/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World revealed for PS4 and Xbox One early 2018, and eventually PC. youtube.com/watch?v=xe-RAeDfOMM
↳Information with sources: pastebin.com/TRFRGFn1
↳Gameplay 7/6: youtube.com/watch?v=zNfK-YqLUbU

-Monster Hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. confirmed for 8/25 in Japan, region free. youtube.com/watch?v=CvzTD_RYDXsd
↳No current plans for XX localization "at this time". twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/875133030326652928
-Monster Hunter Stories due for a 9/8 release in EU, Q4 NA.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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I love Hanako!

Is it over?


So what I could gather is that some furfag from /vp/ has been spamming the board for days with furry porn using bots causing it to be wiped multiple times.
He wants people to join his discord and do ERP with him.

Now he spammed Veeky Forums for some reason and wiped quite a few other generals off the board. More proof that furfags and discord are cancer.



gen 1 was the best

It's happening to /v/ right now if anyone wants to see it.

Starting a new file with a friend and I helped him grind up a new armor set before we called it quits for the day. Anyone want to come help stomp some LR Zamtrios on this alt character so I'll be caught up before we play next time?

Good to know I'm not the only one seeing this

wat gaeym


Why is tidal najarala a G1 monster but shrouded nerscylla G2? Nerscylla is way easier.

Shit, my bad. BigGame4U



Am I the only one uncomfortable by seeing all those damage numbers around?

What do you have against Volvidon?

I want to fight a giant Arzuros type enemy. The other two "mammal" monsters suck dick because they are too gimmicky.

>last thread got archived just with 171 replies
Man, what a dead game.

Teo girls are cute

they can be removed, so it should be all good


Diablos, Rathian and Rathalos really are the only monsters worth salvaging from gen 1.

Whays the likelihood of getting rusted and ancient weapons from shards again? I just started double x after stopping with mhp3rd years ago

Went on like 12 run in the volcano for dragonites and only got rustshards and half of them. They all turned into shit base weapons

I'm actually hoping Diablos does return, with all of it's crazy gimmicks and even more

don't like numbers user?

I was worried about this, thanks.

I'm looking forward for the PC version, i've been a little idle about recent news about MHW.

Oh, turning off numbers got confirmed? Cool. Got a source? Not doubting you or anything

Gooklag is too stronk m8. If MHXX got released in the west we would be back to the good old days of 4U

That was Bui's fault though.

Tri saved the series.



A lot of shitposting could be avoided if people actually read the OP

check the pastebin. Speaking of which, the info might need to be updated.

Also not everyone want to CFW their 3DS, or risk getting banned/already got banned.
I always see the same people online.

My bad. Thanks

>You can now click the thumbstick to run instead of holding a trigger

Fuck that, trigger makes way more sense. Clicking the stick feels awkward no matter the controller

agreed, I never really understood that kind of setup


is this the best ecology?


The ban meme is so fucking retarded. Even if you get banned it takes a minute to unban yourself.


>Control + F
>1 result that isn't helpful at all

So are we really stuck with them? Please god let it be optional

It looks strange to me, not used to seeing them hmmm.

you have to press a button to activate them

are you fucking stupid or just a shitposter?

Was hoping they were just some tutorial mechanic for single player or some shit but at least there's that

Why is nobody talking about this little rabbit thing? I think its the real highlight of the new gameplay


You HAVE to press a button many times on random places to activate them. And is people are correct, they might just be necessary if monsters actually dick around everywhere on the map. Still better than psychic bullshit imo.

>Was hoping they were just some tutorial mechanic for single player

u wot m8

Why the fuck would they show you tutorial UI in the demo. It probably gets deactivated in HR, not to mention you have to manually scan footprints and scratch marks in the environment for the flies to actually do anything. But you would know that if you watched the video instead of listening to shitters on Veeky Forums.

What rabbit user?

Thats what I keep saying, I don't know why people are bother by them. People who think they are too bright and distracting, now that's a criticism I can agree with, they kind of are too fucking huge.

Look under the "D"

I didn't even need scout flies for that

New "stunned by roar" animation looks neat

Agreed. Don't worry about it guys, MHWorld is going to be GREAT!!

There's no animation for the anjanath spines retracting. They kind of just shrink and disappear.

Ever fought Red Helm Arzuros?

quit spreading this false ban shit. just because one or 2 dipshits got banned for prob blatant cheating most likely doesn't mean anyone else is at risk.

There's some kind of light flash effect whenever you land a hit. Kind of weird unless its to enhance the effect of elemental weapons/blood if thats a thing/

if you're talking about the trogdor wings, I think they fold in and out

that garbage pocket minecraft run style....ew

I find it strange that knives still exist along the sling launcher. Probably so that BM doesn't overlap too much with gunner

Max potion icon looks weird

Nevermind, it looks like the knives do get launched from the slinger. Also those little raptor guys look cute. Maybe bombs and tranqs also get launched in this way.

I sure hope R3 is a toggle instead of having the hold it while you also move the stick to select the item. That'd be an absolute pain in the ass.

when im done meme'n GS imma play me some LS

whoa epic!! we must dig deeper!! This stuff is absolutely riveting!! light flashes? could they be UFOs or just weather balloons?!?!?

If they followed how other games go about this, it should be in the options to toggle . "Press "X" to toggle sprint,

Scarring from damage. Makes a good indicator for part breakage I guess.

whats that even supposed to be?

jesus get off Veeky Forums and actually go watch some decent youtubers talk about MHW, you startin to fall for all the meme shit on here.

This vignette lets you know when the monster is bucking. Honestly, it feels kind of distracting but at least its obvious. Those big button prompts can fuck right off though.

Its from the item wheel.

This, go watch some gaijinhunter. He is unbiased

Three vigorwasps dancing in harmony.

This little flash right here worries me. It appears periodically. Almost as if sharpness regens over time. It's definitely not enough to be noticeable in a fight but I'll keep an eye on it to see if I'm just imagining things.

I'm pretty sure that's just aesthetics, the bar does whittle down as the weapon's being used. That being siad, I'm sure if it were a self sharpening weapon or Skill the gauge would be automatically filled. Just assumptions.

Anji sniffing some berries. More ecology shit. It doesn't look like the sharpness is going up on it's own, at least not to my eye. Also the monster indicator on the bottom left definitely does not show HP

not necessarily HP, but it does show when the monster is close to death. Basically, the blue line acting as the monster's pulse

I don't even know what's going on here. I think he might be smelling the meat the hunter tossed up there? It would make sense since the tail just got cut off and he was recovering before this specific encounter.

*insert justification and damage control here*

Okay so it looks like you can queue 2 items in the different "quick select" menus. He slotted the mantle a while ago but is choosing to use it now. all the while his potion remains in the item slot. Pretty versatile. Also it looks like you're unable to put down more than one raw meat in a given area.

lol, I'm just trying to help the user out. Honestly, I'm hoping that MHW doesn't fuck this series up or else I'll be wasting cash on a PS4 (kinda).

Don't worry, we gamers will make MHW an astounding success like Bloodborne and Nioh

This little menu shows up from time to time. It's probably some kind of monster log that you can fill up by doing shit in the world. I like secondary completion tasks so this should be fun. Mysterious point counter is probably for village shit.

You don't have a PC for it to run it?

Isn't that the level meter for scout flies?


There's no actual model of a bug or anything, just this floating prompt. Obviously for Kinsect. It's kinda neat you can see what kind of bug it is before gathering it.

my laptop is kinda trash, I tried running Dolphin on the damn thing and got 3-15fps maybe it's all the porn taking up my hard drive space. I'd consider making one but right now I'm more interested in having a current-gen console.

I will be pretty surprised if they're going to add a gory texture like this for cut tails and not put in blood.

Kind of hard to show it but as the hunter does this radical wallrun, the tree drops some vines. Just cosmetic environmental effects to add flair I supposed

Well user, if you save up you can get a really cheap pre build pc, we're a few months away for black friday and all that discount sales, but it's your choice. You have plenty of time left.

Okay so it looks like you can hold the camera lock button for continuous tracking. The hunter sometimes flashes when he gets hit, and I can't figure out what it's from. My first guess is "Blessing" but he doesn't have that skill equipped.

Also if you dont think pic related is the cutest shit you can get outta my face.

I hear you user, but personally, I'll stick with PS4 this time. Plus, I'd prefer to have a physical copy of the game rather than a digital one.

This mantle gives you a shit ton of skills

What happens if you use a Rathalos Mantle?

>fighting chamelos for the first time in FU
>empty all my ammo into its head nonstop with 0 resistance, stagger it like 30 times
>turns out it's scripted to flee after 25 minutes regardless of how much damage you do

Simply epic.

>Monster is stunned/KOed
>Spergs like a fuck
The only time they actually stay still is when they're stunned in a Pitfall Trap


your not strong enough to kill it in 1 hunt it'll atleast be weaker next time you fight it

I wonder what this is.

No, if you don't do enough damage you fail the quest I believe. Also it is possible to kill it, and if you can't and by chance a new quest with it pops up immediately after, all damage you did will be carried over.