Final Fantasy General DCXLIV - /ffg/

I hope this is the right thread number edition

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Stormblood Trailer


>Final Fantasy Record Keeper
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>Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
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Final Fantasy Tactics is shit


This wasn't too bad at all, ended up bringing Locke BSB as my RW. Gonna do the A+ tomorrow when that RW comes around again.

And what the fuck just happened to the previous thread? Thanks for getting us up and running again so soon OP, you're a bro.

What the hell happened to Veeky Forums this time?

/vp/ spergout

Also, is this FF enough for you guys?


/vp/ did pulled a Ghestalian invasion

I knew peace for 11 minutes
then the nightmare began again

Fucking Void man.
Anyways, CG Jake reminds me of old snake

Wait, did the porn raids that were shutting down generals on /vp/ spread here?

No they took the drumline out of the Decisive Battle. Fuck them.

Lid is cute!

I for one would like to see Jake voiced by phlegmy David Hayter.

Today they did.

kek I took refuge in /mbgg/. I thought we had it bad but over there it's like gambling addicts for lonely neets

Wait why doesn't Dustia give me exp? The trick still works right?

Friend suggested I just reroll for Orlandu, is this good enough to start playing with? I used the 10+1 and the free 5 tickets.


Without a dual wield you're fucked.

Yes that's incredibly good. Orlandeau is bascially the best physical attacker in the game, Refia is one of the best healers and Rikku is a near indispensable support. Nice going, keep that shit.

>Cecil enhancements
>When Wol exists
For what purpose?

everything but bosses should be giving you EXP

Orlandeau just got powercreeped by Ashe my dude. You're friend is either retarded or fucking with you

>Onion Knight BSB got buffed with the new JP update
>the animation plays twice as fast now

also for the user last thread: the daily dungeons are 2 stages, 50 stamina each for the highest level and are focused on one orb only. Magic pots give crystals now

Holy shit Luneth and DKC enhancements. It's about time.

Now he's spamming /v/


That's a shit lie.

Who do I look out for for dual wield?

Is that true? I can still save crystals for a free 5*. Or should I keep rerolling?

No, Orlandeau is still amazing. The guy saying Ashe powercreeps him is trying to trick you. You seriously won't get a better starting roll than that unless you reroll another thousand times.

Zidane (and Gilgamesh as a base 5 star) have dual wield. And yes keep that account, it's far far better than what I started out with and once you pull a tank you're pretty much good to go.

>cloud of darkness
>crystal tower and xande
>numerous ffvi bosses and enemies
tfw XIV feels more like a FF game than XV did

If only it wasn't all mmo bullshit with no plot.

For reference this is what I gave up

Yeah your reroll is much better than that. Nice going.

>has one of the better plots in the series
>"no plot"

Describe XIV's plot to me. Succinctly, please.

wait, what? That;s awesome but what?

Why would you make the game so uninteresting by dustia farming this early on. What the fuck.

Farming heroic badges for gear.

>he hasn't heard of Google rewards
God it must suck to be a dumb cuck, but a dumb Reddit cuck? I'd probably kill myself

>that whole scene wasted and pointless due to them both surviving
What a shame. It was such a good one.

fuck i need d.finna back in my arena team asap, this week really is shit

Yeah, but they really couldn't off her so quickly like that. They've got to milk her.

I guess so. Just her baiting them to stay and die with her potentially fake sobstory in the hopes the castle would crumble on us too, pumping goesetsu full of lead. I can't remember someone being so unapologetically evil in this game.

So is the DU tonight or later this week?

All the XIV collabs in BE and RK were a mistake. Now we have MMOcucks barging in here thinking they're in good company.

Agrias Oaks


Your opinion is null and void.

>They've got to milk her.

t. MMOcuck

tonight along with LD. im a couple of updates behind so i have alot of catching up to do.

A buddy gave me a pretty stacked account, and with all these trust moogles that are coming soon I know I need to level a TMR for a character, I have Gilgamesh and his TMR seems highly rated on the wiki, should I just dump them all into him to get his and ignore everything else? Or are there other characters worth taking over Genji Glove or whatever? I have Orlandeau, Noctis, and Fryevia as well.

>Exdeath in XIV

Shame I am not too fond of MMOs, because thats pretty cool.


The plot is your basic bread and butter warrior of light having to fight evils to keep the world safe for you and your friends. Like any other final fantasy, there's more to it than that, but that's the basic gist of things.
That said, the world building is pretty phenomenal, even if they built it from a ton of references, (like Doma, or the entire Empire being reminiscent of the Ghestalan Empire) - they've flushed out countries, they've flushed out the origins of magics, the summons, and technology. They've even got writing devoted to how the units of measurements in the game were formed.

Wasn't them beating a raid supposed to give Artisan Lid to all GL players? But we get cucked because they couldn't get the WiFi set up right?

Good reroll, you're free now. You'll get a source of dual wield eventually

Any point buying the XII remake?
I can emulate the zodiac version with the English voice and text patch

Genji Glove is easily the best TMR in the game, get it ASAP. I'd get Fryevia's Needle second.

They add a bunch of content, rebalance some shit, let you dualclass, and let you use more than one spell a turn.

nip voices if you like that
4x speed boost (more than what the IZJS had)
remade music i guess
the screen can handle more animations so your characters dont get stuck having a spell ready but cant cast it since the internal queue doesn't get clogged up

Even a third Genji Glove is more valuable than a first of any other TM.
It is THE ultimate TMR, even in JP. Because it doesn't take up a material slot, even most support units want one.

I guess I'll pick it up in a year or so.

That's still not F2P

Emulated izjs can do WAY more than 4x, just for the record

>pay zero money
>"that not REAL f2p"

the 4x is the one im not sure about, ive heard 8x as well, and some say 4x, but not entirely sure myself


>play the free game using free gems to get free stuff occasionally
>not free to play

Threadly reminder that Vayne Solidor did nothing wrong.

i once saw vayne run down the street chasing a penny that someone dropped
Also he was the one who shut the thread down early so i dont trust him anyways, or his big nose

And what did he do right?

Whatever amount it is, emulation has it beat. You are limited only by your computer as far as speedup goes.
And that's on top of the normal speedup.


Also, is it worth buying the 100 energy bundle every day? I'm not really too sure how generous this game is with currency.

Anyone up for some Ult/Apoc raids? Got a room up.

Do not imply such ridiculous and incorrect things, and the True Hero does not resemble a Jew in any way. His nose is stately and stringing, and works well with the rest of his features, and is really isn't particular large anyways.

Everything user, we've been through this before.

Do not spend lapis on bundles unless they're very very good. That particular bundle isn't even the best way to get NRG for lapis.
Buy the ones that cost gil are fine.


I guess I can wander in if you want.
feel free to make ability change requests, I haven't done this with pubs yet so I'm not sure what works best.

>game so boring you have to speed boost through 90% of it

suck my cock dude

>vayne's nose is stringing
ew gross

Should be fine. I've got Protectga/Shellga from Vanille's USB, so Larsa can stick with heals and the Juden seems fine as is.

Opening to pubs in a few.

stupid dumb phoneposting scum, etc.

hmm...fair point, guess its up to whos willing to re buy it then, or buy it for the first time,like i am. I like the smoother menus and increased (or some have said its been removed entirely) internal queue thing, dont know what ts called or how to reference it, along with thwe fact that my only real gaming thing atm is my ps4, been meaning to get my cpu fixed but just havent bothered yet. Laptop im currently using barely runs the emulators okayish so i know it wont handle anything more than Nox, memu, or a gba and psp emulator
>implying a speedup function isnt a good thing in an rpg

I can join in about 5 minutes

oh right, that's what it does.
Would breakdowns be better than heals? Larsa's BSB is pretty good for heals on its own.
Also the True Hero does not resemble a jew in any way.

>free gems
No such thing, cuck

For sure.

well, apparently we've got breakdowns covered.

Fuck, just missed out on the MP raid

>he doesn't play on android
Even barring that, RK gives out free gems all the time.
If you quit the game for a long time, for example, they give you 500 just to come back.

me too, saw the room, clicked on it
>room is full

Not buying the whole "He doesnt look like a jew" thing man

>rpg combat is so dull and uninspired you literally want to skip it

Who the fuck are you calling a cuck, cuck? You don't know how to get literally free gems aand then whine on Veeky Forums about reddit posts. Classic, unironic, cuckery.

How is he supposed to look jewish at all? None of his features resemble that of the jews in any way. Just having a larger than average nose does not make one jewish user, especially when the shape is nowhere near the same.