conclusions onto other people
man you've got some serious blinders on
just stop
>>>no abilties active for a duration vauban
>really makes you think
I finally got him 2 days ago and he has no reactor.
>Played PC version since Alpha.
>Played Console version for a little over a Month.
N-no bully
you don't even have A power active though. atleast contribute yourself before you shamming others.
>puts it in the op for the purpose of misleading players
>serious blinders on
>thicc megan butt
>IRC 199X
>14 years old
>Find a 16 year old girl that is in to me
>things get hot over chat
>repeat every night for a week
>drift away after
>look back fondly on NOT_A_DUDE_1998 16/F/CA
You should go outside
>>you don't even have A power active though. atleast contribute yourself before you shamming others.
Right, next time I'm playing Vauban and I see some Frost shitters I'll throw up a shock grenade just for you.
>incorrect conclusions
>misleading players
>mogamu sees this
>beats this nigger to the ground for stealing his girl
Is Lanka good? Is Snipetron better?
>being able to beat up anyone
top jej
the only nigger mogamu is beating is his lil nigger down there
w-what wrong with snipetron
Got room in Warbros for me? I've been playing more than usual the last few days.
IGN TyrantNihilo
Warframe is very red.
Warframe isn't dead.
Warframe is fluid and fast.
Warframe is a big blast.
It's shit
Yeah we have room, not for you though
Curious, how are my stats
>questioning the might of nigger strength
what's wrong
solar map progress