/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

MORE POWER edition
previous ded: (embed)

The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/

WebM for physicians:

List of currently known and vaguely not dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.
>Hearthstone, found in the hearthstone general, /hsg/, not in this general
>Shadowverse, found in the shadowverse general, /svg/, not in this general
>Crossout, found in the robocraft general, /rcg/, not in this general

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s

Warbros Serb is back online, open to pubbies

Other urls found in this thread:


>Archived without even hitting the bump limit
Truly we are /ded/

Older thread by 4 seconds

This thread has Crossout in both places, therefore it's the legitimate one

sorry bout that, made it and then saw there was another right after

>crossout posting dies down
>thread dies as well

It was a big raid, a lot of deleted threads. Happened on /v/ too apparently.
Scene reconstruction analysis and witnesses point to /vp/

something happened, all the threads I follow died

all the threads i follow died as well except /utg/

it's apparently a furfag from /vp/ and 2^Veeky Forums with a botnet army spamming all the boards

>Out doing shit for two hours to buy a car
>Come back to ded thred
Really waters my walnuts

Veeky Forums and /v/ both got hit by a furfag nuke


RIP simspeed

what the fuck was that

furfag bought a Veeky Forums pass, used a bot to spam Veeky Forums with furfaggotry threads.

No, it's not a pass, he's got some way around captcha.
Botnet army too for mass ban evasion.


why go fast when u can spin fast

other thread suggests /egg/ may be getting autosaged
I don't know how I feel about this. /egg/ has been shit lately.

no he was being a shitter and not seeing the furry spam, many threads were blown off the board by just the overflow of furry shit

the other thread is homosexual and should not be visited

/v/ and Veeky Forums got hit by a furfag spammer of yore who moot failed to banish

Fug. I had posted and noticed that the page number at the footer had moved from 6 when I posted to 7 after getting to replies, I was worried we were legitimately dead for a minute.

I mean, /egg/ has been fucked lately, but I wouldn't say it's been so bad to deserve getting kicked off the board.

Were they at least any good? Probably not if /vp/ did it, I'm not into Jamaican proctologist stuff

Can you add passive melee parts on the sides so you can spin through people to be the Beyblade of your dreams?

finished the back

Nice build, but wrong general.

That's cool and all but, uh, what happened to /mcg/?

here's the front

>wrong general
Fuck off. Cool build if it actually has an interior, though

I'm going to take a wiiiiild guess here, and say that the Mexican scam artist game rhymes with Gerbil Face Slowjam, which would make sense because thats some fuckin' engineering right there.

Whats wrong with it? I'm new at Veeky Forums. Explain your meme

Is Wurm /egg/???

Fuck off faggot.

It's banned from Veeky Forums
That's all you need to know.

my other builds have interiors

this one doesn't have one yet

just finished the exterior

pic related is the library of the building on the right

Shitposters fucked it into oblivion and now the only board it's allowed on is and either nobody is willing to go there or nobody knows to go there.

Remember to report and hide unwanted posts.

>Games that are definitely not /egg/:
Please fuck off.

>has a library
>can't read

That feel.

Fuckers never put proper books in the game.

That really sucks, Ive been on /v/ this whole time and as much of a pain in the ass the game can be, Ill refrain from asking/speaking about it now.

But I do want to get a hold of Space Engineers, and Beam.ng. Those look dope.

i just ignored it

>>>Veeky Forumsrules/1
>This board is for the posting of video game "general" threads, which are long-term, recurring threads about a specific topic.
>specific topic
Minecraft is specifically not on topic, please read the rules before posting.

I do have a question about Garry's mod, though.
I dont remember the name, but I couldnt build anything because the snap mod did jack shit for objects. I cant find any good mods to line up my builds and it makes it impossoble to get anything done.

What's the essential mod list? If that's too much, point me in the right direction.

go back to whatever traditional style forum you crawled out of

you can't even beat shenzen i/o

I never survive on FtD adventure, how do I git gud?

is there ever going to be something that can compete with spengies made by actually competent devs

how does a general this slow always have this much drama and shitposting going on such a consistent basis

Because the relevant games are dead and the popular games are shit, and the rest of the related games aren't allowed.

The general itself doesn't.
Outside parties keep fucking it up.
The tripnigger is a furfag from /mcg/ and /wowg/
Most of the other drama is caused by /hsg/ and kerbniggers.



gas marek



Have you got it working yet?



now make a neural map of a spider's brain and make it the AI of that

make a webm of it moving

kind of, manually re-positiond the legs, havent tried using abc blocks yet, and i dont think the result would be very effective. also note the numbers and letters on it, to assist with anyone trying to set up/program leg operation.

notably friction is gonna be awkward, since it isnt properly programed for the terrain.

im planning on having it under lua control, as this will save space in the joints, although i dont know lua myself, i have a programming buddy that does, and is totaly into helping make metal gears.

sadly cant, although ive made room in the joints for ABC blocks, i haven actually put any in, its still honestly just a prof of concept, and i manualy went to each spinblock to rotate them.

but im gonna have help with that part.

>tfw you join them
>tfw you then leave them all behind
>still unironically falling as I post this
devs didn't code in any safeguards for falling infinitely apparently

they are not to fit to even look at a god

i thought the storm was vertically infinite, also im suprised they never put in a boundary box in any maps, just as a precaution for glitches and this

But can it CLANG?

theree is a 4 step or a 2 step cycle.

hopefully not, although if i freez it in place and rotate a limb through the ground, it would likely shoot into the air.

another thing i noticed is that it seems a tad light relative to the force exerted by the unpowerd spin blocks, another aspect that needs testing.

none yet, i still need to check how ftd handles something trying to actively walk, and have been hesitant to make any more progress on development as it utilizes a mod for the sb on sb joints, and i have heard a major update is right around the corner

spengos for example wont like the yaw movement since when they 3 of them deals with the whole weight when advancing, and torsion forces invokes Clang, unless you overcomplicate a combination of 2 axis to adapt to many surfaces you can land on.

Probably not any time soon.

A publisher isn't going to finance an /egg/ game because there's too much uncertainty. Established devs won't do Early Access because there's no guarantee you'll get paid at the end of the month. Which just leaves wannabe devs like Keen who simply aren't capable of something that complex.

Eventually, all of the necessary features (highly-generalised physics, large-scale mutable voxel terrain) will get incorporated into mainstream game engines and something like SE will require little more than a UI and a library of blocks.

hmm, that has been on my mind, fortunately ftd dosnt have any sort of "physics stress" for spinblocks or sub constructs, so self induced clanging is unlikely, as long as the only parts of the legd that touch the ground are immune to collision damage, like rubber blocks or rams, the construct shouldent be able to cripple itself.

reminder machinecraft is best /egg/

What's /colonize/ and where can I sign up?

/egg/ anons got bored with the ded /egg/ serb and have migrated to a not /egg/ server named after that syfy show they shitpost about

I'll work on that after I get another equalizer.

If you have some control over the friction values you solve some FUCK LEG STUCK situtations, but asides from that you have some pretty good legs, crab would be more doable too.

you explode at the world limit
it's a few minutes of falling

>Minecraft posting tripfags
Why is it that most of the traffic consists of people who play games which have nothing to do with /egg/?

I blame the jews

besiege multiplayer when

Why the fuck was that idiotic tripfag even posting here? What could cause you to interrupt a general like this, and then ignore completely the reactions?

I blame you. Yes, (You), for not playing /colonize/.

it was a furfag
a furfag who happened to know the furfag responsible for nuking the boards

>you have no earned enough reputation

forgot image

just joined, noone is online

who here /cute/?


>mfw its useless

molassesfats is


I should do that, my PC is rarely below 70C


Somebody start talking about meta materials

After a quick google metamaterials seems to be a very broad and complex topic bridging many fields of engineering.
I don't think one person can really discuss it knowledgeably, though I could be wrong.

Post Factorio

I want Graphene and Graphegel in ChoDE, self healing materials too.

sadly no
there's no way mainstream would get even close to having newtonian physics or anything realistic, they have to make them "mor cinematique"
+ even though the manpower and budget is great most big devs/publishers have less and less talent onboard. Honestly they could hire pajeets right now and you wouldn't see a differece

I came to a conclusion recently that true face of the bus is another spaghetti

If you can tie it all to a ceiling fan you may even achieve supreme airflow. Just needs an extra long power cable and a solid state drive.

Self healing materials aren't realistic. Grapehene is overrated


so what are the recommended mods for factorio?

bob's and angel's